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Consumer Behavior

Prof. Shashikant Pawar

Unit 5: Consumer Learning
• Elements of Learning
• Learning theories
• Cognitive Learning
Consumer Learning
Learning is a process by which
individuals acquire the purchase
and consumption knowledge and
experience that they apply to
future related behavior
Consumer Learning
• Marketers are concerned with consumer
learning because they are interested in
teaching them about products,
attributes, benefits, how to use, how to
maintain, where to buy from etc
• Marketers want their communication to
be noted, believed, remembered and
Consumer Learning
• Repeating advertising message about brand
and their benefits
• Rewarding people for purchase behavior by
selling products that provide super benefits
• Getting consumers to make associations with
brand and various products offered under the
• Developing brand loyalty
Elements of Learning
1. Motivation
2. Cues
3. Response
4. Reinforcement
• Unfulfilled needs lead to motivation
which spurs learning
• Uncovering consumer motives is
prime task of marketers
• They try to teach motivated
consumer segments why and how
their products will fulfill the needs
• Cues are stimuli that direct motives
• Price, styling, packaging, advertising
store display serve as cues
• Telecalling, bulk messaging also
serve as cues
• Cues need to be consistent with
customer expectations
• How individuals react to a drive or
• How they behave constitute their
• Learning can occur even when
responses are not overt?
• Reinforcement increases the likelihood
that a specific response will occur in the
future as a result of particular cue
• If a consumer is rewarded by enjoying a
product or service he/she has learned to
associate the purchase with a pleasant
feeling and therefore likely to repeat the
behavior and become loyal customer
Behavioral Learning Theories
They are referred to as stimulus-response learning.
When a person acts(responds) in a predictable
way to a known stimulus, he/ she is said to have
1. Classical Conditioning
2. Instrumental (operand) conditioning
3. Modeling/ observational learning
Classical conditioning
• Ivan Pavlov and study with dogs
Unconditional Stimulus
(Meat Paste) Unconditional
Conditional Stimulus (Salivation)
After Repeatition
Conditional Stimulus Unconditional Response
(Bell) (Salivation)
Strategic applications
• Repeatition
• Stimulus generalisation
• Stimulus discrimination
• It increases the strength of association
between a CS and UCS
• Three hit theory: 3 repeatitions to make
aware, show relevence and remind benefits a
• With increasing competitive exposure
increased exposure is needed
• Lot of repeatition may lead to advt. weareout
• Wearout is overcome by bringing cosmetic
variations in advertisements
Stimulus generalisation
• Pavlov found that dogs salivated on listening
somewhat similar sound of jangling keys
• Making a same response to slightely different
stimuli is called generalisation
• Some me too products succeed in the
marketplace , consumers confuse them with
original products they have seen
• Application: Product line, form, category
extention, family branding, licensing
Stimulus discrimination
• It is opposite of stimulus generalisation
• Stimulus discrimination is selection of
specific stimulus from among similar
• Positioning helps create a differentiated
and unique image in the mind of the
Instrumental Conditioning
• F.B Skinner: experiments with animals
• Learning occurs through trial and error
• IC requirs link between stimuli and response
however stimulus that produces most
satisfactory response is the one that is learned
• A favourable experience is instrumental in
teaching the individual to repeat a specific
Strategic Applications
• Customer Satisfaction: In addition to
product / service customer should
receive satisfaction / reinforcement
from other elements, environment,
attention and service by staff,
amenities etc.
• Relationship Marketing:
• Shaping:
Little Wings
• Whether you are 6 or 66, onboard Kingfisher Airlines, your experience promises to be full of
delightful & unforgettable moments. Our little guests may be nervous initially but chances
are as soon as we take off they’ll soon be absorbed in the thrill of stretching their own little
A world of fun
• While relaxing in comfortable seats, our little guests can slip into a world of fun courtesy
cartoons and movies played on their personal in-flight entertainment system in Kingfisher
Class & First.
• Our interactive Little Wings activity magazine available on all classes of Kingfisher Airlines
takes the experience further and truly immerses our little guests into a fantasy world.
Created in association with Walt Disney, this magazine has something for everyone – Mickey
Mouse & Winnie the Pooh for the little ones and High School Musical, Pirates of the
Caribbean & Hannah Montana for all the adventurous teens on board.
• Of course with activities such as coloring pages, comic strips pull out posters, code cracking
games and trivia on beloved Disney Characters, there’s never a dull moment
Modelling or
Observational Learning
• Consumers often observe how others behave in
response to certain situation, the result that
occur and then they imitate ( model) the
• Role models are generally the people they admire
• Advertisers select models (celebraties/ unknown)
carefully to create a persuasive appeal
• Example: Dove uses upper middle class women
as their models whereas lux
Cognitive Learning Theories
• Learning based on mental activity is
called cognitive learning
• Learning takes place as a result of
consumer thinking and problem solving
• Learning involvs complex mental
processing of information
• Learning process involvs storage,
retaintion and retrieval of information

1. Sensory store
2. Short term store
3. Long term store
Sensory Store
• Each sense receives a piece of
information and transmits it to the brain
where a whole and single image is made
• This image lasts for just a second or two
• If not processed it is lost immediately
• Brain tags all perception as +ve or –ve
• Hence impression created in first micro
second tend to remain
Short term store
• Information is processed and held for
just a brief period
• If information in the short term store
undergoes the process known as
rehearsal (silent mental repeatition) it is
then transferred to long term store
• Transfer takes 2-10 seconds
• If not rehearsed it is lost in 30 seconds
Long term store
• After rehearsal data is stored in long
term storage by a process of encoding
• Encoding is a process by which we select
a word or visual image to represent
perceived image
• Learning a picture takes less time than
verbal information
Print ads with illustration and body copy is
more likely to be encoded and stored
Commercials and Learning
• Encoding commercials is related to the
context in which they are featured
• When viewers committ more cognitive
resources to the program itself they encode
and store less info from the commercial
• Highly involved viewers of a show respond
more positively to commercials played
adjacent to the show
• Info overload leads to difficulty in coding
• Information is constantly organised and
reorganised as new links between chunks of info
are forged
• Activation is a process of relating new data to old
data to make material mre meaningful
• Consumers are more likely to recall info they
receive on new products bearing familier name
• For a long term retention reinforcement and
repeatition is necessary

• Process by which we recover information from
long term storage
• Retrieval is most often triggered by cues
• Retrieval is quick if the brand is heavily advertised
or consumer has pleasant usage experience
• Memory is often emotional than rational
• Purchase decisions / preferences are often driven
by memory rather than current experience
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