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Naming and Classifying

Is a system of names and terms used in particular science
or art by an individual or community.
System of names used in a science as of anatomical struc-
tures or biological organisms.
Nomen means “name”; calator means “caller"

• Aristotle – a Greek philosopher

attempted to classify all living things
as either plant or animals.
Carl Linnaeus

A Swedish botanist known as the “Father of Taxonomy”. He

developed and established his naming system in 1735.

Binomial Nomenclature – refers to the way of referring to liv

ing things by two names.
- Genus (genera) > first name and always
- Specific epithet (species name) >
follows and is not
Scientific names originate from :
• Ex.
 Descriptive Staphylococcus aureus
 Scientist’s name
 Habitat Staphylo –bunch of grapes
Coccus – shaped like spheres
Aureus – Latin word for golden

Bacteria (bacterium)

• Single celled (unicellular)

• Prokaryotes
• Cell walls contain protein-
carbohydrate called
• Have flagella to help them move.
• Reproduce by binary fission.

• Consist of Prokaryotic cell

• Have cell membrane but lack of
• Often found in extreme

3 major groups
1. Methanogens
2. Extreme halophiles
3. Extreme thermophiles
• Eukaryotes
• Unicellular or multicellular
• Have cell walls composed
primarily of a substance called
• Reproduce sexually or asexually.
Protozoa (protozoan)
• Unicellular eukaryotic
• Move using pseudopods ,
flagella or cilia.
• Reproduce sexually or
Algae (alga)

• Photosynthetic eukaryotes
• Cell walls are composed of
carbohydrate called cellulose.
• Abundant in salt water and
freshwater, in soil and plants.
• Acellular
• Contains one type of nucleic
• Reproduce by using cellular
machinery of other
• Charles Darwin – natural selection responsible for the
similarities and differences among organisms.
• Taxonomy – putting organisms into category or taxa.
• Phylogeny or Systematics – evolutionary history of organisms.
• Taxa hierarchy reflects their evolutionary or phylogenetic

• Fungi were placed in their own Kingdom in 1959.

• 1937 the term prokaryote was introduced.
• 1968, Robert G.E. Murray proposed the Kingdom Prokaryotae.
• 1969, Robert H. Whittaker founded the five kingdom system.
• 1978. Two types of prokaryotic cells found and one type
of eukaryotic cell.
• 1978 : Carl R. Woese proposed elevating the three cell type to a level
above kingdom called domain.

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