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Manajemen Penyelenggaraan Jaringan


Network Management
Protocols and Application
Simple Network Management Protocol
What is SNMP?
 Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is a widely
used protocol designed to facilitate the management of
network devices from a central location. 
 SNMP designed originally for the management of devices
such as routers and switches, its usage has grown rapidly to
encompass the monitoring of nearly any electronic device
one can think of. 
 SNMP is now  used to monitor and manage television
broadcast studios, automated fare collection systems,
airborne military platforms, energy distribution systems,
emergency radio networks, and much more

Kanda Rachmat
Manajemen Penyelenggaraan Jaringan
Oktober 3
Semester Ganjil 2010-2011
Simple Network Management Protocol
 A framework for managing devices in an Internet
using TCP/IP.
 Provides a set of fundamental operations for
monitoring and maintaining an Internet.
 An application-level protocol allows it to monitor
devices made by different manufacturers installed on
different physical networks.

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SNMP Manager/Agent Model
 SNMP bekerja berdasarkan manager/agent model yang terdiri dari
manager, agent, database yang menyimpan informasi manajemen,
managed objects, dan network protocol.
 Manager menyediakan interface antara manusia (network manager)
dengan management system.
 Agent menyediakan interface antara manager dengan perangkat yang di-
 Manager dan agent menggunakan sebuah Management Information
Base (MIB) dengan perintah-perintah yang sederhana untuk pertukaran
 MIB berisi variabel-variabel individual dari dari setiap komponen
perangkat/sistem yang disusun dengan tree structure.

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Semester Ganjil 2010-2011
SNMP Manager/Agent Model

Management System Managed Element

Manager Agent
Network Protocol
Management Management
Database Database


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Semester Ganjil 2010-2011
Structure of SNMP-based Management
Display Station

SQL (Structured Query Language)
Server SNMP SNMP Mux
Agent SNMP SNMP Agent
A Wiring SNMP E
Hub Router Switch
Agent Agent Agent


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Semester Ganjil 2010-2011
SNMP Basic Ideas
 A manager checks an agent by requesting
information that reflects the behavior of the agent.
 A manager forces an agent to perform a task by
resetting values in the agent database.
 An agent contributes to the management process by
warning the manager of an unusual situation.

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Semester Ganjil 2010-2011
Some Typical Uses of SNMP
 Monitoring device performance
 Detecting device faults, or recovery from faults
 Collecting long term performance data
 Remote configuration of devices
 Remote device control

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Semester Ganjil 2010-2011
SNMP Architecture

 Manager
 Managed device
 Agent
 Management Information Base (MIB)

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Semester Ganjil 2010-2011
 A manager or management system is a separate entity that is
responsible to communicate with the SNMP agent
implemented network devices.
 This is typically a computer that is used to run one or more
network management systems
 Manager’s key functions:
o Queries agents
o Gets responses from agents
o Sets variables in agents
o Acknowledges asynchronous events from agents

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Managed Device
 A managed device or the network element is a part
of the network that requires some form of
monitoring and management e.g. routers, switches,
servers, workstations, printers, UPSs, etc..

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 The agent is a program that is packaged within the network
 Enabling the agent allows it to collect the management
information database from the device locally and makes it
available to the SNMP manager, when it is queried for.
 These agents could be standard (e.g. Net-SNMP) or specific to
a vendor (e.g. HP insight agent)
 SNMP agent’s key functions:
o Collects management information about its local environment
o Stores and retrieves management information as defined in the MIB.
o Signals an event to the manager.
o Acts as a gateway for some non–SNMP manageable network node

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Management Information Base (MIB)
 Every SNMP agent maintains an information database describing the
managed device parameters. The SNMP manager uses this database to
request the agent for specific information and further translates the
information as needed for the Network Management System (NMS). This
commonly shared database between the Agent and the Manager is called
Management Information Base (MIB).
 Typically these MIB contains standard set of statistical and control values
defined for hardware nodes on a network. SNMP also allows the
extension of these standard values with values specific to a particular
agent through the use of private MIBs.
 In short, MIB files are the set of questions that a SNMP Manager can ask
the agent. Agent collects these data locally and stores it, as defined in the
MIB. So, the SNMP Manager should be aware of these standard and
private questions for every type of agent

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Object Identifier (OID)
 Management Information Base (MIB) is a collection of Information for
managing network element. The MIBs comprises of managed objects
identified by the name Object Identifier (Object ID or OID). Each Identifier
is unique and denotes specific characteristics of a managed device. When
queried for, the return value of each identifier could be different e.g. Text,
Number, Counter, etc...
 There are two types of Managed Object or Object ID: Scalar and Tabular.
o Scalar Object define a single object instance
o E.g.: Device’s vendor name, the result can be only one.
o Tabular object defines multiple related object instance that are grouped
together in MIB tables
o E.g.: CPU utilization of a Quad Processor, this would give me a result for each
CPU separately, means there will be 4 results for that particular Object ID.

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Semester Ganjil 2010-2011
Structure of Management Information
 Structure and Identification of Management Information.
 The SMI defines the rules for how managed objects are
described and how management protocols may access these
 Functions:
o To name objects
o To define the type of data to be stored in an object
o To show how to encode data for transmission over the network
 SMI requires each managed object (router, variables in a
router, etc) has a unique name

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 Integer dot representation
 Name dot notation
 Example: 
 All objects managed by SNMP are given an object
identifier. The object identifier always start with

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 The first group defines the node administrator
o (1) for ISO
o (2) for CCITT
o (3) for the joint ISO-CCITT
 The second group for the ISO node administrator defines (3) for use
by other organization.
 The third group defines (6) for the use of the U.S. Department of
Defense (DoD).
 In the fourth group the DOD has not indicated how it will manage
its group, so the Internet community assumed (1) for its own.
 The fifth group was approved to be:
o (1) for the use of OSI directory in the Internet
o (2) for objects identification for management purposes
o (3) for objects identification for experimental purposes
o (4) for objects identification for private use

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Semester Ganjil 2010-2011
Approach to obtain information
There are two approaches for the
management system to obtain information
from SNMP
o Trap
o Polling

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 Traps are unrequested event reports are sent to a
management system by an SNMP agent process. A trap will
o Network device name
o Time the event happened
o Type of event
 When a trappable event occurs, a trap message is generated
by the agent and is sent to a trap destination (a specific,
configured network address).
 Many events can be configured to signal a trap, like a network
cable fault, failing NIC or hard drive, a ”general protection
fault”, or a power failure.
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SNMP Polling
 The network management system periodically queries the
network devices for information.
 The advantage is network the management system is in
control and knows the “big picture”.
 The disadvantage is the amount of delay from when the event
occurs to when it’s noticed.
 Short interval, network bandwidth is wasted
 Long interval, response to event is too slow

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SNMP Trap/Polling
 When an event occurs, the network device generates a simple
 The management system then polls the network device to get
the necessary information.
 The management system also does low frequency polling as a
backup to the trap.

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SNMP Operation
 Managers can be viewed as Clients; and Agents, as
Servers. The operations between Managers and
Agents are quite simple:
o “get” commands are sent by a Manager to an Agent to request data
values defined by a MIB. The Agent will respond with the requested
values. Closely related requests are “getnext” and “getbulk”.
o A Manager can also send “set” commands to an Agent. If the MIB
defines a data object as read-write, then the Agent will accept the
data value sent with the “set” command and process it appropriately
(store it or execute appropriate action).
o Agents will send unsolicited “traps” (alarms) to Managers to alert
them to important events.

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Types of SNMP Packets
 GetRequest
o Retrieves the value of a variable or a set of variables
 GetNextRequest
o Used to retrieve values of entries in a table
 GetBulkRequest
o Retrieves a large amount of data
o Used instead of multiple GetRequest and GetNextRequest.
 SetRequest
o Set (store) a value in a variable
 Response
o Response to GetRequest or GetNextRequest; contains values or variables requested.
 Trap
o Sent from agent to manager to report an event.
 InformRequest
o Sent from one manager to another remote manager to get a value of some value from
agents under control of the remote manager.
 Report
o Designed to report some type of errors between managers (not currently used)

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Types of MIB Modules
 Standard: These are the standard MIBs currently designed to
capture the core aspects of the particular technology.
 Experimental: Temporary and if achieves standardization then
it is placed in the standard module.
 Enterprise-specific: Vendor specific MIBs that provide
additional management capabilities for those features that
require it.

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Strengths of SNMP
 Widespread popularity
 Many standard MIBs available
 Agents have low impact on monitored system
 Well suited to monitoring
 Many products available

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Weaknesses of SNMP
 Not as comprehensive as some other protocols
 Not bandwidth efficient
 Complicated message encoding rules
 Security has been on on-going concern.  SNMPv3 was
developed in response to this issue.
 UDP, or other connectionless, protocol is used, which creates
issues regarding verification of operations:  Trap-Send
verification (did it really reach the Manager?); Verification
(success) of any “set” operation to an Agent.  However,
cleverly designed MIBs and Manager logic can overcome
these problems

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Management Network (TMN)
What is TMN?
 TMN is an acronym for Telecommunications Management
 TMN standards efforts generally refer to the functional
architecture model and interface specifications created and
supported by the International Telecommunictions Union -
Telecommu­nications Divsion (ITU- T) and other national and
international standards organizations
 The term “TMN” refers to a collection of systems that support
the management needs of network and service providers for
planning, provisioning, installing, maintaining, operating, and
administering telecommunications networks and services.

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TMN and Telecommunications Networks

Operator Operations Operations Operations
Workstation System System System

Data Communication Network

Network Network Network Network

Telecommunication Element Element Element Element
Telecommunications Network

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Basic Concept
 The basic concept behind a TMN is to provide an organized
architecture to enable various types of OSSs and/or
telecommunications equipment to work together for the
exchange of management information.
 In defining this concept, TMN standards bodies recognize that
many network and service providers have large
infrastructures of existing OSSs, networks, and equipment
already in place which must be accommodated within the
 The TMN functional architecture has been designed
intentionally to accommodate a broad range of operations
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OS and OSS
 An Operating System (OS) is software, consisting of programs
and data, that runs on computers and manages the computer
hardware and provides common services for efficient
execution of various application software
 The integrated entity of management software, operating
system and hardware is defined as Operations Support
System from the perspective of a telecommunications service

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TMN Functional Areas
Prinsip TMN adalah mengelompokkan fungsi manajemen ke dalam lima area
Configuration Management
Pengontrolan/pengendalian, identifikasi dan pengumpulan data dari, dan memberikan data
kepada network elements
Fault Management
Mendeteksi, mengisolasi, dan melakukan perbaikan atas ketidak normalan operasi jaringan
Performance Management
Mengevaluasi dan melaporkan perilaku perangkat sistem telekomunikasi dan efektivitas
network atau network elements
Accounting Management
Pengukuran penggunaan layanan jaringan dan menentukan besarnya biaya penggunaan
Security Management
Memfasilitasi pencegahan dan pendeteksian penggunaan ilegal terhadap sumberdaya dan
layanan jaringan, serta langkah-langkah preventive dan corrective terhadap upaya-upaya
security violation
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TMN Functional Layers
 TMN membedakan fungsionalitas
manajemen kedalam tingkatan- Business
tingkatan, dari yang terendah
berupa manajemen network Service
element, sampai yang tertinggi Management

berupa manajemen bisnis korporasi

 Tingkatan tersebut biasanya Management

direpresentasikan dalam bentuk

piramida yang terdiri dari: Element
o Business Management Layer (BML)
o Service Management Layer (SML)
o Network Management Layer (NML) Elements

o Element Management Layer (EML)

o Network Element (NE)

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Business Management Layer (BML)
 BML has responsibility for the total enterprise
 BML has the following principal roles:
o Supporting the decision-making process for the optimal
investment and use of new telecommunications resources
o Supporting the management of OA&M (Operations,
Administration and Maintenance) related budget
o Supporting the supply and demand of OA&M related
o Maintaining aggregate data about the total enterprise

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Service Management Layer (SML)
 Service management is concerned with, and responsible for, the contractual
aspects of services that are being provided to customers or available to potential
new customers.
 Some of the main functions of this layer are service order handling, complaint
handling and invoicing
 The service management layer has the following principal roles:
o Interfacing with customers and other administrators
o Interaction with service providers
o maintaining statistical data (e.g. QOS)
o interaction between services
o Interaction with BML and NML
 SML supported by service level agreements, performance logs, alarm logs,
resource usage distribution, workforce management, and reporting tools
 SML is responsible for all negotiations and resulting contractual agreements
between a (potential) customer and the service(s) offered to this customer

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Network Management Layer (NML)
 The network management layer has the responsibility for the
management of a network as supported by the element
management layer
 The network management layer has the following principal
o The control and coordination of the network view of all network
elements within its scope or domain
o The provision, cessation or modification of network capabilities for the
support of service to customers
o The maintenance of network capabilities
o Maintaining statistical, log and other data about the network and
interact with the service manager layer on performance, usage,
availability, etc.

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Element Management Layer (EML)
 The element management layer manages each network
element on an individual or group basis and supports an
abstraction of the functions provided by the network
management layer
 The element management layer has the following principal
o Control and coordination of a subset of network elements on an
individual NEF basis
o Control and coordination of a subset of network elements on
collective basis
o Maintaining statistical, log and other data about elements within its
scope of control

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TMN Protocol – CMIP
 Common Management Information Protocol (CMIP), an OSI protocol used
with the Common Management Information Services (CMIS), supports
information exchange between network management applications and
management agents.
 CMIS defines a system of network management information services.
CMIP supplies an interface that provides functions which maybe used to
support both ISO and user-defined management protocols
 CMIP uses an ISO reliable connection-oriented transport mechanism and
has built in security that supports access control, authorization and
security logs. The management information is exchanged between the
network management application and management agents thru managed
objects. Managed objects are a characteristic of a managed device that
can be monitored, modified or controlled and can be used to perform

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Network Management Based on the

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Common Management Information Service
Element (CMISE)
 Access to managed information in the managed objects is
provided by CMISE that uses CMIP to issue requests for
management services.
 The management services provided by CMIP/CMISE can be
organized into two distinct groups:
o management operation services, initiated by a manager to request
that an agent provide certain services or information
o notification services, used by the management agents to inform the
managers that some event or set of events have occurred.

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Definition of Service Elements
 Management operation services
o M-CREATE - Create an instance of a managed object
o M-DELETE - Delete an instance of a managed object
o M-GET - Request managed object attributes (for one object or a set of objects)
o M-CANCEL-GET - Cancel an outstanding GET request
o M-SET - Set managed object attributes
o M-ACTION - Request an action to be performed on a managed object
 Management notification services
o M-EVENT-REPORT - Send events occurring on managed objects

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Advantages of CMIP over SNMP
 CMIP variables not only relay information, but also can be
used to perform tasks. This is impossible under SNMP.
 CMIP is a safer system as it has built in security that supports
authorization, access control, and security logs.
 CMIP provides powerful capabilities that allow management
applications to accomplish more with a single request.
 CMIP provides better reporting of unusual network conditions

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Integrated Network

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 Managing a network involves a great variety of functions
o Monitoring devices in the network
o Service provisioning
o Diagnosing networking problems
o Planning for optimum network performance
o Detecting security breaches
o Assessing the impact of planned network maintenance on existing services
and customers
o Etc.
 This means that all management functionality need to be
provided in one holistic solution, as opposed to providing the
functionality in multiple, separate parts that essentially form
separate islands.

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Benefits of Integrated Management
 Management tasks do not rely on manual procedures and leave little to
 Integrated management systems reduce the need for training and
increase the pool of available personnel that can carry out operational
 Integrated management infrastructure facilitates management of the
management itself
 Integrated management infrastructure reduces or eliminates the need to
keep the same data redundantly in multiple locations
 Integrated management infrastructure helps reduce the management
load on the managed network
 Integrated management infrastructure makes it easier to have
management information available whenever and wherever it is needed

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Non-integrated Management

base Data
Planning Data base
Service Inventory
Equipment Inventory
Customer Inventory
Data Data Data
base Data
base base Data
base Data
base base
base base
Service Provisioning CRM

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Integrated Management

Integrated Management base

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Different Perspectives on
Management Integration Needs

The Equipment Vendor Perspective

The Enterprise Perspective
The Service Provider Perspective

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The Equipment Vendor Perspective

Integration Scope

Devices – Vendor A
Equipment Device Backup,
Provisioning Monitoring Restore

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The Enterprise Perspective
 The scope of integrated management becomes larger in the
case of a small to medium-size enterprise that needs to
manage a network that includes a wide range of different
types of devices from different vendors.
 In such environments, typically a variety of element
management systems (EMSs) are deployed, each addressing
the management needs for equipment of different vendors
and each used independently of one another

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The Enterprise Perspective

Integration Scope

End-to-End Network-level
Network Monitoring Element Management …....
Provisioning Administration

Devices – Vendor A Devices – Vendor B

Equipment Device Backup, Equipment Device Backup,
Provisioning Monitoring Restore ….. Provisioning Monitoring Restore …..

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The Service Provider Perspective
 Integrated management for service providers includes service
management and business management functionality.
 This means that the scope of management integration is no
longer just “horizontal”. Instead, the need for integration
becomes “vertical” as well.
 Horizontal integration:
o The same management functionality for increasing numbers of
managed devices and device types to be integrated
 Vertical integration:
o Integration of entirely categories and layers of management functions

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The Service Provider Perspective
Integration Scope

Customer Service-Order Company Inventory

Billing …....
Management Management Management

Services Services Service Level

Provisioning – Service A Provisioning – Service B Monitoring

Network Monitoring End-to-End Element Management
Administration …....
Any Vendor Provisioning Any Vendor
Any Vendor

Devices – Vendor A Devices – Vendor B

Equipment Device Backup, Equipment Device Backup,
Provisioning Monitoring Restore ….. Provisioning Monitoring Restore …..

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 “Network Management Standard”, Aiko Prass , University of Tweente, The Netherlands (
 “Introduction to SNMP”, Aiko Prass , University of Tweente, The Netherlands (
 “Network Management Lecture”, Prof. S. Gosh, Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering,
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur ((
 “SNMP Tutorial: An Introduction to SNMP “ (
 “SNMP Tutorial” (
 “Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)“ (
 “ITU-T Recommendation M.3010”
 “CMIP & CMIS” ( )
 “Communication Networks Management”, Second Edition – Kornel Terplan
 “Telecom Operations Management Solutions With NetExpert TM“ – Kornel Terplan
 “Network Management Fundamentals”, Alexander Clemm, Ph.D.

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