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(Legal Foundation & Professional
Code of Ethics)

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Did you know that…

- For every 100 Filipino children

who enters grade I,
- only 66 will finished grade VI,
- 60 will go to high school,
- 40 will graduate,
- 25 will go to college,
- 13 will complete a degree
- and only 1-2 will get a stable job
Legal Bases of Education in the
Philippines (Major Laws)
1987 Constitution of the Philippines

Education Act of 1982

Republic Act 4670- Magna Carta for

Public School Teachers
RA 7836 – Philippine Teachers
Professionalization Act of 1994

Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers

DEPED Memorandum and Circulars

CHED Memorandum and Circulars

Executive Orders
1987 Philippine Constitution
Article XIV - Education, Science, Technology, Arts, Culture
and Sports
Section 1. Ensures the right of all citizens to quality education at
all levels. The State shall take appropriate steps to make education
accessible to all.

Section 2 stipulates:
the establishment and maintenance of a complete
adequate and integrated system of education
relevant to the needs of the people and society.

free and compulsory public elementary education

free secondary education

scholarship grants and incentives

non-formal, informal
and indigenous learning system
R.A. 4670 Magna Carta of Public School Teachers
 Right to be informed of the charges
in writing
 Right to full access to the evidence
in the case
 Right to defend himself and be
defended by a representative of his
 Right to appeal to clearly designated

Right to a married couple, both of whom are school teacher,

to be employed in the same localities whenever possible.
Republic Act 4670
Magna Carta for Public School Teachers
Elementary school teachers
BEED graduates
LET passers
Secondary school teachers
BSE graduates
18 units in major subject
LET passer
1. Study Leave (Sabbatical Leave)
2. Indefinite Leave RETIREMENT
3. Maternity leave with pay for 60 days BENEFITS
4. Vacation leave with pay
5. Enjoy one range salary raise upon retirement.
Republic Act 4670
Magna Carta for Public School Teachers
Hours of Work and Remuneration
1. enjoy academic freedom in the discharge of
professional duties regarding teaching and classroom

2. enjoy free physical exam and medical treatment or


3. salary scale – gradual progression from a minimum

to a maximum salary by means of regular increments,
granted automatically every after 3 years

4. granting of cost of living allowance

5. additional compensation for service in excess of 6 hrs

of actual classroom teaching, hardship allowance and
automatic retirement promotion
Monetary and other Benefits
1. Basic salary based from the salary standardization law
2. Clothing Allowance – P4,000/yr
3. Productivity Pay – P2,000/yr
4. Proportional Vacation Pay – salary for April and May
5. 13th Month Pay – midyear and end of the year
6. Bonus – P5,000/yr as part of the 13th month pay
7. Study leave (sabbatical leave) with pay equivalent to 100% of salary after 7 years
of service
8. Maternity leave with pay for 60 days
9. Paternity leave with pay for 7 working days
(Paternity Act of 1996- RA 8187)
10. Indefinite leave
- salary loan – 1 mo; 3 mos; 5 mos; 8 mos
- policy loan
- pag-ibig loan
- emergency loan
- calamity loan, etc…
Education Act of 1982
1. The Act provided for the establishment and
maintenance of an integrated system of
2. It provided for the establishment of the
Board of Higher Education; Bureau of
Elementary Education, Secondary
Education, Continuing Education, Technical
and Vocational Education
3. It provided for the training of the nation’s
manpower in the middle-level skills
required for national development
Education Act of 1982

Right to receive competent instruction, relevant

quality education
Right to freely choose their field of study
Right to school guidance and counseling services
Right to access to his own school records,
Right to the issuance of official documents within
thirty days from request.
Right to publish a school newspaper
Right to free expression of opinions
Right to form, establish and join organization
Right to be free from involuntary contribution
Republic Act 7722
The Higher Education Act of 1994

• It created the Commission on Higher Education (CHED)

independent from the Department of Education

• Its coverage include both public and private institutions of

higher education as well as degree granting programs in all
post-secondary educational institutions

• Authorizes the CHED to develop certain mandatory

curricular offerings particularly in the general education
Republic Act 7796
An Act Creating the Technical Education and Skills
Development Authority (TESDA)
It created TESDA to provide relevant, accessible high
quality and efficient technical education and skills
development in support of the development of higher
quality Filipino middle-level manpower responsive to
and in accordance with Philippine Development and
RA #7836 – Philippine Teachers
Professionalization Act of 1994

• Prescribes the Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET) to

make them duly licensed professionals who possess dignity
and reputation with high moral values as well as technical
and professional competence

• Provides that within 2 years after January 12, 1996, no

person shall teach in preschool, elementary or secondary
level or in vocational courses unless he is a duly registered
professional teachers.
1.Objectives (Article 1,
Section 3)
1. The promotion, development and
professionalization of teachers and
the teaching profession; and
2. The supervision and regulation of
the licensure examination
2. Creation and Composition of the
Board(Article II, Section 5)
-Created under this Act of Board for
Professional Teachers called the Board
under the general supervision and
administrative control of the Professional
Regulation Commission , called the
- Composition of the Board: Five (5)
members to be appointed by the
President of the Philippines.
3. Examination, Registration and
License Required (Article III,
Section 13)
1. Written Examination given at least
once a year
2. A valid certificate of registration
and a valid professional license from
the Commission are required before
any person is allowed to practice as a
professional teacher in the Philippines.
4. Scope and Examination (Article III,
Section 14)
1. Elementary level, there are two parts
namely; professional education and
general education
2. For secondary level, there are three
parts, namely; professional education,
general education and field of
5. Qualification Requirements of Applicants
(Article III, Section 15)
1. A citizen of the Philippines or an alien
whose country has reciprocity with the
Philippines in the practice of the teaching
2. At least 18 yrs. Old of age
3. In good health and good reputation
with high moral values
4. Has not been convicted by final
judgment by a court for an offense
involving moral turpitude
5. A graduate of a school, college or
university recognized by the government
and possesses the minimum educational
qualifications, as follows:
 for teachers in preschool, a
bachelor’s degree in early childhood
education or its equivalent
for teachers in the elementary grades, a
bachelor’s degree in elementary education
(BEED) or its equivalent;

 for teachers in the secondary grades, a

bachelor’s degree in education or its
equivalent with a major and minor, or a
bachelor’s degree in arts and sciences with
at least 18 units in professional education
 For teachers of vocational and two- year
technical courses, a bachelor’s degree in the
field of specialization or its equivalent, with
at least 18 units of professional education.
6. Issuance of Certificate of
Registration and
Professional License (Article
III, Section 17)
1. The registration of a
professional teacher commences
from the date his name is
enrolled in the roster of
professional teachers


Code of Ethics for Professional


• Teachers are duly licensed professionals who

possess dignity and reputation with high moral
values as well as technical and professional
competence. In the practice of their noble
profession, they strictly adhere to, observe and
practice this set of ethical and moral principles,
standards and values.

This Code covers all public and private school

teachers in all educational institutions at the
preschool, primary, elementary, and secondary
levels whether academic, vocational, special
technical, or non-formal.

The term “teacher” shall include industrial arts or

vocational teachers and all other persons
performing supervisory and/or administrative
functions in all schools at the aforesaid levels,
whether on full-time of part-time basis.
1. The schools are the nurseries of the future citizens of the state, each
teacher is a trustee of the cultural and educational heritage of the nation
and is under obligation to transmit to learners such heritage as well as to
elevate national morality, promote national pride, cultivate love of country,
instill allegiance to the Constitution and respect for all duly constituted
authorities, and promote obedience to the laws of the state.

2. In the interest of the State and of the Filipino people as much as of his own,
every teacher shall be physically, mentally and morally fit.

3. A teacher shall not engage in the promotion of any political, religious and
other partisan interest, and shall not, directly or indirectly, solicit, require,
collect, or receive any money or service or other valuable material from any
person or identity for such purposes.

4. Every teacher shall vote and shall exercise all other constitutional rights and

5. A teacher shall not use his position or official authority or influence to coerce
any other person to follow any political course of action.
Every teacher shall provide
leadership and initiative to
actively participate in
community movements for
moral, social, educational, Every teacher shall
economic and civic merit reasonable
betterment involved in social recognition for
matters affecting the welfare which purpose he shall
of the people. behave with honor and
dignity at all times and
Every teacher shall help the refrain from such
school to keep the people in activities as gambling,
the community informed smoking, drunkenness
about the school’s work and and other excesses,
accomplishments as well as mush less illicit
its needs and problems. relations.

1. Every teacher shall actively help ensure that teaching is

the noblest profession, and shall manifest genuine
enthusiasm and pride in teaching as a noble calling.

2. Every teacher shall participate in the continuing

professional education (CPE) program of the
Professional Regulation Commission, and shall pursue
such other studies as will improve his efficiency,
enhance the prestige of the profession, and strengthen
his competence, virtues, and productivity in order to be
nationally and internationally competitive.

3. Every teacher shall use the teaching profession in a

manner that makes it a dignified means of earning a
decent living.

1. Every teacher shall make it his duty to make an honest effort to

understand and support the legitimate policies of the school and the
administration regardless of personal feeling or private opinion and
shall faithfully carry them out.
2. A teacher shall transact all official business through channels except
when special conditions warrant a different procedure, such as when
reforms are advocated but are opposed by the immediate
supervisor, in which case the teacher shall appeal directly to the
appropriate higher authority.
3. Every teacher, individually or as part of a group, has the right to
seek redress against injustice and discrimination and, to the extent
possible, shall raise his grievances within acceptable democratic
4. Every teacher has a right to invoke the principle that appointments,
promotions, and transfers of teachers are made only on the basis of
merit and need in the interest of service.
1. All school officials shall at all times show professional
courtesy, helpfulness and sympathy towards teachers
and other personnel, such practices being standards of
effective school supervision, dignified administration,
responsible leadership and enlightened direction.
2. School officials, teachers, and other personnel shall
consider in their cooperative responsibility to formulate
policies or introduce important changes in the system at
all levels.
3. School officials shall encourage and attend to the
professional growth of all teachers under them such as
in recommending them for promotion, giving them due
recognition for meritorious performance, and allowing
them to participate in conferences and training
4. No school official shall dismiss or recommend for
dismissal a teacher or other subordinates except for a

1. A teacher shall recognize that the interest and welfare of learners are
of first and foremost concern, and shall deal justly and impartially
with each of them.
2. Under no circumstances shall a teacher be prejudiced nor
discriminatory against any learner.
3. A teacher shall not accept any favors or gifts from learners, their
parents, or others in their behalf in exchange for requested
concessions, especially if undeserved.
4. A teacher shall not accept, directly or indirectly, any remuneration
from tutorials other than what is authorized for such service
5. In a situation where mutual attraction and subsequent love develop
between teacher and learner, the teacher shall exercise utmost
professional discretion to avoid scandal, gossip, and preferential
treatment of the learner.
6. A teacher shall not inflict corporal punishment on offending learners
nor make deductions from their scholastic ratings such as a
punishment for acts which are clearly not manifestations of poor

1. Every teacher shall establish and maintain cordial

relations with parents, and shall conduct himself to merit
their confidence and respect.

2. Every teacher shall inform parents, through proper

authorities, of the progress or deficiencies of learners
under him, exercising utmost candor and tact in pointing
out learners’ deficiencies and in seeking parents’
cooperation for the proper guidance and improvement of

3. A teacher shall hear parents’ complaints with sympathy

and understanding, and shall discourage unfair criticism.

1. A teacher has the right to engage, directly or indirectly, in

legitimate income generation activities, provided that it does
not relate to or adversely affect his work as a teacher.

2. A teacher shall maintain a good reputation with respect to

financial matters such as in the settlement of his debts and
loans and in arranging satisfactorily his private financial affairs.

3. No teacher shall act, directly or indirectly, as agent of, or be

financially interested in, any commercial venture which furnish
textbooks and other school commodities in the purchase and
disposal of which he can exercise official influence, except only
when his assignment is inherently, related to such purchase
and disposal, provided that such shall be in accordance with
existing regulations, provided, further, that members of duly
recognized teachers’ cooperatives may participate in the
distribution and sale of such commodities.

1. A teacher is, above all, a human being endowed with life for which it is
his highest obligation to live with dignity at all times whether in school,
in the home, or elsewhere.

2. A teacher shall place premium upon self-respect and self-discipline as

the primary principles of personal behavior in all relationships with
others and in all situations.

3. A teacher shall maintain at all times a dignified personality which could

serve as a model worthy of emulation by learners, peers, and all

4. A teacher shall always recognize the Almighty God as guide of his own
destiny and of the destinies of men and nations.

Any violation of any provision of this Code shall be

sufficient ground for the imposition against the erring
teacher of disciplinary action consisting of revocation of
his Certificate of Registration and License as a
Professional Teacher, suspension from the practice of
the teaching profession, reprimand, or cancellation of
his temporary/special permit under causes specified in
Sec. 23, Article III of R.A. 783663., and under Rule 31,
Article VIII, of the Rules and Regulations implementing
RA 78
Dear Teacher;
I am a survivor of a concentration camps .
My eyes saw what no man should witness:
Gas chambers built by learned engineers.
Children Poisoned
Poison byby educated
educated physicians.
Infants killed by trained nurses.
Women and babies shot and burned by high school and college
So I am suspicious of education.
My request is to help your students become human.
Your efforts must never produce learned monsters, skilled
psychopaths, educated Eichmanns.
Reading, writing arithmetic are important ONLY
if they serve to make our children MORE HUMAN
more human
“When I was
young and free
and my
imagination had
no limits, I
dreamed of
changing the
“As I grew older and wiser, I
discovered the world would
not change, so I shortened
my sights somehow and
decided to change only my
“But it too
“As I grew into my twilight
years, in one last desperate
attempt, I settled for
changing only my family, those
closer to me, but alas, they
would have none of it.”
“And now as I lie on
my deathbed, I
suddenly realized: If
I had only changed
myself first, then
by example I would
have changed my
“From their inspiration
and encouragement, I
would then have been
able to better my
country and, who knows,
I may have even changed
the WORLD!.”
Other Legal
R.A # 1265 and DECS Ruling # 8 –
Penalize all education institutions which
do not observe the flag ceremony.
Supreme Court resolution declares that
school children cannot be compelled to
salute and pledge allegiance to the flag
if their religious beliefs ban them from
doing so.

R.A # 6728 – Government assistance to

students and teachers in Private
R.A # 7722 – An act creating the
Commission on Higher Education. ( Task of
overseeing tertiary Education).
DECS focus on basic education elementary
and secondary education.

R.A # 7784 – An act strengthening

Teacher Education in the Philippines by
establishing Centers of Excellence:
creating a teacher education council for
the appropriation of national network with
elementary schools, high schools and/0r a
part fro laboratory purposes.
R.A # 7796 – Philippine Teachers
Professionalization Act of 1994.

1.) Prescribes the Licensure Examination for

teachers (LET) to make them duly licensed
professionals who possess dignity and
reputation with high moral values as well as
technical and professional competence.

2.) Provides that within two (2) years after

January 12, 1996, no person shall teach the pre
school, elementary, or secondary level nor in
vocational courses unless he is a duly registered
professional teacher.
R.A # 8187 – Paternity Leave Act of

1.) Grants paternity leave of even (7) work

days with full pay to married male
employees for the first four deliveries
of the legitimate spouse with whom he
is cohabiting.

2.) Such leave is not cumulative and

strictly non-convertible to each.
R.A # 7192 – An Act Promoting the
Integration of Women as Full Equal
partners of Men in Development and
Nation Building and for Other Purposes.

Educational Assistance Act of 1976 -

Study Now Pay later Plan.

PD # 176 – Ownership, Control and

Administration of Educational
R.A 578 – Confers the status of persons
in authority upon teachers, principals
and professors.

DECS Order # 25 s. 1974 – Bilingual

Education Policy

DECS order No. 52 s. 1987 – mandates

the use of the regional language as an
auxiliary medium of instruction.
R.A # 6655 DECS Order # 44 s. 1988 –
promulgated the nationalization of the
Public secondary School: free from
payment of tuition and other school fees.

R.A # 4090 – provides for state

scholarships in Science, Arts and Letters
for the Poor but Deserving Students,
Creating a State Scholarship Council to
Integrate, Systematize., Administer and
Implement All program of Scholarships
and appropriating funds thereof.
R.A # 5447 – creation of a special
education fund Act enacted 1968 (to
be constituted from the proceeds of an
additional real property tax and certain
portion of Virginia type cigarettes and
duties on imported tobacco leaf ).
Activities shall be limited to:

1.) organization and extension of classes

2.) construction and repair of school
buildings ( aiding provincial, municipal,
city and barrio school ).
3.) acquisition of school sites

• Local school board was created to

determine the annual budgetary needs
for operation and maintenance of public
schools: to apply Bureau of Vocational
Education R.A No. 98; and to authorize
municipal treasurers to disburse funds
approved by higher authorities.
Republic Act No. 1124 – created 15
members of the Board of National
Education and reduced the membership
of the Board to eight (8). The highest
policy making body in formulating
educational policies and direction and

R.A No 6139 – regulated the sectarian

schools/private schools in charging
higher tuition fees.
R.A No 5698 – Legal Education Board was
created to improve the quality of law

R.A 7687 – an act instituting/establishing

scholarship program for courses that will
encourage the students to pursue careers
in science and technology. ( Science and
tech Scholarship Act of 1994 )

R.A 7743 – establishment of city and

municipal libraries.
R.A No 7880 – an act providing for the fair
and equitable allocation of the Dep’t. of ed
and Culture and Sports’ Budget for capital
outlay ( Fair and Equitable Access to
education Act ) providing for the
development of its citizenry upholding
primacy of education; fostering patriotism
and nationalism, accelerating social
progress and promoting total human
liberation/ ensuring fair and equitable
access to the infrastructure and tools
necessary for quality education.
R.A No 8292

* Higher Education Modernization Act

of 1997 establish, maintain and support
a complete, adequate and integrated
system of education relevant to the
needs of the people and society.
The governing board of chartered state
and universities and colleges is modified
in order to : (a) a more coordinated and
integrated system of higher education
(b) render them more effective in the
formulation and implementation of
policies on higher education (c) ensure
the enjoyment of academic freedom as
guaranteed by the Constitution.
R.A No 8190 – granting priority to
residents of the barangay, municipality
or city where the school is located, in
the assignment of classroom public
school teachers as long as they possess
all the minimum qualifications.
R.A Act No. 8445 – amending R.A Act
No. 6728 – ‘an act providing government
assistance to students and teachers in
private education and appropriating
funds’, establishing a fund for the
purpose of subsidizing salaries of
private school teachers and
appropriating funds. – Expanded
Government Assistance to Students
and Teachers in Private Education
R.A Act 8525 – 1998 Act – establishing ‘
Adopt – a School Program’, allowing
private schools, companies to
assist/support public schools in
upgrading and modernization of public
schools particularly those in poverty-
stricken provinces.
R.A No 8491
• prescribing the code of the national flag,
anthem, motto, coat of arms and other heraldic
items and devices of the Philippines (Flag and
Heraldic Code of the Philippines)
• reverence and respect shall be accorded to the
flag, anthem, and national symbols, which
express the sovereignty and national solidarity.
• heraldic items and devices - should manifest
national virtues, pride in our native land,
respect and affection for the national flag and
anthem, proper use of motto and coat of arms.
THANK YOU!!!!!!!

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