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Study about the Production of Hollow Blocks

with the use of Recyclable Plastic Materials

Plastic Materials

Group 1 – Truita, Adlaon, Odtohan

and Romero
Picture of Final Product
Statement of the Problem

1.) Will the eco-blocks be more durable than commercial cement hollow


2.) Are eco-blocks environment friendly?

3.) What other benefits can people and environment get from these eco-

Statement of Hypothesis

1.)Eco-blocks are more durable than commercial cement hollow blocks.

2.)Eco-blocks are environment friendly type of blocks.

3.)These eco blocks are beneficial to the people and the environment because these type of

blocks are long-lasting due to its recyclable materials, it would lessen the plastics which can help

to lower pollution and lastly to promote eco-friendly environment. The result of this experiment is

aiming for a sturdy product so basically it would be more convenient and stronger to use than

the cement-type of hollow block. These eco blocks are made in order to lessen the consumption

and production of plastics that can harmly affect the surroundings that has majorly contributed

to the destruction of the world. It depends on the outcome of the experiment on which type of

block to be used on building that would be a lot more useful and best buy for the people so

money, time and effort will come to waste.

Theoretical Background
Diagram of Theoretical Framework

Experimental Study about the production of

Hollow Blocks with the use of Recycled
Plastics Materials.

Civil Engineering Department,

Sean M. Wonderlich, “STRENGTH OF Schools in Brazil, “A MIX DESIGN


Hollow Blocks Plastics

(Composed of cement, (Are crushed or cut into pieces
sand and etc.) or strips)

Eco Block
(Modern day blocks
composed of plastics)

Plan of Action
List of Figures
Durability Test:
Commercial Innovation
Trial Time Mass Height Time Mass Height
1 .49 sec 52.2kg .89 sec 52.2kg
Stumping with
2 .71 sec 52.2kg .78 sec 52.2kg
3 .78 sec 52.2kg .90 sec 52.2kg
4 .34 sec 5.0 ft. .34 sec 5.0 ft.
5 .84 sec 5.4 ft. .84 sec 5.4 ft.
6 1.66 sec 82kg 7.74 sec 82kg
7 2.83 sec 82kg 6.79 sec 82kg
8 .53 sec .53 sec
9 .55 sec .55 sec
Mean 1 2.15
SD 0.8233 2.7484

Flammability Test:
Commercial Innovation
Trial Time Time
1 3 mins. 12.44 sec. 3 mins. 12.44 sec.
2 1 min. 82.43 sec. 1 min. 82.43 sec.
3 94.45 sec. 94.45 sec.
4 54.85 sec. 54.85 sec.
Mean 152.44 152.44
SD 56.58 56.58
List of Figures
Compressibility Test
Commercial Innovation
Trial Mass Time Medium Mass Time Medium
1 41.3 kg 5 sec Robb's Weight 41.3 kg 5 sec Robb's Weight
2 41.3 kg 5 sec Robb's Weight 41.3 kg 5 sec Robb's Weight
3 41.3 kg 5 sec Robb's Weight 41.3 kg 5 sec Robb's Weight
4 41.3 kg 5 sec Robb's Weight 41.3 kg 5 sec Robb's Weight
5 41.3 kg 5 sec Robb's Weight 41.3 kg 5 sec Robb's Weight
6 45.5 kg 5 sec Aubreys' Weight 45.5 kg 5 sec Aubreys' Weight
19.75 22 19.75 22
7 kg sec Mineral Water kg sec Mineral Water
19.75 30 19.75 30
8 kg sec Mineral Water kg sec Mineral Water
9 59.9 kg 9 sec Gilbert's Weight 59.9 kg sec Gilbert's Weight
Mean 10.11 11.78
SD 8.62 9.52

Commercial Innovation

Total 206 325 134 25 282 325 69 14

Mean 8.96 14.13 6.09 1.92 12.26 14.13 4.6 4.67

SD 4.02 3.20 2.76 1.19 4.01 3.65 2.38 6.35

List of Figures
Product Mean Standard Computed Tabular Decision Interpretation
Deviation Value Value

Commercial 1 0.82 There is a

9 2.30 significant
Innovation 2.15 2.75 difference

Product Mean Standard Computed Tabular Decision Interpretation

Deviation Value Value

Commercial 152.44 56.58 There is no

4 3.18 significant
Innovation 152.44 56.58 difference

Product Mean Standard Computed Tabular Decision Interpretation

Deviation Value Value

Commercial 10.11 8.62 There is a

9 2.30 significant
Innovation 11.78 9.52 difference
List of Figures
Z-Test to get the Z-Value from the Z-Test to get the Z-Value from the
Commercial Hollow Blocks Innovation Hollow Blocks
The researchers concluded that the eco-blocks are sturdier than the
commercial hollow block that is mainly used now today, because of the
result of the statistical treatment based on our findings the eco-blocks are
environmental friendly due to the fact that they can reduce the number of
plastics in the environment, because plastics are one of the key ingredients
in the mixture of making the eco-blocks the people can also benefit from
this because base on our findings the eco-blocks are sturdier than the
commercial hollow block which make it more trustworthy to the construction
companies and their customers to use in their construction projects and
structures to be constructed in the future but sadly during the flammability
test it burns more than the commercial hollow block due to the presence of
plastics in the hollow block which is more flammable than the commercial
hollow block we won’t recommend it to be used in a firewall in buildings so
it will not catch on fire when a fire will occur, we recommend it to be used
as the based on a wall of a building due to the fact it can resist the pressure
of weight more than the commercial hollow block, but the eco-blocks are a
bit expensive than the commercial hollow block, so the benefit of the
people of using the eco- blocks is that they will have a sturdier structure in
their construction projects in the future while for the environment it can
lessen the number of plastics of the environment.
The study about “The Production of Hollow Blocks with use of Recyclable
Plastic Materials” is made to show the people of how rapid the urbanization or
the household making not just visible in Bohol but also around the world and at
the same time the production of plastics are still rampant because it is
continuously being used by some establishments or industries. And after all the
computations and statistical treatment the researcher’s statistician made it
come to a point that the researchers study results to accept or reject their
hypothesis. Because of the different positive feedback from our respondents
about what they can say to our products and also good characteristics or
features this product can handle the researchers would really recommend it
for some or most people.

 Construction Companies
 Engineers
 Architects
 Future Researchers
Thank you


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