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Noel Samson
Tharun Sebastian
About W.Edward Deming
• William Edwards Deming was born in Sioux City, Iowa on 14
October 1900 .
• Dr. Deming has an internationally-respected authority in
the field of statistics, especially the sampling theory as well
as its practice, and is one of the founders of the statistical
quality control in the U.S.
• He was, an American statistician, Professor, Author,
Lecturer and a Consultant.
• Deming made a very significant contribution to Japan's
reputation for innovative high-quality products and its
economic power.
• Honours received were many
– Taylor Key award, American Management Association, 1983
– Recipient of the Second Order Medal of the Sacred Treasure,
from the Emperor of Japan.
– Recipient of the Shewhart Medal.
– The Deming prize, that was instituted by the Union of
Japanese Scientists and Engineers.
– Inducted into the Science and Technology Hall of Fame,
– Recipient of the National Medal of Technology from
President Reagan
• The Deming Prize is one of the highest awards on TQM
(Total Quality Management) in the world.
•  It was established in 1951 in commemoration of the Dr.
William Edwards Deming
• Deming’s Prize is a Japanese quality award for individuals
and groups who have contributed to the field of quality
• Though it was originally designed to reward Japanese
Companies for major advances in quality improvement,
over the years, under the guidance of JUSE it is now
available for non-Japanese entities also.
• In July 1950, Dr. W. E. Deming was invited to Japan by
the Union of Japanese Scientists and Engineers (JUSE).
• Upon his visit, Dr. Deming lectured his “Eight-Day
Course on Quality Control” at the Auditorium of the
Japan Medical Association in Kanda-Surugadai, Tokyo.
This was followed by Dr. Deming’s “One-Day Course on
Quality Control for Top Management,” held in Hakone.
• His teachings made a deep impression on the
participants’ mind and provided great impetus to
quality control in Japan, which was in its infancy.
• The transcript of the eight-day course, “Dr. Deming’s
Lectures on Statistical Control of Quality,” was compiled
from stenographic records and distributed for a charge.
• Dr. Deming donated his royalties to JUSE. In appreciation of
Dr. Deming’s generosity, the late Mr. Kenichi Koyanagi,
managing director of JUSE, proposed using it to fund a
prize to commemorate Dr. Deming’s contribution and
friendship in a lasting way and to promote the continued
development of quality control in Japan.
• The JUSE's board of directors unanimously made a
resolution to establish the Deming Prize.
• Since then, the Deming Prize has grown considerably, and
today JUSE carries the overall administrative costs for the
• The Deming’s Prize for individuals
– Given to those who have made outstanding contributions to the study of
TQM or statistical methods used for TQM, or those who have made
outstanding contributions in the dissemination of TQM
• The Deming Distinguished Service Award for Dissemination and
Promotion (Overseas)
– Given to individuals who have made outstanding contributions in the
dissemination and promotion of TQM. Examination will be carried out
every 3-5 years.
• The Deming’s Application Prize
– Given to organizations that have implemented TQM suitable for their
management philosophy, scope/type/scale of business, and
management environment (Annual award)
Deming’s Prize Requirements
1. Clarity of quality and quality control Policies
2. Organisation of the Company in terms of clarity of
roles, responsibilities, authority, inter group,
departmental relations etc
3. Appropriateness of collecting, communicating,
analyzing and processing of external/internal
4. Appropriateness and effectiveness of Standardization.
5. Human Resource Development and Utilization
6. Quality Assurance Systems in the Company
7. Maintenance and control activities
8. Improvement Activities conducted/
encouraged by the
9. Tangible/ Intangible Effects, their measurement and
10.Future plans directed toward the Organisations vision
Criteria For Awarding Deming Application And Control Prize


1.Management policies and their deployment regarding

quality management 20

2.New product development/or work process innovation 20

3.Maintenance and improvement of product and 20

operational qualities
4.Establishment of systems for managing quality,
quantity, delivery, costs, safety, environment, etc 10

5.Collection and analysis of quality information and 15

utilization of information technology
6.Human resources development 15
Deming’s Prize For Individuals
• The Deming Prize for Individuals is an annual award given to:
– a) individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the study of TQM
or statistical methods used for TQM,
– b) individuals who have made outstanding contributions in the dissemination
of TQM.
• The examination will be carried out among candidates with
recommendation from the members of the Deming Prize Committee.
• According to the report by a Subcommittee, the Deming Prize
Committee determines the winners of the Prize and notifies them.
• After the Prize winners have been determined by the Deming Prize
Committee as mentioned above, the winners are announced in some
• The winners would be honoured with a Deming Medal
The Deming Prize Committee
• The Deming Prize Committee conducts the examination
and awards the Deming Prize. 
• The chairman of the Japan Foundation of Economic
Organizations(keidanren) assumes office as the chairman
of the Committee. 
• The Committee members are consisted of TQM experts
from industries and academia
• The Deming Prize Committee consists of Deming Steering
committee and five subcommittees to carry out the
Deming Prize examination and discuss related matters.
Structure And Roles Of The Committee
• The Deming Prize Committee
– Determines the prize winner among candidates based on the examination
report submitted by each respective subcommittee.
• The Deming Prize Steering Committee
– Establishes fundamental policies and scheme of the Deming Prize
operation as well as overall planning.
• The Total Adjustment Subcommittee
– Coordinates Deming Prize-related activities, widely listens to input on how
to improve the examination and award process and reports its
recommendations to the Committee.
• The System Amendment Subcommittee
– Reviews the systems and regulations regarding the Deming Prize and
proposes necessary revisions to the Committee.
• The Deming Prize for Individuals Subcommittee
– Examines and selects the candidates for the Deming
Prize for Individuals ,and the Deming Distinguished
Service Award for Dissemination and
• The Deming Application Prize Subcommittee
– Examines and selects the candidates for the Japan
Quality Medal ,and the Deming Application Prize.   Also,
conducts the TQM Diagnosis by Deming Prize
Committee Members
• The Nikkei QC Literature Prize Subcommittee
– Examines and selects the candidates for the Nikkei QC
Literature Prize.
Examination Expenses and Application Fee
• The examination of the Japan Quality Medal/ Deming Prize
is volunteered by the examiners.
• However, in order to appropriate for the administrative
expenses associated with the examination, the following
application fee is made payable:
– One examination unit*: JPY1,200,000-*
– Two or more examination units:
• JPY1.200.000-* + JPY400,000-* per additional examination unit
– In case of three examination units,
• JPY1,200,000-* + JPY400,000-* X 2 = JPY2,000,000-*.

*As from 2009

Effects Of Deming’s Application Prize
• Quality Stabilization And Improvement
• Productivity Improvement/ Cost Reduction
• Expanded Sales
• Increased Profits
• Thorough Implementation Of Management/ Business Plans
• Realization Of Top Managements Dream
• TQM by Total Participation And Improvement Of The
Organisational Constitution.
• Heightened Motivation
• Establishment Of Management Subsystems and Total
Management System
Winners Of Demings Prize- India
• Sundaram-Clayton Limited, Brakes Division. (1998)
• Sundaram Brake Linings Ltd. (2001)
• TVS Motor Company Ltd. (2002)
• Brakes India Ltd., Foundry Division. (2003)
• Mahindra and Mahindra Ltd., Farm Equipment Sector. (2003)
• Rane Brake Linings Ltd. (2003)
• Sona Koyo Steering Systems Ltd. (2003)
• Indo Gulf Fertilisers Ltd. (2004)
• Lucas-TVS Ltd. (2004)
• SRF Ltd., Industrial Synthetics Business (2004)
• Krishna Maruti Limited, Seat Division (2005)
• Rane Engine Valves Limited (2005)
• Rane TRW Steering Systems Limited, Steering Gear Division (2005)
• Asahi India Glass Limited, Auto Glass Division (2007)
• Tata Steel Limited (2008)
1. The Deming Prize for Individuals

Dr. Takao Enkawa

Department of Industrial Engineering and Management
Tokyo Institute of Technology

2. The Deming Application Prize

• Corona Corporation (Japan)
  Mr. Kazuyoshi Takahashi, Senior Managing Director, Division General Manager, Production
•   Meidoh Co., Ltd. (Japan)
  Mr. Hiroyasu Hasegawa, President
•   GC Dental (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. (China)
  Mr. Michael J Williams, Chairman of the Board
•   National Engineering Industries Limited (India)
  Mr. Rohit Saboo, President & CEO

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