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• What is this figure?

• What is the formula in finding the volume of a

• V = s³
• V=sx s x s
• What is this figure?

• What is the formula in finding the volume of a

• V=l x w h
• 1. A rectangular block of wood is 16 cm long,
12 cm wide and 5 cm thick. What is its
• 2. The inside dimensions of a cooler are 6ft by
4ft by 7.5 ft. What is the capacity of the cooler?
• 3. A cubical rice granary has a side of 3.5 meters.
How many cavans of palay can it hold if a cavan
of palay contains 75dm³ of palay?

• Marilou’s sewing box is 3dm long, 2.5dm wide and
4.3dm high. What is its volume?
• How many cubic meters of water does a swimming
pool contain if it measures 8.5m long 6m wide and
5.5m deep.
• Find the volume of a closet which is 2.5m long, 3m
wide and 2 meters high.
• An antique wooden chest is in the front of a cube. If its
edge is 15cm, how much space does it occupy?
• A small gift box has these dimensions: L= 8.1 cm, W= 8
cm and H= 1.8 cm. What is its volume?

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