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Scleroderma Presentation

Michael Castagna
Sheryl Hennis
Ashlee Whealan
Sara Salminary
• Scleroderma – Isn’t It
• Schlera What ? Just Tight Skin?
Scleroderma is often Misdiagnosed
and Misunderstood
• Blog info
Scleroderma is much more than tight
What is Scleroderma?
Common Signs and Symptoms
•Lab tests performed on Testing
Sclerodermic patients focus
on many antibodies that can
show the presence and the
specific type of scleroderma
present in the patient.

•Cardiac testing is
performed on patients with
scleroderma to detect any
possible heart complications
from the disease.

•Blood Vessel damage can

be observed by performing
a capillaroscopy.
•Gastroenterology testing is
performed to see if the
Scleroderma has affected
the electrical activity of the
stomach muscles.

•Pulmonary testing must be

performed early on in the
Sclerodermic patient, beings
that the lungs are effected
in the very beginning of the
disease process.

•Monitoring of the renal

system is done frequently to
observe the patient and
determine if they are going
into renal crisis
Rheumatologist is primarily
the physician who will be Doctors
monitoring a patient with

Dermatologists, Nephrologists,
Pulmonologists, dentists,
orthodontists, nurses, and
therapists all play a role in the
caretaking of Sclerodermic

•Raynaud’s Syndrome



•90% of people
complain of these

•Usually the earliest

sing of scleroderma

•Three stages that

affect your fingers and
•NSAIDS- which are non steroidal anti-
inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen and aspirin for
pain and inflammation.
•Steroids and other immune suppressants to
decrease inflammation and treat muscle joint
problems or involvement of internal organs.
•Reserpine(Serpasil), an alpha-adrenergic
blocking agent to increase blood flow to the
•Blood pressure control medication
•Medications to treat elevated pressure in the
arteries of the lungs.
•Esophagus irritation and heartburn can be
relieved by Omeprazole(Prilosec), Esomeprazole
(Nexium), or Lansoprazole(Prevacid). To also
treat the heartburn, don’t eat within 2 hours of
bedtime, eat more small meals instead of 1 or 2
large meals, eat slowly and chew thoroughly.
Elevate the head of the bed when sleeping; this
helps the back flow of acid into the esophagus.
Avoid caffeine, chocolate, spicy foods raw
veggies, acidic and high fat content foods and
cigarette smoking.
Scleroderma and Sexuality


•How to enhance your

sexual fulfillment

•Try to set up a calm and

relaxed atmosphere
•Avoid sexual activity when
really tired
•Avoid sexual activity after a
big meal and avoid alcohol
•Try to have open
communication with your
partner about what you like
and want in the course of
sexual activities
Nursing Interventions
Living/Coping with Scleroderma

•Manage normal daily activities as best you can

•Pace yourself and be sure to get the rest you need

•Stay connected with friends and family

•Continue to pursue hobbies that you enjoy and are

able to do
Teaching the patient and family
•Help the patient and family adjust to the new body image and to the
limitations and dependence that these changes cause.

•To reduce fatigue, teach the patient to pace his activities and organize
schedules to include necessary rest and exercise.

•Advise the patient to avoid contact with people who have active
infections, especially of the upper respiratory tract.

•Urge the patient to maintain a high- calorie diet.

•Warn that supplements may not help his overall condition, because
they often contribute to diarrhea

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