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MAPEH - Health 8

Prepared by:
Ma’am Gliza 
MAPEH - Health 8

Key Learnings for Today

The Chain of Infection
Stages of Infection
MAPEH - Health 8

Infection Control
A set of proven
practices that are
promoted by health
care professionals to
help stop the spread
of illness and infection.
By Photograph: User:Tjwood ; Deep-etch: Ash_Crow [CC0], via Wikimedia Commons
MAPEH - Health 8

The Chain of Infection

Host Reservoir

Portal of Portal of
Entry Exit

Mode of
MAPEH - Health 8

Infectious Agent
An infectious agent is
something that
infiltrates another living
thing, like you. When
an infectious agent
hitches a ride, you have
officially become an
infected host.
MAPEH - Health 8
What is an Infection?
The invasion and multiplication of
microorganisms such as bacteria,
viruses, fungi and parasites that
are not normally present within the
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• Can thrive in many different types of
environments: extreme heat or cold,
• Larger than viruses.
• Reproduce on their own.
• Important! Most bacteria cause no
harm to people, but there are
MAPEH - Health 8

Examples of infections caused by
bacteria could include:
• Strep throat
• Tuberculosis (TB)
• Urinary tract infections

Can these be treated? How?

MAPEH - Health 8

• Viruses are even smaller than
• Require living hosts - such as
people, plants or animals - to
• When a virus enters your body,
it invades some of your cells
and takes over the cell
machinery, redirecting it to
produce the virus.
MAPEH - Health 8

Diseases caused by viruses
may include:
• Chickenpox
• Measles
• Common colds

Can these be treated? How?

MAPEH - Health 8

Reservoirs – “Hiding Places”

Any place where an infectious agent can live

MAPEH - Health 8

Portal of Exit – “The Way Out”

The way the Infectious Agent leaves the reservoir

•Nose or mouth
MAPEH - Health 8
Mode of Transmission –
“Getting Around”
The way the Infectious Agent gets from the
reservoir to the new host

Direct Indirect
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Mode of Transmission Con’t

• Droplet
≤ 3 feet

• Airborne
MAPEH - Health 8

Mode of Transmission Con’t

• Vehicle
-Contaminated food, water,
medications, instruments

• Vector borne
-Mosquitoes, flies, ticks
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MAPEH - Health 8

Portal of Entry – “The Way In”

The way the Infectious Agent gets into the next host

MAPEH - Health 8
Susceptible Host – “The Next
Sick Person”
Any person who is at risk of getting an infection
from the Infectious Agent
MAPEH - Health 8
The Chain of Infection- Review

Host Reservoir

Portal of Portal of
Entry Exit
Mode of
MAPEH - Health 8

Part of working in
Infection Control is
figuring out how we
can ‘Break the Chain of
MAPEH - Health 8

Breaking the Chain of

• Healthy Habits
• Handwashing
• Immunization
MAPEH - Health 8

Breaking the Chain

of Infection through
- Healthy Habits
MAPEH - Health 8
Healthy Habits
• Making healthy food

• Being active
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Healthy Habits
• Getting enough sleep

• Managing stress
MAPEH - Health 8

Breaking the Chain

of Infection through
- Handwashing
MAPEH - Health 8

Hand Hygiene
• Can be preformed using alcohol based hand
sanitizer (ABHS) or soap and water
• When hands are not visibility soiled ABHS is
the preferred method of hand hygiene
• When using ABHS there needs to be enough
product for your hands to be wet for 15
• Handwashing with soap and water should be
done for a minimum of 20 seconds
MAPEH - Health 8
Areas Most Often Missed

Bottom Right Top Right

MAPEH - Health 8

Proper Hand Washing

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When to Wash Your Hands?

• Before handling, preparing or serving
• After using the washroom
• After sneezing, coughing, or blowing
your nose
• Before eating
MAPEH - Health 8

Glo Germ Activity

MAPEH - Health 8

Breaking the Chain

of Infection through
- Immunization
MAPEH - Health 8


Vaccines contain small parts of specific germs,

or inactivated germs. The immune system reacts
to the vaccine to make the proper immunity
(memory) cells. When germs enter the body at a
later time, these memory cells kill them before they
have a chance to infect the body.
MAPEH - Health 8

© Queen's Printer for Ontario, 2017.

MAPEH - Health 8
Herd Immunity

• When most people in a community have been

immunized against a disease, the chance of an
outbreak of that disease is greatly reduced.

• Protects vulnerable people (babies too young to be

immunized, people undergoing chemotherapy, elderly
and other medical reasons.

By Mmmkayshea (Own work) [CC BY-SA 4.0 (

MAPEH - Health 8
Flu Shot ‘Match’
• The flu shot contains 3 or 4 different strains of
inactivated influenza (depending on which one
you get).
• You want the circulating strains to be similar to
those included in the yearly flu shot.
• The strains included in the flu shot change every
year… that’s why it’s important to get the shot
every year!

MAPEH - Health 8

Activity: Don’t Pass it Along!
MAPEH - Health 8

MAPEH - Health 8

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