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Specific Learning Objectives:

1. Compare and contrast the

relationship between sociology and
2. Demonstrate the methods used in
Sociology; and
3. discuss the relevance of Sociology
and Anthropology
Relationship Between
Sociology and Anthropology
1. Anthropology started
with the study of
primitive or non-literate
groups, considered
exotic and queer by the
Sociology started with the
study of western
civilization and later, of
advanced and
contemporary societies.
3.    Both sciences are
interested in the study of
social issues such as:
population growth,
environment degradation,
urban poverty, and similar
5. Participant is common in
4.    Sociology allows
sampling of the subject of
the study, while
anthropology makes use of
the wholistic approach.
Methods of Inquiry
1. Empkrical Investigation- 
knowledge must bE obtained 
through direct experience or 
observ`tion.2. Objectivity – the 
sociologicࡡl and
3. Ethnical neutrality -  related to objectivity. 
One must remain neutral in the interpretation 
of one’s findings without being influenced by 
his value judgment or convictions about his 
own group or of himself.
4. Sociological Imagination – espoused by 
Wright Mills, which is the set of mind that 
enables the individual to examine his own 
experienced locating himself in period in 
which he lives and studying the events in his 
personal life against events in the society.
Group Activity:
1. Fishermen’s aspiration to their 
2. Life aspiration of the dwellers
3. Effects of migration in the 
lifestyle of the village people.
Guide questions:
Discuss with the group how a 
sociological and anthropological 
investigation maybe conducted .

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