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State Highway 183 Overlay District

City Council Work Session

December 8, 2010

Strategic Goal No. 1: Land Use

Strategic Goal No. 2: Vibrant Neighborhoods
Strategic Goal No. 3: Economic Development
Strategic Goal No.10: Environmentally Sustainable

Our Mission: Deliver exceptional services and

promote a high quality of life for residents, visitors
and businesses
SH 183
• Team
• Objective
• Issues addressed by overlay
• Expected results
• Process
• Review of changes
• Moving forward with overlay
• Update on construction progress
SH 183
• Planning and Inspections
• Real Estate & Development
• Public Works and Transportation
• Capital Improvement Program
• Community Services
• City Attorney’s Office
• Greater Irving-Las Colinas Chamber of Commerce

SH 183
Adopt an overlay district to regulate new development
and redevelopment along the State Highway 183
corridor, including the Texas Stadium site

SH 183
Issues Addressed by Overlay
• Standards for new development
• Standards for existing development
• Land uses
• Guidelines for public right-of-way

SH 183
Expected Results
• Improved appearance of corridor
• Consistency of standards/community identity
• Enhanced retail, dining, entertainment, and
employment opportunities
• Attract visitors
• Sustainable tax base
• Pleasant environment coming home or
traveling to work in Irving
SH 183
• Weekly staff policy meetings - July 2009 to January 2010
• Presented draft to City Council – November 4
• Presented follow-up report to City Council – January 13
• Meetings with stakeholders - week of February 8
• Follow up meetings with property owners, others
• Presented recommendations for changes to Planning &
Development Committee – May 27 and October 21
• Briefing to City Council – December 8, 2010

SH 183
Public Input Opportunities
• Over 60 meetings, both internal and community
▪ 7 - Presentations to City Council/P&D Committee
▪ 1 - Presentation to Planning and Zoning Commission
▪ 4 - Stakeholder meetings the week of February 8
with 282 attendees

▪ 3 - Non-city public meetings

▪ 5 - Formal presentations to community groups
▪ Over 40 meetings/conversations with property owners,
others 8
SH 183
Changes to Draft Ordinance
Adjusted boundaries to exclude D/FW Airport; added undeveloped
University of Dallas property

Why include vacant UD property?

Pro Con
• Consistent standards for • Standards could conflict
entire area with current campus
• Adds uses to current architectural theme and
zoning (mixed use, TOD) layout
• Higher landscaping & site
design standards
Responses to SH 183
Voice of the Customer
Reduced tree requirement from 1:25 ft. to 1:30 ft. to
address business visibility concerns
Adjusted minimum parking requirements
Added provision that existing buildings need not be
demolished to create the required landscape buffer
Eliminated requirement for 30 ft. irrigated grass strip
for vacant properties

Responses to SH 183
Voice of the Customer
Replaced comprehensive requirement to
underground on-site utilities with requirement to
underground utilities when parking lots upgraded
Cost: Private - $3000 (new meter) + $100/ft.
Franchise - $200 - 400/ft. + easement acquisition costs

Added standards and guidelines for transit-

oriented and mixed use development
Added a “conflict resolution” section
Responses to SH 183
Voice of the Customer
Auto Dealerships
Eliminated limits on transfers of franchises
Added provision to allow existing full-service used
car dealerships with 5 acres of land, a 20,000 sq. ft.
sales & service building, and min. 100 spaces
Clarified tree/screening requirements for auto
display lots vs. parking lots

Responses to SH 183
Voice of the Customer
Auto Dealerships
Added guidelines for canopies
Extended time for vacant nonconforming auto
dealerships to re-open from 12 to 24 months
Reduced setback for screened outside storage
associated with auto dealers from 200 ft. to 100

Properties Removed
SH 183
from Original Nonconforming List
• Carmax – 3100 W. Spur 482
(meets requirements for full service used auto sales)
• Saturn of Irving - 200 E. Airport Fwy.
(rezoned for medical clinic)
• Village Lincoln – Mercury - 400 E. Airport Fwy. (rezoned
for aircraft repair training school)
• Concord Autoplex – 100 W. Airport Fwy.
(zoning application submitted for retail redevelopment)
• Mitsubishi - 2111 Rose @ Airport Fwy. (recommended to
remain zoned for auto sales)

SH 183
Becoming Nonconforming
• DFW Auto Sales – 5200 W. Airport Fwy. (active)
• McDavid Truck Sales – 3900 W. Airport Fwy. (vacant)
• Drive Time – 100 E. Airport Fwy. (active)
• AutoNation – 1251 E. Airport Fwy. (vacant)
• Volvo – 2200 Carl Road (vacant lot)
• Central Freight – 2615 Spur 482 (active)

Number of SH 183
Auto Dealerships
• 32 lots for 20 dealerships when project began
• 26 lots for 14 dealerships when project is
complete (includes 2 active nonconforming)

SH 183
Moving Forward with Overlay

• New stakeholder presentations/meetings

• Prepare final draft
• Public hearings before Planning and
Zoning Commission and City Council
• Final ordinance presented to Council for
adoption – February 3, 2011

Construction SH 183
and Development Progress
• TxDOT Right-Of-Way progress
▪ 221 of 342 (65%) parcels acquired
▪ 33 of 65 (50%) buildings demolished; 5 pending
▪ Cost paid to date: $154 M
▪ Remaining cost: $124 M

• TxDOT Relocations
▪ 87 of 162 (54%) completed
▪ 27 Residential Displacees (2 households, 25 multifamily)
▪ 60 Commercial Displacees (35 relocated in Irving)
SH 183
and Development Progress
• Sound wall Project
▪ $7 M contract awarded
▪ 1st step in visual impact
▪ Construction starts March 2011
▪ Includes frontage roads

SH 183
Sound Wall Location Map

SH 183
Economic Development
• 7-11
• Climate Controlled Storage
• Los Lupes
• Aspen Creek
• Whataburger
• Dialysis Facility
• Aviation Institute of Maintenance
• State Bank of Texas

SH 183
Economic Development

Aspen Creek 7-11 State Bank of Texas

Whataburger Climate Controlled Storage

SH 183
Communication Plan
▪ Traffic/Road Construction link on front page
» Fact Sheet
» Link to TxDOT website
• TxDOT Public Meetings and TxDOT advisories
• Direct mail outs
• Personal contacts
• ICTN coverage

State Highway 183

State Highway 183/Loop 12

Intersection looking west
October 6, 1960

Irving will be the model for safe and beautiful

neighborhoods, a vibrant economy and exceptional
recreational, cultural and educational opportunities

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