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Virtual Servers

 In a clustering environment, Exchange Server

2003 runs as a virtual server because any node
in a cluster can assume control of a virtual
server. If the node running the Exchange virtual
server experiences problems, the virtual server
goes offline for a brief period until another node
takes control. Exchange Server 2003 installs as
a virtual server in both Microsoft Windows
clusters and load balancing clusters. Load
balancing and failover protection are important
features of any e-mail system.
 Exchange Server 2003 Internet protocol virtual
servers provide Simple Mail Transport Protocol
(SMTP) resources that handle relay and e-mail
delivery, Hypertext Transport Protocol (HTTP)
resources that provide Web-based access to
Exchange mailboxes and public folders, and
Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP) virtual
servers that provide access to newsfeeds.
Virtual servers can also be configured to provide
access to e-mail messages for Internet Message
Access Protocol version 4 (IMAP4) and Post
Office Protocol version 3 (POP3) clients.
Virtual Servers in a Windows Clustering
Exchange virtual servers use the Windows
clustering services, which are included in
Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition,
and Windows Server 2003, Datacenter
Edition. These services control all aspects
of Windows clustering. Back-end servers
require failover support and are typically
configured in a Windows clustering
environment. Exchange Server 2003 uses
the following Windows clustering features:
 Resource DLL : This allows Exchange Server
2003 to communicate with the Windows
clustering services and customizes Exchange to
provide Windows clustering functionality.
 Groups : An Exchange virtual server in a cluster
is defined as a Windows cluster group
containing cluster resources, such as an Internet
Protocol (IP) address and Exchange Server
2003 System Attendant.
 Resources : Exchange virtual servers include the
Windows clustering services, such as IP address
resources, network name resources, and physical disk
resources. Exchange virtual servers also include their
own Exchange-specific resources.
 Shared nothing architecture : Although all nodes in the
cluster can access shared data, they cannot access it at
the same time.
 For example, if two physical disk resources are assigned
to node 1 of a two-node cluster, node 2 cannot access
these disk resources until node 1 fails or is taken offline,
or until the disk resource is moved to node 2 manually.
This feature prohibits dynamic load balancing in
Windows clusters.
Virtual Servers in a Network Load
Balancing Environment
 Windows Server 2003 servers can be clustered
to provide network load balancing. This is
typically implemented on front-end servers,
where load balancing is a requirement. You
implement network load balancing by creating
identical redundant virtual servers on all front-
end servers that are part of the network load
balancing cluster. In this case, the configuration
of every server in the network load balancing
cluster must be the same; otherwise, clients may
experience different behavior depending on the
server to which they are routed.
Exchange Virtual Server Requirements

An Exchange virtual server requires, at a

minimum, the following resources:
A static IP address
A network name
One or more dedicated physical disks for
shared storage
An Exchange 2003 Server System Attendant
resource (this installs other Exchange
 Client computers connect to an Exchange virtual
server the same way that they connect to a
standalone computer running Exchange Server
2003. Windows Server 2003 provides the IP
address resource, the network name resource,
and the disk resources.
 Exchange Server 2003 provides the System
Attendant resource and other required
resources. When you create the System
Attendant resource, all other required and
dependant resources are installed.
System Attendant :
Controls the creation and deletion of all
the resources in the virtual server.
Dependent on Network name ,
Shared disk
Exchange store
Provides mailbox and public folder storage
for Exchange Server.
Dependent on System Attendant
Handles relay and delivery of e-mail.
System Attendant
Dependent on System Attendant
Provides access to e-mail messages for
IMAP4 clients (optional).
Dependent on System Attendant
 Provides access to e-mail messages for
POP3 clients (optional).
Dependent on System Attendant
Provides access to Exchange mailboxes
and public folders via HTTP—for example,
Microsoft Outlook 2003 Web Access
Dependent on System Attendant
Exchange MS Search Instance
Provides content indexing for the virtual
Dependent on System Attendant
Message transfer agent (MTA)
Responsible for communication with X.400
systems and for interoperation with
Exchange Server 5.5.
Dependent on System Attendant
Routing service
Builds the link state tables.
Dependent on System Attendant
Overview of POP3 Virtual Servers
 POP3 allows a client to retrieve a specific user’s
mail from the server. POP3 clients can access
only their server inboxes; they cannot access
other public or private folders.
 POP3 does not provide full manipulation of mail
on the server. Messages can be left on the
server if required, but typically, mail is
downloaded to the client and then deleted.
 POP3 does not send e-mail—SMTP handles
You can configure a POP3 virtual server to
grant or deny access to specific
computers, groups of computers, or
domains. You can grant or deny access to
a single computer based on an IP address
or by overriding POP3 access on a per-
user basis
 A group of computers can be denied or granted
access based on their subnet address and
 You can also control access to an entire domain
by specifying a domain name.
 You can view a list of currently connected users.
You can immediately disconnect a single user
from this list without disrupting the service of
other connected users or denying new
connection requests.
Installing Exchange Server 2003
automatically installs a default POP3
virtual server. You need to ensure that the
default server supports the needs of your
specific POP3 clients.
 The Microsoft Windows Server 2003 POP3 ser
vice is not installed on an Exchange Server
2003 server. If you want to install Exchange
Server 2003, then you need to uninstall the
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 POP3 ser vice
and POP3 Web Administration (if installed).
 Exchange uses its own Microsoft Exchange
POP3 service to support POP3 clients. You need
to enable this service on your Exchange server
before POP3 virtual servers can start.
 POP3 Virtual Server Configuration Exchange creates the
default POP3 virtual server with an IP address of (All
Unassigned). As a result, the Exchange server’s IP
address identifies the POP3 service on the network. By
default, incoming connections use TCP port 110, and
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) connections use port 995.
You can use the default IP address, TCP port, and SSL
port, or you can assign a different IP address from any
available network card. If you have more than one POP3
virtual server on an Exchange server, then each virtual
server must have a unique combination of TCP port, SSL
port, and IP address.
 To enable SSL on the POP3 virtual server, you must
request and install a certificate.
By default, any POP3 client that supports
basic authentication can access a POP3
virtual server. You can use selective
authentication methods to restrict access,
or you can list only specific computers that
are allowed to use the service. To further
enhance security, you can include or
exclude single computers, subnets, and
entire domains from accessing a POP3
virtual server.
By default, a POP3 virtual server can
accept an unlimited number of inbound
connections. In practice, there are
limitations imposed by the finite resources
of the Exchange Server 2003 server. To
prevent a server from becoming
overloaded, you can limit the number of
connections made to the POP3 resource.
 Messages sent by an Internet client are stored in
an Internet format, and no message conversion
occurs when a POP3 client reads the message.
Messages sent by a Messaging Application
Programming Interface (MAPI) client are
converted from Microsoft Rich Text Format
(RTF) to Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions
(MIME) when read by a POP3 client. If POP3
clients use UNIX to UNIX encoding (uuencode),
then you can use uuencode instead of MIME
when messages are converted.
 Before a POP3 client can connect to a server, a
mailbox-enabled user must be created in Active
Directory for the client. The POP3 client will also
need to be configured with account information
that is necessary to allow the client to connect to
the POP3 virtual server. Overriding server
defaults at the user level allows you to support
clients with different needs that are accessing
the same POP3 virtual server.
Overview of IMAP4 Virtual Servers

Like POP3, IMAP4 allows a client to

retrieve a specific user’s mail from the
server. Also, IMAP4 can only retrieve e-
mail from a user’s mailbox, and SMTP is
used to send e-mail. There are strong
similarities in the ways that POP3 and
IMAP4 virtual servers are configured and
managed. However, there are significant
IMAP4 vs. POP3
 IMAP4 and POP3 are both Internet messaging
protocols that allow users to access e-mail.
Neither can send e-mail; SMTP is used for this
purpose. The protocols differ in where users
manipulate their messages. POP3 allows clients
to download mail from their inboxes on a server
to the client computer where messages are
managed. IMAP4 allows clients to access and
manage their mail on the server.
 Unlike POP3 users, IMAP4 users can access
other public and private folders on the server if
they have permission to do so.
 You can configure an IMAP4 virtual server to grant or
deny access to specific computers, groups of computers,
or domains. You can grant or deny access to a single
computer based on an IP address or by overriding
IMAP4 access on a per-user basis. A group of computers
can be denied or granted access based on their subnet
address and mask. You can also control access to an
entire domain by specifying a domain name. You can
view a list of currently connected users. You can
immediately disconnect a single user from this list
without disrupting the service of other connected users
or denying new connection requests. You can configure
an IMAP4 virtual server to list all public folders. If you
disable this feature, Exchange lists only the client’s
private folders
Installing Exchange Server 2003
automatically installs a default IMAP4
virtual server. You need to ensure that the
default server supports the needs of your
specific IMAP4 clients.
Exchange uses its own Microsoft Exchange
IMAP4 service to support IMAP4 clients.
You need to enable this ser vice on your
Exchange server before IMAP4 virtual servers
can start.
IMAP4 Virtual Server Configuration
 Exchange creates the default IMAP4 virtual
server with an IP address of (All Unassigned).
As a result, the Exchange server’s IP address
identifies the IMAP4 service on the network. By
default, incoming connections use TCP port 143,
and SSL connections use port 993. You can use
the default IP address, TCP port, and SSL port,
or you can assign a different IP address from
any available network card. If you have more
than one IMAP4 virtual server on an Exchange
server, then each virtual server must have a
unique combination of TCP port and IP address.
By default, any IMAP4 client that supports
basic authentication can access an IMAP4
virtual server. You can use selective
authentication methods to restrict access,
or you can list only specific computers that
are allowed to use the service. To further
enhance security, you can include or
exclude single computers, subnets, and
entire domains from accessing an IMAP4
virtual server.
 By default, an IMAP4 virtual server can accept
an unlimited number of inbound connections. In
practice, there are limitations imposed by the
finite resources of the Exchange Server 2003
server. To prevent a server from becoming
overloaded, you can limit the number of
connections made to the IMAP4 resource.
 Messages sent by Internet clients are stored in
MIME format, and no message conversion takes
place when IMAP4 clients read the messages.
Messages sent by MAPI clients are converted
from RTF to MIME when read by IMAP4 clients.
Before an IMAP4 client can connect to a
server, a mailbox-enabled user must be
created in Active Directory for the client.
The IMAP4 client will also need to be
configured with account information that is
necessary to allow the client to connect to
the IMAP4 virtual server
Overview of NNTP Virtual Servers
NNTP defines a set of client and server
commands used to access newsgroups.
Exchange Server 2003 uses NNTP virtual
servers to enable Outlook users to
participate in online discussions over the
Internet. You can also enable users
running client applications that support
NNTP to access newsgroup public folders
on computers running Exchange.
 Exchange Server 2003 does not implement
NNTP virtual servers by using a built-in
Exchange service (unlike POP3 and IMAP4).
Instead it uses the Windows Server 2003 (or
Windows 2000 Server) NNTP service. This
service is designed to support a standalone
newsgroup server, and this makes it easy to
create group discussions. When you install
Exchange Server 2003, the NNTP service is
enhanced. This enables the NNTP virtual server
to interface with other news servers through
 Using an NNTP virtual server, you can
administer newsgroup services from a
centralized location and control authentication
and client connections. You can create
additional NNTP virtual servers to host multiple
domains on a single Exchange server.
 You can create both public and private virtual
servers and configure different authentication
requirements on each. A public news server can
be used, for example, to give users quick and
easy access to technical support information.
 NNTP virtual servers can be used in a
master/subordinate configuration. To create a master
server, you use the New NNTP Feed Wizard to define a
remote server as a subordinate server, rather than
directly defining the server as a master server.
 In Windows 2000 Server, the NNTP service starts
automatically. This is not the case in Windows Server
2003, where you need to configure and start the service
 You can customize the default NNTP virtual server
settings and create and configure additional NNTP
virtual servers.
You can cancel a posting, create a new
newsgroup, and remove a newsgroup by
sending control messages. Control
messages are received by the NNTP
service and posted to one of the special
newsgroups that are automatically created
to manage control messages. These are
the control.cancel, control.newgroup, and
control.rmgroup newsgroups.
NNTP Virtual Server Configuration
 Exchange creates the default NNTP virtual
server with an IP address of (All Unassigned).
As a result, the Exchange server’s IP address
identifies the NNTP service on the network. By
default, incoming connections use TCP port 119,
and SSL connections use port 563. You can use
the default IP address, TCP port, and SSL port,
or you can assign a different IP address from
any available network card. If you have more
than one NNTP virtual server on an Exchange
server, then each virtual server must have a
unique combination of TCP port, SSL port, and
IP address.
 By default, an NNTP virtual server can accept an
unlimited number of inbound connections. In practice,
there are limitations imposed by the finite resources of
the Exchange Server 2003 server. To prevent a server
from becoming overloaded, you can limit the number of
connections made to the NNTP resource. You can also
limit the length of time idle connections remain logged
on to the server. By default, Exchange disconnects idle
sessions after 10 minutes. You can also control the size
of individual articles that a user can post, or you can limit
the total size of articles that a user can post during a
single connection.
You can define expiration policies to limit
how long articles are stored on a
newsgroup’s NNTP virtual server. An
expiration policy can apply to a single
newsgroup or to all newsgroups on the
virtual server.
 You have a number of ways of controlling access to an
NNTP virtual server. You can specify whether users can
connect anonymously or whether they need to supply
valid usernames and passwords. If users connect over a
public network, you can encrypt the connection using
SSL, assuming you have obtained the necessary
certificate. You can explicitly grant or deny access based
on the IP address of the client, and you can include or
exclude single computers, subnets, and entire domains.
You can also specify the users who are permitted to
administer a virtual server by restricting access to
administrative tasks on the NNTP server by specifying
the accounts that are authorized to modify server
 By default, Exchange enables basic
authentication on NNTP virtual servers. To
enhance security, you can use SSL with basic
authentication to encrypt all information. If you
use basic authentication on NNTP virtual
servers, anonymous authentication is disabled. If
you want to use both anonymous and basic
authentication, then you need to create
additional NNTP servers. Integrated Windows
authentication is also available but is not a
practical option in some newsgroup scenarios.
 You create a new newsgroup by using the Use New
Newsgroup Wizard. The NNTP service creates the
directory for the newsgroup automatically, and you have
the option of specifying a moderated newsgroup. You
can use newsfeeds to distribute articles among multiple
computers. Newsfeeds can distribute newsgroup articles
between servers within your organization, and between
your organization and the Internet through a Usenet
host. You can use master, subordinate, and peer
newsfeeds to distribute the newsgroup load among
servers. A server can have both a subordinate feed and
a peer feed.
A virtual directory is a public folder store
that enables you to store newsgroup files
on multiple disk drives. This can improve
the performance of a heavily used drive
and can provide more storage. Virtual
directories also enable you to change the
physical location of the directory without
changing the name of the newsgroup.
Overview of HTTP Virtual Servers
The World Wide Web uses the HTTP
protocol to define how messages are
formatted and transmitted and the actions
Web servers and browsers take in
response to HTTP commands. Web
Distributed Authoring and Versioning
(WebDAV) is an extension of the HTTP
version 1.1 protocol that allows an HTTP
client to retrieve and manipulate
information held in the Information Store.
Exchange Server 2003 supports HTTP
virtual servers and WebDAV to provide
the following functions:
 Document access : HTTP and WebDAV support
a collaborative environment in which users can
edit documents, protect data, collect resources
in a common folder, and move or copy files.
 E-mail access : HTTP and WebDAV can be
used to access mailboxes and messages, notify
users that new e-mail has arrived, and allow
users to move, copy, or delete e-mail on the
Application access : HTTP and WebDAV
are standards-based application layer
protocols that allow access to mailboxes
and public folders through a unique
Uniform Resource Locator (URL). This
allows custom applications to retrieve data
directly from the Information Store.
 Exchange provides support for WebDAV through HTTP
virtual servers. Internet Information Services (IIS)
converts the folder contents displayed by the HTTP
virtual server displays into Web pages and sends them
to a user’s browser. The default HTTP virtual server
(known as the Exchange virtual server) is created by IIS,
and you must administer this server using IIS Manager.
However, if you create additional HTTP virtual servers in
Exchange, then you should administer them using
Exchange System Manager.
 A default HTTP virtual server is automatically installed,
configured, and enabled when you install Exchange
Server 2003. It provides users with access to public and
private folders. Users can access data by using
http://server_name/public to access to public folders and
http://server_name/exchange/mailbox_name to access
HTTP Virtual Server Configuration
 Exchange creates the Exchange virtual server
with an IP address of (All Unassigned). As a
result, the Exchange Server 2003 server’s IP
address identifies the HTTP service on the
network. By default, incoming connections use
TCP port 80, and SSL connections use port 443.
You can use the default IP address, TCP port,
and SSL port, or you can assign a different IP
address from any available network card. If you
have more than one HTTP virtual server on an
Exchange server, then each virtual server must
have a unique combination of TCP port, SSL
port, and IP address.
 The default HTTP virtual server authentication settings
vary between server roles, depending on whether the
Exchange server is a front-end server or a back-end
 For example, Integrated Windows Authentication is
enabled by default on a back-end, but not on a front-end,
additional HTTP virtual server. Basic authentication is
enabled by default on both back-end and front-end
servers, and anonymous access is disabled. If you
enable anonymous connections, this allows HTTP clients
to access resources with out specifying a Windows user
 You can also configure an HTTP virtual server to
use SSL encryption, provided you first obtain
and install the required certificate. To prevent a
server from becoming overloaded, you can limit
the number of connections the HTTP virtual
server accepts. You can also limit the length of
time that idle connections remain logged on to
the server. By default, Exchange Server 2003
limits the number of incoming connections to
1,000 and disconnects idle sessions after 60
Creating Additional HTTP Virtual Servers
and Virtual Directories
 You can create additional HTTP virtual servers
to provide for a number of different collaboration
 For example, you might want to use Integrated
Windows Authentication on the default virtual
server, but also to provide users outside your
organization with information about your
company. In this situation, you can enable
anonymous access on a separate HTTP virtual
 You can use additional HTTP virtual servers to
supplement access to folders that the default
Web site in IIS provides. For each virtual server
that you create, you must define one virtual
directory as the root of the server for publishing
content. You can create additional virtual
directories to publish content that is not
contained within the server’s own directory
 For example, the virtual directory can provide
access to a public folder (or to a mailbox) on a
remote domain.
When you create a new HTTP virtual
server, you must provide access to a
public folder or public folder tree, and to an
SMTP mailbox domain in order to
configure the server’s root. You can
change the default e-mail domain of the
HTTP virtual server, or you can create
additional virtual directories to provide
access to mailboxes in multiple domains.
 When you create a virtual directory, you provide users
with access to the contents of a public folder through a
URL that takes the form http://virtualserver/public, where
virtualserver is the DNS name of the virtual server. You
can also access a published directory through Microsoft
Internet Explorer or through any client that supports the
industry standard HTTP and WebDAV protocols. You can
use Microsoft Office to create and save documents
directly into an HTTP directory through a feature called
Web Folders that lets you work with files and folders that
are on a Web server, just as you would with files and
folders in My Computer or Windows Explorer.
Controlling Access to an HTTP Virtual
 HTTP virtual servers allow you to support a
collaborative authoring environment.
 When you collaborate on confidential material,
you need to control access to the data.
 You may, however, also want users outside of
your organization to access public information.
In this case, you can use separate HTTP virtual
servers and specify different access settings on
You can configure read, write, and browse
permissions on a virtual directory. When
you set these permissions, all users are
granted the same permissions to access
the folders or mailboxes that the virtual
directory specifies. Virtual directory
settings are general restrictions imposed
by IIS and do not override permissions set
on the user’s account to access mailboxes
and public folders.
By default, users can access private
mailboxes using a URL in the form of
after a standard Exchange installation and
setup is complete. If you create a new
mailbox store, a different URL is
automatically assigned to it. This URL is
based on the virtual directory name.
 A default HTTP virtual server is installed and
configured during the Exchange Server 2003
installation process to support OWA. You can
use OWA to configure Exchange so users can
access e-mail, calendar information, shared
applications, and any content in the public
information store by using a Web browser. To
enable your users to access OWA from the
Internet, your Exchange Server 2003 server
must have an Internet connection, a public IP
address, and a registered domain name.
In theory, you do not need a registered
domain name because OWA users can
access their e-mail using an IP address. In
the real world, however, this leads to a lot
of problems for the administrator and a lot
of very unhappy users. OWA can be
disabled for the Exchange organization by
stopping the HTTP virtual server. It can
also be disabled on a per-user basis.
Overview of SMTP Virtual Ser vers

SMTP is the Internet standard for

transporting and delivering electronic
Exchange Server 2003 expands the SMTP
service to give administrators greater
control over the routing and delivery of
messages and to provide secure access
and channels for managing the service.
When Exchange Server 2003 is installed,
it automatically installs, configures, and
enables a default SMTP virtual server. You
can alter settings on this server to
configure security options, message
delivery options, and message filtering.
You can configure the SMTP virtual server
and the SMTP Connector to support other
messaging systems and to relay mail for
IMAP4 and POP3 clients.
 SMTP works closely with DNS, and you can add
Mail Exchanger (MX) records in DNS to support
your SMTP virtual servers. You can configure
SMTP to pull e-mail, which is queued at your
Internet Service Provider (ISP), through a dial-up
 Domain administration is not performed on the
SMTP virtual server. You manage local domains
through Recipient policies, and you implement
most of the configuration you require for sending
e-mail to remote domains at the SMTP
 If you have different groups of users with varying security
requirements or message size needs, then you may
want to create additional SMTP virtual servers. You can
also, for example, configure one virtual server to handle
Internet e-mail, while another handles internal e-mail.
Where you support POP3 and IMAP4 clients, you need
to permit open relaying for these clients. You do not want
to permit open relaying for your entire Exchange
organization because this permits the propagation of
junk mail. While you can use discretionary access
control lists (DACLs) on a single SMTP virtual server to
manage this situation, it is often safer and easier to
create an additional virtual server for clients that require
Configuring an SMTP Virtual Server
The display name (for example, Default
SMTP Virtual Server) and the IP address
and TCP port combination identify an
SMTP virtual server. You can also select
the IP address that will be associated with
the virtual server; by default, this is (All
Unassigned). The default SMTP port is
TCP port 25. Multiple virtual servers can
use port 25, but you must assign a
different IP address to each virtual server.
 You can configure the SMTP virtual server to
authenticate incoming connections and also to
provide the authentication credentials required
by a receiving server. Three authentication
methods are available: anonymous access,
basic authentication, and Integrated Windows
Authentication. You can choose to use one, two,
or all three methods. The default setting
deactivates anonymous access on SMTP virtual
servers. To allow anonymous access, you must
manually disable authentication on the virtual
 If basic authentication is enabled, you can
require that all clients use Transport Layer
Security (TLS) encryption to connect to an
SMTP virtual server. TLS is developed from, and
is similar to, SSL. This option secures the
connection and encrypts the clear-text password
sent by the basic authentication method.
However, TLS is intended for a point-to-point
SMTP connection where both parties know that
the other supports TLS. It should not be used if
clients access through the Internet. You need to
obtain a certificate to implement TLS encryption.
You can grant or deny access to an SMTP
virtual server to specific users or groups.
By default, all IP addresses can access an
SMTP virtual server. You can set
restrictions by specifying a single IP
address, a group of addresses using a
subnet mask, or a Windows domain name.
 Caution : If you grant or deny access based on
domain name, you need to configure reverse
DNS lookup on each connection. Reverse DNS
lookup is resource-intensive and can degrade
 You can configure an SMTP virtual server to limit
the number of messages sent in a single
connection. You can improve system
performance by allowing the use of multiple
connections to deliver messages. You can also
configure message size limits and limit the
number of message recipients.
Creating Additional Virtual Servers
you create default virtual servers on
Server01, which is a multihomed back-end
server. In general, you create a new virtual
server if you require different levels of
authentication for different groups of
users, or different access criteria, or if you
want some, but not all, traffic to be
encrypted. Additional virtual servers can
also provide the following facilities that are
specific to the server protocol:
 HTTP :
 You can create additional HTTP virtual servers to provide
for a number of different collaboration scenarios where
different levels of authentication and access control are
required. You can use additional HTTP virtual servers to
supplement access to folders that the default Web site
provides. When you create an additional HTTP virtual
server, you also create an additional virtual directory. You
can use additional virtual directories to publish content
that is not contained within the server’s own directory
You can create additional NNTP virtual
servers to host multiple domains on a
single Exchange server. You can, for
example, use the default virtual server to
access public newsgroups and implement
public newsfeeds and to create an
additional virtual server for internal
 POP3 and IMAP4 :
 You create additional POP3 and IMAP4 virtual
servers if you have groups of clients with
differing requirements. For example, you might
have one group of POP3 clients that can
understand messages in MIME format while
another group uses uuencode. Where there are
sufficient numbers in both groups, you would
create an additional virtual server. If there were
only a few users in the second group, you would
configure per-user settings.
 SMTP :
 You can create an additional SMTP virtual server
and configure one virtual server to handle
Internet e-mail while the other handles internal
e-mail. You can also create an additional virtual
server to support open relaying for POP3 and
IMAP4 clients. Often, however, configuration is
best implemented on an SMTP connector rather
than on a virtual server.
Configuring Virtual
Server Settings
 When you create virtual servers, you assign
identities to them and specify parameters, such
as IP address and, if necessary, TCP and SSL
port numbers. You can configure additional
settings on a new virtual server when you create
it, or you can create it and configure it later. If
you want to change the configuration on a
running virtual server, then you should pause the
server before making the configuration change
and restart it afterwards.
Configuring an HTTP Virtual Server
 When you create a new HTTP virtual server, you
need to assign a unique identity—that is, a
unique combination of IP address, TCP port,
SSL port, and host name. You also need to
configure the server’s virtual directory by
providing access to a public folder and to a
mailbox. When you have created a new virtual
server, you can configure it using Exchange
System Manager. (Remember that the default
HTTP virtual server—the Exchange virtual
server—is configured using IIS.) You can do any
or all of the following:
 Limit the number of concurrent connections to the virtual
server and configure the number of seconds that must
elapse before an unsuccessful connection times out.
 Control access to the server by setting connection limits,
configuring read, write, and browse permissions, setting
script and executable access, and editing authentication
methods (allowing anonymous access, if required).
 Create additional virtual directories to publish content not
contained within the server’s own directory structure.
Virtual directories appear to client browsers as though
they are part of the virtual server’s directory tree. You
can also set a default document
Configuring POP3 and IMAP4 Virtual
 The procedures to create and configure POP3
and IMAP4 virtual servers are almost identical.
When you create a new POP3 virtual server, you
complete the New POP3 Virtual Server Wizard
to specify the server’s IP address and TCP port.
When you create a new IMAP4 virtual server,
you complete the New IMAP4 Virtual Server
Wizard to specify the server’s IP address and
TCP port. After you complete the appropriate
wizard, you can configure the settings using
Exchange System Manager. You can do any or
all of the following:
 Control access to the server by editing the authentication
methods. If you want to enable SSL encryption, you need to
obtain, install, and associate a certificate.
 Secure access by IP address, subnet, or domain name.
 Limit the number of connections that can be made to the
virtual server at any one time and the length of time that idle
connections remain logged on to the server. By default,
Exchange disconnects idle sessions after 30 minutes.
 Configure client support by specifying message formats. On
POP3 virtual servers, you can specify uuencode and
support Macintosh clients by specifying BinHex for
 Disable complete public folder listings to improve the
performance of clients that have difficulty with a large
number of folders (IMAP4 only).
 Enable fast message retrieval to improve performance for
clients that do not require exact message sizes (IMAP4
Configuring NNTP Virtual Servers
 You create additional NNTP virtual servers by
completing the New NNTP Virtual Server
Wizard. This lets you specify the IP address and
TCP port. You also need to specify the path to
internal files, the storage medium, and the path
to the virtual directory that stores the news
content. After you complete the wizard, you can
configure the settings using Exchange System
Manager. You can do any or all of the following:
 Set connection and posting limits.
 Control access to the server by editing the authentication
methods. If you want to enable SSL encryption, you
need to obtain, install, and associate a certificate. You
can also secure access by IP address, subnet, or
domain name.
 Create a newsgroup and a newsgroup expiration policy.
If you create a moderated newsgroup, you need to
specify the path to the directory that stores articles until
moderators approve them. You should specify the path
to the pickup directory of the SMTP virtual server that is
used for moderated groups. Normally, this is the default
SMTP virtual server and the path is
 Create a newsfeed in either a master/subordinate or
peer configuration.
Configuring SMTP Virtual Servers
You create additional SMTP virtual
servers by completing the New SMTP
Virtual Server Wizard. This lets you specify
the IP address. If you want to change the
default settings for the TCP port and the
SSL port, you can do so by using
Exchange System Manager.
You can also use Exchange System
Manager to do any or all of the following:
 Configure incoming and outgoing connections.
 Specify authentication settings for incoming connections
and for outbound messages. If required, you can also set
up the virtual server to resolve anonymous e-mail. Take
care with this setting. If you configure an SMTP virtual
server to resolve anonymous e-mails, it is possible for
unauthorized users to send e-mail by using the forged
address of legitimate users.
 Specify TLS encryption, if you have obtained the
necessary certificate.
 Set IP address and domain name restrictions, and grant
or deny submit permissions to users or groups. You can
also configure filtering.
 Configure relaying. Be careful to restrict this as severely as
possible; open relaying can increase the risk of your
Exchange organization being used for junk mail propagation.
 Specify limits for message size, number of recipients, and the
number of messages per connection. You can also change
the location of the SMTP queue.
 Specify a storage location for copies of non-delivery report
(NDR) messages and configure a masquerade domain to
replace the actual identity of that storage location in the
outgoing message heading.
 Configure message delivery by specifying retry intervals and
message hop count. You can also specify fully qualified
domain name (FQDN) and configure the server either as a
smart host or to forward outgoing e-mail to a smart host. You
can enable reverse DNS lookup and create a reverse DNS

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