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Presented By:
Shayza Khalid
Tuba Tariq
 Most important sector in pakistan
 18.9% GDP and 42.3% labor force
 Largest number of exports

Problems in agricultural buying and selling

 Farmers are not rewarded with a fare share of their hard work
 Buying and selling in conventional way
 Sometimes yield has to be sold below break even
 Tangibility of yield
 Need to acquire a lot of middle men
Business idea
 Our business idea , how it is different ?
 Its long term goal
 Direct and indirect compettitors
 Middle men are richer than landlord or factory owner

 Our suppliers
 Farmers, transport company

 Investors
 Factory and mill owners
 Govt if we plan to be acquired

Marketing Plan
 Long term aim why it is not feasible now, future prospect
 Price, our profit
 Places
 Promotions
 Operations
 Market operations ( task of team members)
 Logistic operations
 Advertisements , incentives to our employees
 Radio, local cable channels,
 How our rating system will ensure quality and quantity
 Secure payment within 10 days

Financial Projection
SWOT Analysis
 Strengths:
 Pioneers in the market
 Cost will be minimum
 First to connect farmers directly with mill owners

• Weaknesses
 Creating awareness will be difficult
 Reaching mass farmers would be challenging
 Opportunities in local market will be low
 Opportunities:
 High potential of using new methods
 Huge transactions
 Rise in information technology

• Threats:
 Government policies incoherent
 Urbanization
 Businesses might adopt this idea
Porter’s Five Forces
 Bargaining Power of Suppliers:
 Our suppliers are the farmers
 BP high when high control over agricultural output
 Products have substitutes
 Switching cost

 Bargaining Power of Buyers:

 Our buyers are mill owners
 BP high when more companies like ours exist
 Services unique
 Threat of New Entrants:
 Licenses and patents
 Developing loyalty
 Rivalry among Competitors:
 With time, new competitors
 Market leaders
 Threat of Substitutes:
 Offer real and unique benefits
 Political factors affecting Agriculture:
 Decreasing electricity tariffs for tubewells
 Loans to buy tractors
 Removing sales tax on fertilizers
 Economic factors affecting Agriculture:
 Government has made custom duty free
 Incentives to new entrants
 Social factors affecting Agriculture:
 Joint family system
 Income spent on family
 Technological factors affecting Agriculture:
 Use of modern technology is limited
 Machinery expensive
 Use of fertilizers, HYV seeds
Critical Risks
1. Difficult to create awareness
 Target big landlords

2. Government might adopt our idea

 Company registered

3. Yield is intangible
 Hire a transport company to get the number of trucks we want
4. Government subsidizes the produce for mill owners and farmers
 Subsidy is not for everyone

5. Damages to output
 Acquire a reliable transport company
Target Market
 Farmers

 Landlords

 Mill owners
Why this Market?
 Modernize the farming methods

 Fair share for the farmers

 Increase in demand due to increase in population

Demographics (Farmers)
 Age: 25 till 55
 Gender: male
 Annual income: Rs. 300,000 to Rs. 400,000

 Living status:
 simple and spend their money on the necessities only.
Psychographics (Farmers)
 Hobbies and interests:
 Spend most of their time in farming

 Spending habits:
 Only spend on their necessities

 Lifestyle:
 Simple lifestyle
 Spend on their family
Demographics (Landlords)
 Age: 30 till 65
 Gender: Male
 Annual income: Rs. 25,00,000 till Rs. 45,00,000

 Living status:
 Luxurious lifestyle
Psychographics (Landlords)
 Hobbies and interests:
 Spend most of their time in business dealings.
 Spending habits:
 clothes and food
 Educataion of their children

 Lifestyle:
 Spend on themselves
 Expensive clothes
 Luxurious house
Demographics (Mill Owners)
 Age: 40 till 70
 Gender: Male
 Annual income: Rs. 50,00,000 till 80,00,000

 Living status:
 Luxurious lifestyle
Psychographics (Mill Owners)
 Hobbies and interests:
 Sports
 Spending habits:
 Fancy clothes and fancy food
 Luxurious and expensive items

 Lifestyle:
 Extravagant
 Extremely luxurious lifestyle
Product/ Service Design and Development Plan
 Agriculture sector holds 25.9 percent GDP.
 Modernize farming methods.
 Raise awareness in different regions of Punjab.
 After 1.5 years we will create a portal.
 Marketing activity will be modified with time.
 website where the landlords could contact the mill owners or vice versa.
Product/ Service Design and Development Plan
 The price of the yield will be based on it quality and we will rate the yield on our
 Authentic website
 If our website becomes a success, we will introduce our app.
 Easy to use
 Language preference (English and Urdu).
 Give an opportunity to the landlords and mill owners to import or export

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