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Understanding Culture and

 In our society today, we can see a lot of
changes and developments that affect our life.
Machines have made our work easier
 Computers have allowed us to communicate
with people faster.
 Genetic engineering has helped us produce
disease resistant plants
 All these resulted to the modernization of
 Nation-state, is a sovereign state whose citizens
or subjects have a common culture.
 Personal Identity, is the concept you develop
about yourself that evolves over the course of
your life.
 Culture, as defined by Edward B. Taylor, refers
to the complex whole which includes
knowledge, beliefs, arts, morals, laws, customs
and any other capabilities and habits acquired
by man as a member of society.
 Culture
Functions of Culture
a. Culture makes it possible for a man to adapt
and integrate himself to his environment by
being creative and resourceful in coming up
with ways and means of survival.
b. Culture establishes patterns of acceptable social
behavior such as etiquette, protocols, good
manners and right conduct, roles and duties,
etc. as established by folkways, mores and
c. Culture conveys and facilitate meanings through
verbal and non-verbal communication, written and
non-written language, forms of expression, and
d. Culture produces man-made things such as
clothing, tools, instruments, machines equipment,
structures, etc. made possible by technological
e. Culture contributes to overall human
satisfaction as we develop ways to make life more
enjoyable, more comfortable, easier and more
rewarding such as recreational activities, leisure,
entertainment, and arts.

Patterns of
Human Acceptable
Satisfaction Social
of Culture

of man-
made things
 It is a product of human social processes
intended to meet basic needs for survival.
 It is organized in such a way that there are
rules of conduct, customs, traditions, folkways
and mores, and expectations that ensure
appropriate behavior among members.
 It is an important product of human interaction
and interconnectedness.
of our Identity

Avenue for
Significance Characterize
economic inter- of Studying the totality of a
dependence territory

Symbol of

Academics Society


Power and
Public Affair Distribution
of Resources
 Politics, it is a struggle and compromise
between the powerful and the powerless, the
haves and the have-nots.
 2 Important Characteristics of Politics
a. All questions involve the making of a common
decision for the group of people, that is, a
uniform decision applying in the same way to
all the members of the group.
b. All involve the use of force by one person or
group of people to affect the behavior of another
person or a group of people.

Thus, politics talks about collective decision of

individuals based on defined rules of society.
These rules bind people together in order to
preserve culture and improve human life.
 Politics is a collective activity, involving people
who accept a common membership or at least
acknowledged a shared fate;
 Politics presumes an initial diversity of views,
if not about goals then least about means;
 Politics involves reconciling differences
through discussion and persuasion: and
 Political decisions become authoritative policy
for a group, binding members to decisions that
are implemented by force if necessary.
 Anthropology, is the branch of knowledge
which deals with the scientific study of man,
his works, his body, his behavior and values, in
time and space.
 Anthropology helps by providing insights into
strange aspects of past or even present
societies. (i.e. conflict and violence, trial by
ordeal, superstition and witchcraft, fashion,
myths and legends, rituals concerning rites of
passage, courtship and marriage, human
sacrifice, and others.)
 Political Science, it is a systematic study of a
state and its government, with the relationships
of men in the community, with relations of
men and group of state itself, and with the
relations of a state with other sovereign states
abroad (Palispis, 2009).
 According Ricardo Lazo, citizenship education
is the primary goal of Political Science.
 Knowledge Based, it provides the students the
knowledge and understanding of a government,
with all its component curricula like public law,
political theory, public administration, political
philosophy, and political dynamics.
 Competence Based, it inculcates objectives and
underlying principles of the state that should be
abided by the officials and its citizen,.
 Skill Based, prepares the students for the future
career path, government service, politics, teaching,
and among others.
 Sociology, is the scientific study of patterned,
shared human behavior.
 It analyzes human interaction which is
essential in understanding man’s cultural
 It also focuses on all kinds of social
interactions: social arts, social relationship,
social organization, social structures, and social

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