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Chapter 4:

The Research Proposal

Prepared by:
Ailen R. Ferrer
Learning Objectives
• To learn and appreciate the purpose of Research
• To know the benefit of Research Proposal
• To be have an understanding and knowledge on
different modules of Research Proposal
What is a Proposal?
• An individual’s or company’s offer to produce a
product or render a service to a potential buyer
or sponsor.
The Research Proposal

Propose Discuss
the Research
Necessary PURPOSE

The Research Sponsor
• In a corporate setting, management
sponsors research

• In an academic environment, the student

is responsible to the class instructor
Proposal Development
What are the Benefits of the Proposal
to a Researcher?

• Encourages the researcher to plan

and review the project’s steps
• Serves as a guide throughout the
• Forces time estimates and budget
3 Levels of Complexity

• Exploratory study
- used for the most simple proposals
• The Small-Scale study
- more complex and common in business
• The Large-Scale Professional study
- the most complex, costs millions
How to Structure the Research
• Create proposal modules

• Put together various modules to tailor

your proposal to the intended
Modules in a Research Proposal
1. Executive Summary 9. Qualifications of
2. Problem Statement Researcher
3. Research Objectives 10. Budget
4. Literature Review 11. Schedule
5. Importance of the 12. Facilities and Special
Study Resources
6. Research Design 13. Project Management
7. Data Analysis 14. Bibliography
8. Nature and Form of 15. Appendices
Results 16. Measurement
• Executive Summary
-informative abstract
-brief statement of management dilemma
and question
-research objectives
-research questions
-benefits of approach
• Problem Statement – management problem
• Research Objective- purpose of investigation
• Literature review- research studies, company
data or industry report
• Importance/Benefit of the Study- the
importance of “doing the study now”
• Research Design-sample selection and size
data collection method, instrumentation
procedures and ethical requirements
• Data analysis
- for large scale and doctoral theses
-to assure the sponsor that you are following
correct assumptions
• Nature and Form of Results
-Statistical conclusions, applied findings,
recommendations, action plans, models,
strategic plans
Researcher’s Qualifications

Professional Relevant
Research Management
Competence Experience
Sample Research Program Budget
• Schedule
-major phases of the project
-timetables and milestones that signify
completion of the phase
-can use gantt chart or Critical path
Sample of Critical Path Method
Gantt Chart
Project Management Plan’s Purpose
• To show the sponsor that the research
team is organized in a way to do the
project efficiently
Project Management Plan Elements
Organization of Research Team

Procedures and Controls

Examples of Management & Technical


Team Relationship with the Client

Financial and Legal Responsibility

Management Competence
• Bibliography

For those project that has literature review

Use sponsor’s format if none use the standard
What to include in the Appendices?
• A glossary of concepts, constructs,
and definitions
• Samples of the measurement
• Other materials that reinforce the
body of the proposal
Evaluating the Research Proposal
• Proposal must be neatly written in
appropriate writing style
• Major topics should be easily found and
logically organized
• Proposal must meet specific guidelines set
by the sponsor
• Technical writing style must be clearly
understood and explained
• Cooper, D. R., and Schindler P. S., 2014. 12th Edition.
Business Research Method: Business Research
Requests and Proposals (with Sample RFP):. McGraw-
Hill/Irwin. New York.689 pp.
• Cooper, D. R., and Schindler P. S., 2014. 6th Edition.
Business Research Method: Business Research
Requests and Proposals (with Sample RFP):. McGraw-
Hill/Irwin. New York. pp.

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