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• To help learners become

interested on different problems

and issues that all societies face,
develop competencies and
construct knowledge/concerns.
• Increasing critical judgments.
Social Structures


Social Relationships
- Can be defined as a
process of rapid economic,
cultural, and institutional
integration among
- Makes the world
more accessible to
- This reality of globalization makes us see
ourselves as part of what we refer to as

“Global Age”. (Albrow, 1996)

“ … occurring through and with regression,
colonialism and destabilization”.
(Thomas Larsson, 2001)

(Martin Khor, mid 1990’s)
Former president of Third World
Network (TWN)
1961, First appearance in Webster’s

-definitions can be classified according to:

a. Broad and Inclusive
b. Narrow and Exclusive
“ … the characteristics of globalization trend include
the internationalizing of production, the new
international division of labor, new migratory
movements from South to North, the new
competitive environment that accelerates these
processes and the internationalizing of states…
making states into agencies of the globalizing world”
Robert Cox
cited in RAWOO Netherlands Development Assistance Research Council
No matter how one classifies a
definition of globalization, the
concept is complex and multifaceted
as the definitions deal with Economic,
Political or Social Dimensions.
“…a set of processes involving increasing
liquidity and the growing multidirectional
flows of people, objects, places, and
information as well as the structures they
encounter and create the barriers to, or
expedite, those flows…”
can SLOW
or activity and

STRUCTURAL = could even

limit the
BLOCKS are places a
person can
also present. visit.
• to provide organizations a
superior competitive position
with lower operating costs,
to gain greater numbers of
products, services, and
1. Peaceful Relations
2. Employment
3. Education
4. Product Quality
5. Cheaper Prices
6. Communication
7. Transportation
8. Free Trade
9. Travel and Tourism
10. External Borrowing
1. Health Issues
2. Loss of Culture
3. Uneven Wealth Distribution
4. Environmental Degradation
5. Conflicts
6. Cut-throat Competition
1. International Monetary Fund -
2. World Bank – (WB)
3. World Trade Organization – (WTO)
4. Trans-national Corporation or
Multi-national Corporations
5. Europien Union - (EU)
6. United Nations – (UN)

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