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S Curves

From Mays, 2011, Ground and Surface Water Hydrology

The 1- hr unit hydrograph for a watershed is
given below. Determine the 2 hr unit
Time ( hr) 1 2 3 4 5 6
Unit hydrograph ( cfs) 10 100 200 150 100 50
S Curve to Develop 2 hr unit
Time (hr) Unit hydrograph (cfs) S Diff 2 hr Unit Hydrograph
1 10 10 10 5 700
2 100 10 110 110 55
3 200 100 10 310 10 300 150 600
4 150 200 100 10 460 110 350 175
5 100 150 200 100 10 560 310 250 125 500
6 50 100 150 200 100 10 610 460 150 75
7 0 50 100 150 200 100 10 610 560 50 25
8 0 50 100 150 200 100 610 610 0 0 300
9 0 50 100 150 200 610 610
10 0 50 100 150 610 610 200
11 0 50 100 610 610
12 0 50 610 610
13 0 610 0
14 700 610 0 2 4 6 8

300 150


0 50
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
0 2 4 6 8
Problem 8.5.3
Suppose the 4-hr unit hydrograph for a
watershed is
Time (hr) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Unit hydrograph (m3/s/10 mm) 0 15 45 65 50 25 10 0

a) Determine the 2-hr unit hydrograph

b) A design storm has 1 cm/hr in first 2 hr and
0.5 cm/hr in the second 2 hr. Baseflow = 10
m3/s. Calculate the total runoff hydrograph
Problem 8.2.4.

Cum. Instantaneous
Time Rain Runoff
4:00 0 0
4:30 30 0.3
5:00 80 4.2
5:30 90 11.3
6:00 95 13
6:30 127 34
7:00 130 45.3
7:30 132 21.2
8:00 9.3
8:30 4.8
9:00 2.5
9:30 1.4
10:00 0.8
10:30 0
Problem 8.2.4.

Cum. Instantaneous Inc Vol Inc Depth

Time Rain Runoff (m3) (mm)
4:00 0 0
4:30 30 0.3 270 0.032 Instantaneous Runoff (m^3/s)
5:00 80 4.2 4050 0.482 50
5:30 90 11.3 13950 1.661
6:00 95 13 21870 2.604 45
6:30 127 34 42300 5.036 40
7:00 130 45.3 71370 8.496
7:30 132 21.2 59850 7.125 35
8:00 9.3 27450 3.268 30
8:30 4.8 12690 1.511
9:00 2.5 6570 0.782 25
9:30 1.4 3510 0.418 20
10:00 0.8 1980 0.236
10:30 0 720 0.086 15


3:36 4:48 6:00 7:12 8:24 9:36 10:48
Determining the  index and Excess
Rainfall Hyetograph
Phi . DT 26.75 60

Incremental Rainfall 50
Rainfall (mm) (mm)
0 40
30 3.246674 3.246674
50 23.246674 23.24667
10 -16.753326 30 0
5 -21.753326 0
32 5.246674 5.246674
3 -23.753326 0
2 -24.753326 0
Sum positive 31.74
3:30 4:00 4:30 5:00 5:30 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30

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