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Parul Institute of Engineering and Technology

• Final Year Project Presentation


Presented by
NEEL.MEHTA (170303106711)
HARSHRAJ.MAHIDA (180303106901)

Under Supervision of
Name of Guide:Mrs. DEEPA KARVAT
Presentation Outline
In this, project here we have tried to solve a parking problem for both, the users and the
operator of parking system. In the system, if there are multiple slots for parking then it
becomes difficult for the user to find out the appropriate position of parking and also for
the operator. In this project the system is designed such that, it will always show the
nearest parking slot always. Hence it becomes more effective parking system. In this
Ultra advanced parking system IR sensors are there in each parking slot to sense the
presence or absence of the vehicle in the slot. If there is vehicle inside the slot IR sensor
will sense and hence data is given to the empty microcontroller. The microcontroller is
programmed such that it will always show the nearest vacant slot. The available and
filled slots are displayed on the LCD continuously and by extending the easy way and
less space used for parking by more and more cars can park. By using automatic
escalator and floor or stage or level wise parking in a single building, we can ease the
way of parking with less human efforts and less space required and make it efficient. By
making these projects we have found out how to save human energy with use of
technology and better efficient work.
This research project is carried out to determine some more useful ways in parking
system as” HYBRID SMART PARKING SLOT” automation is also now plays wide
role in the field of display device design and to provide the management system with
automatic units so the user has simplicity to use it. This project is also concerned with
design of automatic display. In this, ultra advanced parking system here we have tried to
solve a parking problem for both, the users and the operator of parking system. In the
system if there are multiple slots for parking then it becomes difficult for the user to
find out the appropriate position of parking and also for the operator. In this project the
system is designed such that, it will always show the nearest parking slot always. Hence
it becomes more effective parking system. In this system IR sensors are there in each
parking slot to sense the presence or absence of the vehicle in the slot. If there is vehicle
inside the slot IR sensor it will be sensed and hence data is given to the empty
microcontroller. The microcontroller is programmed such that it will always show the
nearest vacant slot. The available and filled slots are displayed on the LCD
continuously. By using automatic escalator and floor or stage or level wise parking in a
single building, we can ease the way of parking with less human efforts and less space
required and very efficient.By making these projects we have found out how to save
human energy with use of technology and better efficient work.
Literature Review - 1
M.Y.I. Idris, Y.Y. Leng, E.M. Tamil, N.M. Noor and Z. Razak, 2009. Car Park System:
A Review of Smart Parking System and its Technology. Information Technology
Journal, 8: 101-113.
In the year 2006, 458,293 new registered vehicles were reported compared to the year
1999 where there were only 296,716 new registered vehicles, which makes it a rough
estimate of 54.5% increase in a span of 7 years (Malaysian Ministry of Transportation,
2007). Referring to the aforesaid statistics provided by the Malaysian Ministry of
Transportation, the current transportation infrastructure and car park facilities are
deemed insufficient in sustaining the influx of vehicles on the road.
Therefore, problems such as traffic congestion and insufficient parking space inevitably
crops up. In Asia, the situation are made worse by the fact that the roads are
significantly narrower compared to the West (Inaba et al., 2001). Various measures have
been taken in the attempt to overcome the traffic problems. Although, the problem can
be addressed via many methods, the paper focuses on the car park management system
introduced, which is the smart parking system. This study will review the evolution of
vehicle detection technologies as well as the detection systems developed over the
The smart parking system implemented mainly in the Europe, United States and Japan
(Shaheen et al., 2005) is developed with the incorporation of advanced technologies and
researches from various academic disciplines. With its deployment in the car park, it is
hoped that it would solve the aforementioned problems faced by the patrons within the
car park.
Advantages of smart parking system implementation: The smart parking system is
considered beneficial for the car park operators, car park patrons as well as in
environment conservation (Shaheen et al., 2005; Chinrungrueng et al., 2007). For the
car park operators, the information gathered via the implementation of the Smart
Parking System can be exploited to predict future parking patterns. Pricing strategies
can also be manipulated according to the information obtained to increase the
company’s profit. In terms of environment conservation, the level of pollution can be
reduced by decreasing vehicle emission (air pollutant) in the air (Shaheen et al., 2005).
This can be attributed to the fact that vehicle travel is reduced. As fuel consumption is
directly related to vehicle miles travelled, it will be reduces as well.
Patrons are also able to benefit from smart parking system as parking space are able to
be fully utilized (Kurogo et al., 1995; Sakai et al., 1995) with a safer (Shaheen et al.,
2005; Chinrungrueng et al., 2007).
Literature Review - 2
IoT Based Smart Parking System Using RFID Prof.S.S.Thorat*1 , Ashwini M 2 ,
Akanksha Kelshikar 3 , Sneha Londhe 4 , Mamta Choudhary 5 1, Assistant Professor,
Information Technology, JSPM’S Jayawantrao Sawant College Of Engineering
Hadapsar Pune,411028,India 2,3,4,5 Student BE ,Information Technology, JSPM’S
Jayawantrao Sawant College Of Engineering Hadapsar Pune,411028,India
In today life people don’t depend on public vehicles. They use their own vehicles to
travel. So traffic increases. When people travel through a city the most difficult
problem is to park the vehicle. It causes not only a waste of time and fuel for drivers
looking for parking but it also leads to additional waste of time and fuel for other
drivers as a result of traffic congestion. At first we use PGI (Parking Guidance
Information) for better parking management. Parking information may be displayed on
VMS (Variable Message Sign) at major roads or streets or it may be disseminated
through the internet. In PGI systems e-parking is an innovative platform which allows
drivers to obtain parking information before or during a trip and reserve a parking spot.
To overcome the limitations of PGI system Yanfeng Geng proposes a new concept
“Optimal parking based on resource allocation and reservationsection 3 conclusion. ”.
In present day cities, finding an available parking spot is always difficult for drivers,
and it tends to Available online at: Prof.S.S.Thorat, “IoT Based
Smart Parking System Using RFID”, International Journal Of Computer Engineering
In Research Trends, 4(1):9-12, January-2017. ©2017, IJCERT All Rights Reserved
DOI:10.22362/ijcert/2017/v4/i1/xxxx Page | 10 become harder with ever increasing
number of private car users. This situation can be seen as an opportunity for smart
cities to undertake actions in order enhance the efficiency their parking resources, thus
leading to reduction in searching times, traffic congestion and road accidents. Recent
advances in creating low-cost; low- power embedded systems are helping developers
to build new applications for the Internet of Things. As the number of population
increased in the metropolitan cities, the need of vehicles also got increased.Ultimately,
it causes problems in parking which leads to traffic congestion, driver frustration, and
air pollution.When we visit the different public places like Shopping malls, multiplex
cinema hall & hotels during the festival time or weekends it creates a lot of the parking
problem. According to the recent research found that a driver takes nearly 8 minutes to
park his vehicle because he spend more time in searching he parking slot.
It uses the concept of mixed integer linear problem. When people go through a
downtown area, there much rush and traffic. In this case to find the available location
for parking is very difficult. So implementing optimal parking people can easily park
vehicle in the reserved locations. 1.Introduction The basic definition of an Internet of
Things(IoT) can be defined as anything which could be connected to internet results
into “Internet of Things” The things in Internet of Things are sensors, actuators, RFID
tags.The things could be tracked, controlled or monitored using remote computers
connected through Internet. IoT extends the use of the Internet, providing the
communication ,and thus inter-network of the devices and physical objects ,or
„Things‟ IoT , in general consist so finter - network of the devices and physical
objects, number of objects can gather the data at remote locations and communicate to
units managing, acquiring, organizing and analyzing the data in the processes and
services. It provides a vision where things (wearable, watch, alarm clock, home
devices, surrounding objects with) become smart and behave alive through sense
computing and communicating with embedded small devices which interact with
remote objects or persons through connectivity.
Literature Review - 3
International Journal of Technical Innovation in Modern Engineering & Science
(IJTIMES) Impact Factor: 3.45 (SJIF-2015), e-ISSN: 2455-2584 Volume 3, Issue 3,
Parking on Parul university campus has long been a difficult proposition Rising student
enrolment and the necessary additional faculty and support staff have increased
demand for parking. Projected campus population growth will only exacerbate the
problem. The increasing number of private vehicles in campus has been inducing
detrimental effects on the campus in terms of increase in traffic congestion, lack of
park space, damaging vehicles and form long queue on the road, and parking lots
facility is very far from the all department so that it is taken more time to reached
destination. The purpose of this paper is the parking utilization pattern at the park and
ride facility and the factors influencing the demand for the park facility based on data
from literature review. The analysis includes determining methods of parking lots
design and manages to available space in campus and given proposal to management
of the department.
Parking Management Blueprints For Rajkot-Solution To Urban Transport Problems
Meet k Hingrajia and Pratik D Vagadia (sept 2015) studied the most vehicles are parked
for very short durations during the peak hours because of trading areas. facilities. To
prevent these delays and to best utilize space available in the area multistory parking or
Roof parking are the solutions
Jaydipsinh P.Chudasama,Dr.L.B.Zala(2012) Parking evaluation: A Case Study of Amul
Dairy road Anand;In his paper authors discussed on The study includes detail of volume
and parking data analysis for the study section. The study section was a commercial hub
of Anand city. Data was collected both primary and secondary sources. Primary data
collected by performing surveys of study area and secondary data were one’s that were
collected from secondary sources without performing survey. They conducted four
types of field survey traffic volume count survey, parking space inventory survey, land
use survey and parking survey. Volume count survey done with vediorecording method
and parking survey done used number plate registration was collected
than they analysis and gaven the conclusion
Literature Review - 4
Analysis for the Need of Parking Management System in Campus of MIT College
Rajat Boob 1, Arjita P. Biswas2 1M.E. Student, Dept. of civil Engineering, MIT
College- Pune, Maharashtra 2Assistant Professor, Dept. of civil Engineering, MIT
College- Pune, Maharashtra
Nowadays, due to increased population in the urban cities, there is continuous need to
facilitate public transport and adequate parking facilities. Management of parking
facilities in public areas like schools, colleges, hospitals and stations in the city like
Pune is very essential. According to current situation, the management of parking
facilities does not meet the desired requirements as per survey. In the present research
work, we have considered the campus of renowned college of Pune city, facing serious
problems of lack of parking facility. This leads to many serious problems like delays
parking congestion, unclear orientation of parking lots, more carbon emission from
vehicles in campus, academic loss of students due to time wasted in search of parking,
disturbing the peace of the campus, increase in temperature and pollution, etc.
A parking facility is generally defined as "Any building, structure, land, right of way,
equipment’s or facility used or useful in connection with the construction, enlargement,
development, maintenance or operation of any area or building for off-street parking of
motor vehicles". Nowadays two wheeler or car parking steals the most valuable asset
every individual has i.e. time. A lot of time is wasted in finding for an available parking
space. Lack of parking spaces is an additional source of traffic congestion and pollution.
More traffic means more pollution. Vehicle's CO2 emission is higher while you are
circling around looking for available parking spot than you could just drive to your spot
and park the vehicle. In urban cities like Pune, the land space available for parking is so
much less as compare to the population available and it is very difficult to search
parking space which leads to various serious problems. Nowadays due to scarcity of
parking facilities vertical parking is preferred instead of horizontal parking which
accommodates more number of vehicles in less space available. In this research paper,
firstly a parking supply and demand survey was prepared and distributed to 200
participants that include college students and staff members as a part of project, in order
to identify the scale of parking problem in college campus. Then, the reasons of these
problems are find out. Finally, suitable suggestions are put forward.
Literature Review - 5
AMERICAN UNIVERSITY OF SHARJAH” By Tahani Y. Al Hanaei A final project
submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Urban
Planning American University of Sharjah 2006-2007
The unique situation of university campuses makes them excellent environments in
which to examine the transportation-land use relationship, specifically, how to
optimally occupy and manage space while maintaining maximum mobility and
accessibility. For the purposes of this study, the definition of land use is the function of
space, for example, the campus land used for parking, vehicular access roads, the
pedestrian network, academic and administrative buildings, athletic facilities, boarding
facilities, etc. One example of the transportation-land use relationship on a campus is
the effect that the function of space may have on transportation and vice versa, as land
used for a parking lot provides campus access to motor vehicles and, if convenient,
may encourage campus users to drive to campus rather than consider a transportation
alternative (e.g., transit) that consumes less land thereby leaving space available for
preferred functions such as an auditorium or a stadium.
Hindman and Sanchez 2004 Many local governments, universities, and colleges
experience parking problems because of the rapid expansion of population and need
for car parking spaces. Anyone who drives a car appreciates the difficulties of finding
a parking space in areas such as intense academic, administrative, student residential,
and recreational activities. The average personal car is only driven for approximately
5-10% of the time, while for the remainder it is parked. Hindman and Sanchez outline
the root of the parking problem. They argue that it began when the number of vehicles
per household increased in the early twentieth century. At the same time, developers
were building homes to maximize profits by allocating the least amount of land to
parking. Prior to 1950, most municipalities had no requirements regarding the
provision of private parking in new residential or commercial developments
(Ferguson 2003). The gradually worsening of this problem led to adoption of zoning
for parking as the primary public policy solution to parking problems (Ferguson
2004). Barnett argues that the development around the typical highway interchange is
the result of designing the highway as an isolated artifact, without any recognition that
it will induce development. Typical interchange designs minimize the amount of land
needed, and permits cars to maintain speed as they leave the highway. But nobody
thinks about how to fit the interchange into the buildings that will go up around it.
Barnett says that highway interchanges fragment development into quadrants; the
development within the quadrant is fragmented even further by large quantities of at-
grade parking. Barnett suggests that the amount of land required for a typical parking
space is about 350 square feet, 200 square feet for the car parking space itself, and 150
square feet for aisles, ingress and egress points, and other traffic circulation needs.
Barnett suggests that a good way to gain a price advantage for office development is to
buy cheap land with good access and get it rezoned for offices. Then the developer has
enough room to build at–grade parking, which provides a big price advantage over a
developer who has to build a garage. He thinks that it is difficult to create urbanity
while accommodating today’s standard suburban parking requirements. He cites the
example of the continuous frontages of Parisian boulevards in the Ile de France, which
most people would agree is one of the most beautiful and livable cities in the world.
Daggett and Gutkowski (2003) Daggett and Gutkowski (2003) conducted a survey of
universities and concluded that the master plan provides an excellent opportunity for
both universities and surrounding communities to address transportation issues and to
establish working relationships with one another as a framework for accomplishing
goals. The survey results indicate that demand for parking is greater than the supply,
thereby creating substantial opportunities for Transportation Demand Management
(TDM) programs and transit, bicycle and pedestrian facility improvements.
Literature Review - 6
(An ISO 3297: 2007 Certified Organization) Vol. 4, Issue 10, October 2015 Copyright
to IJIRSET DOI:10.15680/IJIRSET.2015.0410086 9933 A Survey on “Smart Parking”
System Faiz Shaikh1 , Nikhilkumar B.S.2 , Omkar Kulkarni3 , Pratik Jadhav4 ,Saideep
Bandarkar5 Assistant Professor, Dept. of Computer Engineering, JSCOE, Hadapsar,
Pune, India2 UG Student, Dept. of Computer Engineering, JSCOE, Hadapsar, Pune,
In today parking lots there are no standard system to check for parking spaces. The
system heavily relies on human interaction with the physical space and entity. This
leads to wastage of human manpower and also parking spaces at times. These parking
lots are dependent on Human-to-Human Interaction (HHI) which is not efficient.
Previously, various techniques have been proposed to overcome such problems. Smart
parking with help of short messaging service(SMS) was devised to provide an entry
and exit password which would allow the person to authenticate himself/herself at the
entry/exit point [9]. The ZigBee wireless sensor network along with global system for
mobile (GSM) used a data from each node to show if the parking space is available
and the data was available only at the entry point and at the administration end [11].
The author Jihoon Yang introduced a new system with global positioning system (GPS)
which helped user to locate parking space remotely. The sensors however, could not be
stacked over one another [12]. Artificial Intelligence (AI) provided a background for
image processing using camera sensor which helped identify occupied parking spaces to
the administrator[15]. The ManjushaPatil proposed a system which works with passive
radio frequency identification (RFID) tags which helps identifying individual cars and
then booking a slot at the entrance. The image show how the system works [16]. The
author presents an idea to use wide angle camera as a sensor which will read only free
parking spaces and records them. They are marked with grey spots on the screen. These
records are then used to assign parking space to the incoming user [18]. The author
proposes robotic garage (RG) using Bluetooth to park the car. The system identifies the
unique registration number in the Bluetooth chip to check whether the new vehicle needs
to be parked. This system is a stack parking arrangement for the vehicles with sensors tha
confirm placement of the car. Other sensors are used to confirm that there are no
passengers in the vehicles and then the system moves the vehicle to storage area
employing rack and pinion (RaP) mechanism [19]. The author proposes upgraded system
to the above, which is deployed with active radio frequency identification (RFID) to
authenticate at the gate management service (GMS) to assign a slot. The system provides
an additional feature to monitor parking lot over the internet [20].
The author proposes mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) along with Driver reques
processing center (DRPC) provides infrastructure to vehicle (I2V) communication for
assigning and reserving parking spaces using smart parking allocation center (SPARC)
from parking guidance and information(PGI) [14] The systems proposed by various
authors help us effectively in reserving as well as eliminates the need for searching of a
parking space in private parking lot. Many researchers have implemented systems which
have dynamic arrangement scheme for satisfying the different needs of drivers and
service providers, which is based on real-time parking information. Hence, we conclude
that this paper is very useful for new researcher for innovation of new techniques to
manage the problem faced by drivers on day to day basis. The table contains advantages
and disadvantages of various systems implemented by researchers. In future work, we
innovate this system which is not only used in a particular parking area available, but can
be extended and also be implemented on various other platforms such as railway stations,
airports, mall parking spaces. This will make the management of the parking spaces
efficiently, by eliminating need of manual labor work.
Literature Review - 7
Survey of Smart Parking Solutions. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation
Systems, IEEE, 2017, 18 (12), pp. 3229-3253. ff10.1109/TITS.2017.2685143ff. ffhal-
Parking coordinates land use and transportation in urban areas, and it is also one of the
most important assets, bringing revenues to cities. Manville et al. [1] surveyed the
percentage of total parking areas in the central business district of different cities.
Averagely, parking coverage takes 31% of land use in big cities, like San Francisco,
and even more, 81% in Los Angeles and 76% in Melbourne, while at the lower end we
find New York (18%), London (16%), and Tokyo (7%). Such a super high parking
coverage density in Los Angeles can be a constraint on urban redevelopment and lead
to an increase of vehicles as well as a reduction of public transportation [2]. Hence, the
removal of unnecessary parking areas is the first task for municipalities to create a
better urban planning. Understanding and improving the legacy parking search can
help achieve this goal, e.g., 98% of automobile trips within the Los Angeles. This
article surveys the parking solutions literature over the period 2000-2016 focusing on
the development and evolution of smart parking
metropolitan area start or end with free parking (California household travel survey,
2013). 100% of Parisian Trista Lin is with the Assystem, Saint-Priest, France. Herve
Ri- ´ vano and Fred´ eric Le Mou ´ el are with the INRIA, Universit ¨ e de Lyon, ´
INSA-Lyon, CITI-INRIA, Villeurbanne, France (E-mail:;; This work was supported by
the French Rhone-Alpes Region under grants ˆ Explora’Pro and ARC 07 no7075.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TITS.2017.2685143 drivers ever abandoned their
trips because of annoying and endless parking searches and some drivers park their
cars on unauthorized areas (Association for European Transport 2006). Accordingly, if
drivers can have real-time parking availability information, they will be able to adjust
their traveling schedule without spending time cruising the city in vain. Many cities
have started smart parking projects. Smart parking is a way to help drivers find more
efficiently satisfying parking spaces through information and communications
technology, especially for occidental countries. Big American cities, like Los Angeles
and San Francisco, have respectively 63% [3] and 75.5% [4] of on-street parking
among all the parking spaces
European cities averagely have 37% [5], Beijing [6] only has 5%, and Tokyo has
scarce on-street parking. Cities with more on-street parking spaces need comparatively
to adopt smart parking to avoid drivers cruising for free parking. In addition, cities
deploy smart parking services on an economic initiative basis. First, drivers can
shorten their parking search time, reduce environmental pollution, reduce costs with
less fuel consumption and alleviate traffic congestion through information from smart
parking apps. That also increases public transportation use rate and cities’ revenues as
well. Second, if drivers can rapidly find a parking space, the idle time for on-street
parking is shorter and the parking revenues increase. Installing sensors on unauthorized
areas where people frequently park their car can help detect illegal parking and can
issue in a penalty charge, as with electric vehicles and disabled parking stalls. Third,
once the traffic is fluent, it increases urban mobility and expands cities’ capacities. It
brings more population, activities and business opportunities. Evenepoel et al. [7]
made a study about the on-street parking sensor networks cost model in Ghent and
compared the annual reduction in city-wide congestion cost with the annual cost of the
entire network.
The figures show that all deployments up to 5000 sensor nodes are economically
viable. Xerox, involved in a smart parking project in Los Angeles, gives the idea of
LEAN SMART PARKING1 by illustrating the tradeoff between the costs and the
benefits from smart parking systems. Thus, smart parking or even smart city
deployment is strategically profitable when the system scale is limited and well
positioned. Moreover, smart parking deployment intends to deploy many sensors in
cities and overcome current sensor management problems. It can become a leading
paradigm of smart cities [8]. The goal of this survey is to give a comprehensive guide
to the state-of-the-art in smart parking. To the best of our knowledge, there exist five
previous efforts in smart parking solutions [9–13]. Idris et al. [10] and Revathi et al. [9]
both did a survey on smart parking systems using different parking sensors and the
affiliated functionalities, e.g., centralized or opportunistic information storage systems,
park-and-ride facilities, E-parking, automated parking, payment systems, reservation
systems, parking assist or guidance systems and vehicle license plate recognition
Problem Identification
Previously, there was no technology of ultra advance parking due to which labor
cost and labors has to increase for looking that parking slot is empty or not there is
waste of time and human work is increase due to which initial monthly cost
increase so we introduce ultra advance parking system in which parking slot will
be seen empty on LCD screen so empty nearest slot will be seen. . In this project
the system is designed such that, it will always show the nearest parking slot
always. Hence it becomes more effective parking system. In this Ultra advanced
parking system IR sensors are there in each parking slot to sense the presence or
absence of the vehicle in the slot. If there is vehicle inside the slot IR sensor will
sense and hence data is given to the empty microcontroller. The microcontroller is
programmed such that it will always show the nearest vacant slot. After making
this project we are able to know about, how save human energy with use of
technology and better efficient work. By making ultra advance parking system, we
have made easy work for human and for parking system also. After all wastage of
human energy and lack of technology is increase so due this tech we will make
better and good hybrid parking system.
Proposed Work Plan
 There are multiple automatic parking system projects available in the Market.
 All of those shows available parking slots.
 Now in this project, we are planning to have some innovations.
 We are going to make a projects which will not only show the empty slots
available but it will also show which is the nearest slot out of them all.
 This will reduce a lot of confusion for the parking authorities and
 also for the consumers using that parking.
 Another thing we would be adding in this projects is that we will be making step
 Due to this more number of cars will be parked in a lesser area.
 This will reduce high costs of buying big land for parking.
 And the same multiple slots parking system could have been very confusing and
stressful for both the user and the parking authorities.
 But with the help of this Hybrid Smart Parking Plot System, the same process
becomes very easy


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