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What’s Happening?!

Broadband Internet access has grown from 6% to 31% in three


Jobless claims fell last week to the lowest level since Nov. 30

John Rodrigues reports that he is getting job interviews.

GM reported record 4th quarter earnings.

First ISMA meeting on Tuesday – Speaker is JP LeBlanc

from Borland. Time and place yet to be determined.
Chapter 2 Summary

Business Competitive Environment

Review of Objectives
To clearly understand competition:
 Definition of Competitiveness
 Competitive Advantage
 Global Competition
Role of the nation:
 Role of government within a nation.
Definition of Competitiveness
 Objective of a business is to make a profit.
 Profit based on providing value to customers.

How can a business assure value to customers?

A good competitor knows:
 Which products and services it offers.
 Who its customers are.
 Who its competitors are.
Competitive Advantage
To assure positioning for profit, a company must
maintain competitive advantage.
 Methods that are achievable and sustainable.
 Work smarter.
 Assess whether Information Systems are
appropriate to gaining a competitive advantage?
 Focus on three primary inputs: HR , Capital,
Global Competition
The Global Market will come to you if you
don’t go to it.
 By staying in your home country, you
assume a defensive position.
 There are advantages and disadvantages to
going global. These need to be considered
Role of the Nation
 Study states that increased competitiveness
of the Nation will stimulate the economy.
 6 recommended steps to stay competitive.
 Only companies can sustain and achieve
competitive advantage.
 Government should serve as a catalyst and a
Competitiveness: A Link to National Goals

Human Trade Decreased Stronger

Policy Budget National
Resources Deficit Security

Improved Increased More and

Capital Domestic World Market Better Jobs
Performance Competitiveness

Reduced Increased
Technology Trade Standard of
Deficit Living

Figure 2-1
Possible Exam Questions
1. What are some ways that governments
serve as a catalyst and challenger to the
competitiveness of its companies?

2. Why has competitiveness become the

important topic that it is?
Chapter 3 Introduction

The Porter Competitive Model

for Industry Structure Analysis
Key Chapter Objectives
 Basic understanding of Porter Competitive
 How the model can be used to analyze a
company’s competitive position within its
environment (its industry).
 How IS infrastructure can influences a
companies responsiveness to its changing
business environment.
The Porter Competitive Model

Used to understand and evaluate the

structure of an industry’s business
environment and the threats of
competition to a specific company.
Porter Competitive Model
New Entrants

Bargaining Intra-Industry Bargaining

Power Rivalry Power
of Suppliers Strategic Business Unit of Buyers

and Services

Source: Michael E. Porter

“Forces Governing Competition in Industry
Harvard Business Review, Mar.-Apr. 1979 Figure 3-1
Two Strategic Objectives
 Create effective links with customers and

 Create barriers to new entrants and substitute

Primary and Supporting Strategies

 Differentiation Strategy (Primary)

 Low Cost Strategy (Primary)
 Innovation (Supporting)
 Growth (Supporting)
 Alliance (Supporting)
Value Chain

 Developed by Michael Porter but different

from competitive model because it focuses
within the company.

 Analyzes the cross-functional flow of

products or services within an organization
that add value to customers.
Generic Value Chain







Adapted with the permission of the Free Press, an imprint of Simon & Schuster Inc.. from
COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE: Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance by Michael Porter. Copyright Figure 3-6
© 1985 by Michael E. Porter.
Value Chain and IS
 The Value Chain can be used to determine
where IS can strengthen the flow of primary
and support activities within an
 Every segment of an organization needs IT
and IS to be competitive. So this model is
essential to visualizing the flow of activities
within segments through the use of IS and
Chapter 3

Porter Competitive Model

Industry Structure Analysis
ATP Research
1. Value Line
2. Company web page and annual report.
3. Internet search engines:
Ask Jeeves
4. Library reference documents
5. Jack Callon and his documents
The Plan for Today
• Address the Concepts of the Porter
Competitive Model.
• Provide some industry examples using the
Competitive Model.
• Address the Value Chain conceptually and
with industry examples.
• Revisit each of these using the Airline
Industry as the example in Chapter 4.
Awareness of competitive forces can
help a company stake out a position
in its industry that is less vulnerable
to attack.

Michael E. Porter
Competitive Strategy
Porter Competitive Model
• Was not developed for IS use.
• Breaks an industry into logical parts,
analyzes them and puts them back together.
• Avoids viewing the industry too narrowly.
• Provides an understanding of the structure
of an industry’s business environment.
• Provides an understanding of competitive
threats into an industry.
Two Key Questions

1. How structurally attractive is

the industry?

2. What is the company’s relative

position within the industry?
Why Do You Care?
The collective strength of the industry forces
determines the ultimate profit potential of an
The strongest competitive forces are of greatest
importance in formulating competitive strategies.

Every industry has an underlying structure, or a

set of fundamental economic and technical
characteristics that gives rise to these competitive
Why Do You Care?

This view of competition pertains to industries

selling products and those dealing in services.

A few characteristics are often key to the strength

of each competitive force.
Key Industry Analysis Factors

• Collecting the data.

• Determining which data is important.

• Selecting an appropriate overall approach.

• Deciding on the logical starting point.

Basic Objectives of the SBU

1. To create effective links with

buyers and suppliers.

2. To build barriers to new entrants

and substitute products.
Porter Competitive Model
New Entrants

Bargaining Intra-Industry Bargaining

Power Rivalry Power
of Suppliers Strategic Business Unit of Buyers

and Services

Source: Michael E. Porter

“Forces Governing Competition in Industry
Harvard Business Review, Mar.-Apr. 1979 Figure 3-1
Rivalry Likelihood
• Profit margins.
• Industry growth rate and potential.
• A lack of capacity to satisfy the market.
• Fixed costs.
• Competitor concentration and balance.
• Diversity of competitors.
• Existing brand identity.
• Switching costs.
• Exit barriers.
A Buyer Has Power If:
1. It has large, concentrated buying power that enables
it to gain volume discounts and/or special
terms or services.
2. What it is buying is standard or undifferentiated and
there are multiple alternative sources.
3. It earns low profit margins so it has great incentive
to lower its purchasing costs.
4. It has a strong potential to backward integrate.
5. The product is unimportant to the quality of the
buyers’ products or services.
A Supplier Has Power If:
1. There is domination of supply by a few companies.
2. Its product is unique or at least differentiated.
3. It has built up switching costs.
4. It provides benefits through geographic proximity to
its customers.
5. It poses a definite threat to forward integrate into
its customers’ business.
6. A long time working relationship provides unique
New Entrant:
An existing company or a startup that has not
previously competed with the SBU in its
geographic market. It can also be an existing
company that through a shift in business strategy
begins to compete with the SBU.
Substitute Product or Service:
An alternative to doing business with the SBU. This
depends on the willingness of the buyers to
substitute, the relative price/performance of the
substitute and/or the level of the switching cost.
Possible Barriers to Entry
• Economies of scale.
• Strong, established cost advantages.
• Strong, established brands.
• Proprietary product differences.
• Major switching costs.
• Limited or restrained access to distribution.
• Large capital expenditure requirements.
• Government policy.
• Definite strong competitor retaliation.
Substitute Threats
• Buyer propensity to substitute.
• Relative price/performance of substitutes.
• Switching costs.
Competitive Strategies

• What is driving competition in my current or

future industry?

• What are my current or future competitors

likely to do and how will we respond?

• How can we best posture ourselves to achieve

and sustain a competitive advantage?
Strategy Options
According to Michael Porter
Primary Strategies
1. Differentiation
2. Least Cost
Supporting Strategies
1. Innovation
2. Growth
3. Alliance
Can Information Systems:
1. Build barriers to prevent a company from entering
an industry?
2. Build in costs that would make it difficult for a
customer to switch to another supplier?
3. Change the basis for competition within the
4. Change the balance of power in the relationship
that a company has with customers or suppliers?
5. Provide the basis for new products and services,
new markets or other new business opportunities?
Porter Competitive Model
Heavyweight Motorcycle Manufacturing Industry
North American Market
• Parts Manufacturers • Foreign Manufacturer
• Electronic Components Potential • Established Company
• Specialty Metal Suppliers New Entrant Entering a New Market
• Machine Tool Vendors
• Labor Unions • New Startup
• IT Vendors
Bargaining Intra-Industry Rivalry Bargaining
Power of SBU: Harley-Davidson Power of
Suppliers Rivals: Honda, BMW, Buyers
Suzuki, Yamaha
• Recreational Cyclist
• Automobiles • Young Adults
• Public Transportation Substitute • Law Enforcement
• Mopeds Product or • Military Use
• Bicycles Service • Racers
Business Strategy Model - Motorcycle Manufacturing Industry
Product Strategy

Heavyweight Off-Road Dual Purpose Road Racing Café Racer

Price Strategy
Entry Level Moderate Premium
Market Strategy
Law Enforcement Military Recreational Professional Young Adult
North American Europe Japan/Asia Latin America
Manufacturing Strategy
Vertically Integrated Vendor Emphasis Outsource
Sales/Distribution Strategy
Distributors Independent Dealers Franchised Dealers
Company Structure
Independent Alliances Joint Ventures/Subsidiaries
Information Systems
Engineering Product Design Manufacturing Sales/Distribution Business
Business Strategy Model – Food Service Industry
Product Strategy
Limited Broad Range Wide Range of Health
Specialized of Specialized Non-specialized Conscious
Products Products Products Products

Customer Strategy
Parents Young Adults Time Leisure Senior
Teenagers with Social Conscious Ethnic
with Adults Citizens Focus
Kids Focus Adults

Store Format Strategy

Dine In Dine In Drive
Wait Service Counter Service Take Out Through
or Buffet
Vendor Strategy
Competitive Long Term Vertically
Bids Contracts Integrated

Market Strategy
Local Regional National International
Company Structure Strategy

Independent Alliances Franchises Subsidiary

Information Systems Strategy

Customer Store Product Business
Logistical Analysis
Systems Systems System Systems
Porter Competitive Model Analysis
for the San Francisco 49ers
New Entrants

Suppliers Intra-Industry Buyers

SBU: SF Giants

Substitute Products and Services

Porter Competitive Model Analysis for the San Francisco 49ers
Bay Area Market
New Entrants
•Canadian Football
•Professional Hockey
•Professional Soccer
•Sumo Tournaments

Suppliers Buyers
•Players Union •Die Hard 49er Fans
•City of SF Intra-Industry Rivalry •Die Hard Football Fans
•Transportation Services SBU: SF 49ers •Fair Weather Football Fans
•Food Service •Rivals: Oakland Raiders •Non-football Fans
•Sovereigns •Arena Football •Out of Town Visitors
•Police and Sanitation •S.F. 49ers •Opposing Team Fans
Service •Golden State Warriors •Age Group Segments
•Utilities •College Athletic Events •Groups Versus Individuals
•Stadium Employees •High School Athletic Events •Corporate Sponsors
•Movies, Stage Plays, etc. •Sports Writers and Media
•General Travel and Travel Packages Outlets

Substitute Products and Services

•Televised Football Games - Free or Cable Service at Home
•Televised Games at Sports Bars
• Radio Broadcasts of Football Games
• Rotisserie Leagues, Trading Cards, Memorabilia
Porter Competitive Model
1. To incorrectly define the industry can cause major
problems in doing Section I of the analysis term paper.
2. You must identify the specific market being evaluated.
3. Your analysis company is the Strategic Business Unit.
4. Identify rivals by name for majors, by category for minor
rivals if needed to present the best possible profile of
Porter Competitive Model

5. Be sure to address the power implications of both

customers and suppliers. Power buys them what?
6. Identify buyers and suppliers by categories versus
7. Summarize your Porter Model analysis.
Computer Industry

Why is this industry more of a challenge to

evaluate using the Porter Competitive
Old Computer Industry
Layer 5

Layer 4

Layer 3
Layer 2
Layer 1


Figure 3-3
The New Computer Industry
Layer 5 Computer Super Mass Mail Value-add Direct
Distributors Clubs Sales Other
Dealers Stores Merchandisers Order Resellers

Layer 4
•Spreadsheets Lotus 1-2-3 Microsoft Excel Quattro Pro
•Word Processors

Layer 3
Operating MS DOS Windows OS/2 Unix Apple
Novell Netware Banyan IBM Others

Layer 2
Computer IBM Compaq Other Intel-Based PCs Apple Macs Other

Layer 1
Microprocessor Intel X86 Motorola RISC Power PC

Figure 3-4
The Computer Industry
Layer 6 Direct
Sales and Computer Super Mass Mail Value-add Internet
Distribution Stores Stores Merchandisers Order Resellers Direct

Layer 5
Desktop Suites Enterprise Resource Planning Supply Chain Management Other
Word Processors Spread Sheets Publishing Groupware Data Warehouse Other

Layer 4
Database & LAN, WAN and Internet Software Interfaces, Browsers and Search Engines
Hierarchical Database Relationship Database
Layer 3
System Windows Unix Linux Apple
Layer 2
Supercomputer Mainframe Midrange Workstation PC Handheld Device

Layer 1
Microprocessor Intel X86 Motorola RISC Power PC
Computer Industry
Multiple processor
• Processors segments in the computer
• Input/Output Devices industry.

• Storage Devices Processor companies

versus specialized
hardware companies.
Networking Equipment?
• Systems Software Hardware vendors
• Operating Systems versus independent
software companies.
• Database Systems
• Network Systems
• Utility Software
• Performance and
Security Software
• Development Software
• Programming Languages
• CASE Software
• Applications Software
Applications Software
Specific application software to do numerous things.
Running on a range of processors.
Applications suites (integrated applications) Some call
these integrated enterprise applications

Is game software from Sony a part of the computer


Is software to run numerical control machine tools part of

the computer industry?

Is software to analyze automobile smog tests part of the

computer industry?
Worldwide Computer Hardware Sales




1996 Workstation
Personal Computer


Source: Dataquest

1993 Millions of Dollars

0 50,000 100,000 150,000 200,000 250,000 300,000 350,000

Worldwide Hardware Sales

Total Hardware
Billions of $s

0 100 200 300 Billions of $s

Source: Dataquest
What is a PC?

1. A desktop tool—word processor, spreadsheet,

publishing tool, data store.
2. An entertainment device.
3. Communication device—email.
4. Information source—Internet sources.
5. A collaboration tool.
PC Industry Segment

1. Passed $100 billion in sales in the first ten years.

2. Growth and competition was based on industry standards
like never before.
3. This has spawned thousands of niche companies.
4. The PC has fundamentally restructured the Computer
5. Industry pioneers believe the revolution is no more than
half over.
Change Relative to Selling PCs

1. Languages
2. Application Packages
3. Connectivity and Compatibility
4. Multimedia
5. Communication Device--Groupware
PC Industry Change
• Atari • Dell
• Cromemco • Gateway
• Fortune Systems • IBM
• Wicat Systems • HP (Compaq)
• Kaypro • NEC
• Morrow Designs
• Osborne Computer
• Victor Technologies
The Future Computer Industry

1. Traditional US Companies (large).

2. Asian Electronic Companies.

3. The New Strategy Companies.

Why has the US continued to be the world leader in

the computer industry?
Porter Value Chain

Basic Concept:

1. Deals with core business processes.

2. Enables tracking a new idea to create a new

product and/or service from origination all the
way to customer satisfaction.
Porter Value Chain

Manufacturing Industry Value Chain

Research Production Sales

and Engineering and Marketing and Service
Development Manufacturing Distribution
Retail Industry Value Chain

Partnering Marketing
Managing Distributing Operating
with Buying and
Inventory Inventory Stores
Vendor Selling
Value Chain Things to Remember
1. Value to customer objective is not clear.
2. Relay team concept is too time consuming and doesn’t
work in the current competitive environment.
3. Maximize the value-add activities and eliminate as
much as possible the things that do not add value.
4. Make sure that each step in the overall process (each
function) does things consistent with the overall
objective of value to customer.
Generic Value Chain







Adapted with the permission of the Free Press, an imprint of Simon & Schuster Inc.. from
COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE: Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance by Michael Porter. Copyright Figure 3-6
© 1985 by Michael E. Porter.
Property and Casualty Industry Value Chain
-Financial Policy -Regulatory Compliance - Legal - Accounting

Actuary Agent Claims
MANAGEMENT Training Training Training
Actuarial Methods Product
Investment Development
Practices Market Research
PROCUREMENT Communications

•Policy Rating • Underwriting •Independent •Policy Sales •Claims Settlement

• Investment Agent Network •Policy Renewal •Loss Control
•Billing and •Agent Manage-
Collections ment



Included with permission of Michael E. Porter based on ideas in Competitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining
Superior Performance, copyright 1985 by Michael E. Porter.
Figure 3-7
Technologies in the Value Chain
Information System Technology
Planning and Budgeting Technology
Office Technology
HUMAN Training Technology
RESOURCE Motivation Research
MANAGEMENT Information Technology

Product Technology
Software Development Tools
TECHNOLOGY Computer-Aided Design Information Systems Technology
DEVELOPMENT Pilot Plant Technology
Information Systems Technology
Communication System Technology
PROCUREMENT Transportation System Technology

•Transportation •Basic Process •Transportation •Multi-Media •Diagnostic and

Technology Technology Technology Technology Testing Technology
•Material Handling •Materials •Material Handling •Communication •Communications
Technology Technology Technology Technology Technology
•Storage and •Machine Tools •Packaging •Information •Information
Preservation Technology Technology Technology Technology
Technology •Materials Handling •Communications
•Communication Technology Technology
System •Packaging •Information
Technology Technology Technology
•Testing Technology •Testing Technology
•Information •I/nformation Tech.

Adapted with the permission of the Free Press, an imprint of Simon & Schuster Inc.. from
COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE: Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance by Michael Porter. Copyright Figure 3-8
© 1985 by Michael E. Porter., p. 167.
Business Awareness Questionnaire
2. The world’s largest corporation based on annual revenue is

3. CTO – Chief Technical Officer

CFO – Chief Financial Officer
CMO – Chief Marketing Officer
CIO – Chief Information Officer
COO – Chief Operating Officer
CEO – Chief Executive Officer

4. Large number of well known business success books.

5. Business Week, Fortune, Forbes, The Economist,
Harvard Business Review
Information Week, Datamation, Computer World

A. Larry Ellison – Oracle

B. Scott McNealy – Sun Microsystems
C. John Chambers – Cisco Systems
D. Carly Fiorina – Hewlett-Packard
E. Craig Barrett – Intel Corp.
F. Steve Balmer – Microsoft
G. Jeff Bezos –
A. Sam Walton – Wal-Mart Stores
B. Fred Smith – Federal Express
C. Gordon Moore – Intel Corp.
D. Herb Kelleher – Southwest Airlines
E. David Filo – Yahoo!
F. George Zimmer – Men’s Wearhouse

A. Michael Porter – Business Competitiveness

B. Michael Hammer – Process Reengineering
C. W. Edwards Demming – Total Quality Management
D. Tom Peters – Managing by Walking Around
E. Warren Bennis – Business Leadership
Significant Business Events During 2000:
1. Enron collapse
2. HP-Compaq merger
3. United Airlines bankruptcy
4. Survival of and continued success of eBay.

1. is definitely the standard by which e-

Commerce companies are compared. eBay is uniquely
profitable as an Internet company.
2. NASDAQ lists more than technology companies.
3. The News, Life, Sports and Weather is a description of
USA Today and not the Wall Street Journal.
4. Japan, not Germany, is the world’s second largest
5. Saturn is owned by GM and not Ford.
6. Burn rate is the rate at which a startup uses up its cash
position on a daily or weekly basis.
7. A balance sheet indicates assets and liabilities. The profit
and loss statement indicates profit.
8. A general sentiment is that established companies with a
solid brick and mortar foundation can move to the Internet
with a winning approach.
9. The big three of the airline industry are American, United
and Delta—not Northwest.
1. To start a new business requires: E. all of the above.
2. Of the factors in question 1, not having sufficient
operating capital is the cause of most business failures.
3. Never listed as first on the Fortune Most Admired List
are Cisco Systems, Intel and Wal-Mart Stores.
4. Industries that have dominated the least admired list are
the Savings and Loan Industry and the Airline Industry.
5. A money source for a startup that is not realistic in most
cases is commercial banks.
6. IPO stands for initial public offering.
7. Marketing is determining what to sell and sales is
selling what you have.

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