Fire Protection System

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A method of fire protection involves the conveyance of water in

pipes to extinguish fire within a building falls into the field of

Water may be supplied through riser pipes or standpipes with hose

connections in a tall buildings may be fed from storage tank, from
pump or from a mobile pumping engine in the street connected to a
breaching or “Siamese Post”
Spray Nozzle


Fire Dectector


Fire Protection in land-based buildings, offshore construction or onboard ship

is typically achieved via all of the following:
Passive fire protection- the installation if firewalls and fire rated floor
assemblies to form fire compartments intended to limit the spread of
fire, high temperatures, and smoke.
Active Fire Protection- manual and automatic detection and suppression of
fires, such as fire sprinkler systems and (fire alarm) systems.

Education- the provision of information regarding passive and active fire

protection systems to building owners, operators, occupants, and emergency
personnel so that they have a working understanding of the intent of these
systems and how they perform in the fire safety plan.
Passive Fire Protection (PFP)

PFP attempts to contain fires or slow the spread, through use of fire-
resistant walls, floors, and doors.
The aim for PFP systems is typically demonstrated in fire testing the
ability to maintain the item or side to be protected at or below 140˚C.
Fire testing involves live fire exposures upwards of 1100˚C depending on
the fire-resistance rating and duration one is after.
A. Fire-resistant Intumescent coatings – structural steel
B. Fire-resistant sprayed coatings – structural steel
C. Fire-resistant boards– structural steel
D. Fire-rated/smoke control exact ductwork
E. Fire-stopping penetration seals
F. Fire-rated dampers/smoke control
G. Fire-rated Industrial doors/ shutters
H. Fire-rated partitions
I. Fire-resistant roof glazing
J. Fire resistant glass walls/ floors/ facades
K. Fire-resistant building hardware
L. Fire-resistant and smoke control doors
M.Fire-resistant glazed doors
N. Fire-resistant glass doors
Passive Fire Protection (PFP)
Fire-resistance rated walls they are also
designed to sub-divide buildings such that if
collapse occurs on one side, this will not affect
the other side. They can also be used to eliminate
the need for sprinklers.
Fire-resistant glass using multi-layer intumescent
technology or wire mesh embedded within the
glass may be used in the fabrication of fire-
resistance rated windows in walls or fire doors.
Fire-resistance rated floors
Passive Fire Protection (PFP)

Occupancy Separation (barriers

designated as occupancy
separations are intended to
aggregate parts of buildings,
where different uses are on each
side; for instance, apartments on
one side and stores on the side of
the occupancy separation)
Closures(fire dampers)
Occupancy Separation Walls
Passive Fire Protection (PFP)

Closure ( fire dampers ) Firestops

Passive Fire Protection (PFP)

Grease ducts (these refer to ducts that lead from commercial cooking )
Cable coating (application of fire-retardants to reduce flames spread and
smoke development of combustible cable-jacketing)
Spray fireproofing (application of intumescent or endothermic paints, or
fibrous or cementitious plasters)
Fireproofing cladding (boards used for the same purpose and in the same
applications as spray fireproofing) Materials for such cladding include
perlite, vermiculite, calcium silicate, gypsum, intumescent epoxy
Enclosures (boxes or wraps made of fireproofing materials items deemed
to require protection against fire and heat.
Passive Fire Protection (PFP)

Grease ducts Cable Coating Spray Fireproofing

Passive Fire Protection (PFP)

Fireproofing cladding Enclosures

Active Fire Protection (AFP)

AFP is characterized by items and/or systems, which require a certain

amount of motion and response in order to work, contrary to passive fire
Active Fire Protection (AFP)

Categories of Active Fire Protection

Fire Detection- fire is detected either by

locating smoke, flame, or heat. And alarm
is sounded to enable emergency
evacuation as well as to dispatch the local
fire department.

Hypoxic Air Fire Prevention- also known

as oxygen reduction systems. At lower
altitudes hypoxic air is safe to breathe for
healthy individuals.
Active Fire Protection (AFP)

Construction and Maintenance

 All AFP systems are required to be installed and maintained in accordance
with strict guideline in order to maintain compliance with the local building

Requirement of water

The quantity of water required for fire extinction depends

upon the magnitude of fire and duration taken to extinguish
it. The use of non-potable water should be avoided for the
fear of cross connection and subsequent health hazards.

The size of main ring, dry riser and wet riser, for fire fighting
within a building, is designed keeping in mind that a distant
hydrant will discharged about 1000L per minute at 3.5
kg/ pressure. And at any given time at least two
hydrants are in operation.

Storage of Water

A sufficient Quality of water for the purpose of fire

fighting of the building must be made available in
an underground tank within the premises.
Tank capacity may be taken as 30 min water
supply at 1000L per minute. The water tank and
cover should be designed to take load of 18 tons
vehicular load if flush below ground level
Systems of Fire Fighting

It may be broadly classified as:

external (City) fire fighting System
Internal (Building) fire fighting System

generally located at a distance apart of about 90m to
120m in inhabitant area
One fire hydrant for every 4000 to 10000 sq. area is
normally provided.
Fire Hydrants are of two types pillar or post hydrant and
sunk or flushed hydrants.
remain standing above ground like a post by about 0.9m External Fire fighting
to 1.2m and connected to a water main underground. System

Residential Premises Fire Protection Industrial Fire Fighting System

High velocity Water Spray
Fire Hose System Dry Riser/Wet Riser Medium Velocity fire spray
Automatic Sprinkler Systems Foam
Potable fire extinguishers Dry chemical Powder
Fire alarm Systems Carbon dioxide
Alarm Gong
Portable fire extinguisher
Fire alarm system
Fire Hose System

involves the installation of vertical riser pipe with hose connections. The standpipe
or riser can be kept filled with water is known as wet riser system otherwise it is
known as dry riser system
The main features of this system includes;
Hose and automatic sprinkler system
The courtyard of the building should have at least two fire hydrant
The pumps will have a rpm not exceeding 2000

Fire hose
• made of rubber line cotton fiber 65mm in
diameter, capable of standing of 14kg/
• The fire hose is housed in a special made glass
Fire Hose System

Dry Riser system

A system that is made of complete water

distribution which sprinkler head and branches
with hydrants throughout the building in which
there is no running water
Fire Hose System

Wet Riser system

The wet riser are designed for zonal
distribution of water according to
height of building
- The first riser up to 60m height
should be 10cm diameter
- The second riser up to 100m height
of 15cm diameter
- The third riser up to 150m height of
15cm diameter

Automatic sprinkler system

devices that discharge water

automatically when the temperature of
air surrounding sprinkler reaches a
predetermined level.
An automatic sprinkler head is a fire
extinguisher nozzle, closed in a state of
readiness by a heat sensitive release

Sprinkler classification

• Fusable element sprinkler - opened under the influence of heat by the melting of
eutectic metal or chemical
• Glass valve sprinklers - opened under the influence of heat by the destruction of
the glass valve through pressure of the fluid enclosed therein.
• Conventional sprinkler - have aspherical water distribution directed towards the
ground and the ceiling or the definite protection area
• Umbrella sprinkler - have a parabolic water distribution directed towards the
ground for a definite protection area with some of water sprays the ceilings
• Sidewall sprinklers - has a one sided half parabolic water distribution directed
towards the ground for a definite protection area

Fire escapes

 a special kind of emergency exit,

usually mounted to the outside of
the building or occasionally inside.
 Fire escapes are often found on
multiple-story residential buildings
such as apartment buildings

Escape chute

 a special kind of emergency exit,

used where conventional fire
escape stairways are impractical.
 The chute is a fabric tube installed
near a special exit on an upper floor
or roof of a building, or a tall

Alarm gong

 The sounding of alarm should occur

shortly after the opening of a sprinkler
 An alarm valve which is a type of
backpressure valve, should be fitted on
the main supply pipe immediately
above the main stop valve

Fire alarm system

 The fire alarm system are provided
in the
 residential buildings with
heights above 15m and
 industrial and commercial
buildings with heights above
If the height of building is above
35m, it is neccessary to have
provision of heat and smoke

Training services and maintenances

 Training of personnel to handle a fire
situation and effectively operate both
hand fire appliances and fixed equipment
installed within the premises, say of a
factory or a high rise buildings.
 A disaster management plan should be
worked out by the owner and made
known to all the persons within the

Safety measures
Remember to call police, fire, ambulance and traffic police
Do not allow storage or obstruction in the common corridor and staircases
Do not allow the fire door of staircases to be kept open
Use staircase not lift, in case of fire as lifts may fail, trapping people inside
Do not re-enter the fire affected building to collect valuables or for other purposes
Do not switch off the fire or smoke detection system
Do not switch off electricity of the entire building in the event of fire. This will also
stop the fire protection and firefighting systems installed within
Acquire yourself with the layout of the escape route, staircases, refuge areas and the
location of the fire alarms
Practice evacuation drills
Irrespective of the magnitude of fire, summon the fire brigade at the earliest.

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