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What is Kahoot?

 Kahoot is a game teachers can use to mix it up in the classroom.

 Kahoot is…
 Timed
 Multiple Choice
 One question appears at a time
 Anonymous answers
 Can go over correct answer with class after time is up

 Kahoot is a helpful link teachers can use in the classroom to:

 Engage students
 Also seems like a “game”
 Be creative by using a different method of learning
Getting Started

 Everyone gets out an electronic device

 The teacher pulls up on the internet Kahoot and reveals the game pin
 Students go to the internet and type in “”
 Students type in the game pin
 They will next enter their team/individual name
 Once everyone is in the teacher can start the game!
About Kahoot
 For Students:
 Easy to
 Fun/Exciting

 For Teaching:
 Easy to use
 Simple
 Digital
 Quick
How is Kahoot beneficial for teachers
in the classroom?

 Kahoot is a useful link for teachers to use when creating different ways to
engage students in the classroom. Also can be used to go over things
before an exam.
 For example Kahoot benefits students who:
 Are visual learners – Need to see the whole question in front of them
 Introverted – Are too scared to speak up in class feel more comfortable
 Groups/Socializing – Put them in groups to work together to agree on an answer
 Time Limit – Truly shows who knows the information without giving them too long to

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