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Effect of Repair and

Maintenance of Electrical Wirings

to School Safety
Improper or neglected maintenance of electrical wiring mechanism
and equipment not only can lead to non-compliance wit NFPA 70E it
significantly can increase the probability of workplace injury or death.

Proper engineering on the front end of a project, including acceptance

testing and commissioning prior to initially energizing ensures a smooth start
up and reduces the problems that can keep a facility from coming on line.
Many studies also have shown that routine maintenance including testing of
electrical distribution equipment has increased reliability and minimized
downtime for commercial and industrial facilities.
The same can be said about protecting electrical workers who operate
or work on energized electrical equipment as we now can calculate that
the incident energy produced by an arcing fault is proportional to its
operating time. This aspect of incident energy means that proper
maintenance and testing of over-current protective devices(OCPD)not
only is an operational issue, but also a safety issue.

OSHA regulations and NFPA requirements for a qualified electrical

worker emphasize the need for safety and skills training for electrical
and non-electrical workers. An electrical worker may be experienced,
but may not meet OSHA`s definition of a qualified person if he or she
lacks the safety training and skills required by 29CFR1910.332 and .333.
Conceptual framework
Profile of respondent

Grade level:
Schools safety
Repair and
maintenance of
electrical wirings

Figure 1: conceptual paradigm showing the relationship

between repair and maintenance of electrical
wirings and schools safety.
Statement of the problem
• This study aims the answering the following question:

1. Can the repair and maintenance of electrical wirings secure the

schools safety?
2. How does repair and maintenance of electrical wirings affect the
schools safety?
This hypothesis will be tested in this study
• There is no significance effect of repair and maintenance of electrical
wirings to the school`s safety.
• There is significance effect of repair and maintenance of electrical
wirings to the school`s safety.
Significance of the study
• This study shows on how repairing and mentaining the electrical
wiring will secure the school`s safety.
• It shows on how to prevent any accidents or short circuits.

To the students
• They get enough safety in using any appliances they used.
Scope and Delimitation
*It focused on Effect of Repair and Maintenance of Electrical Wirings to
school`s safety. It includes all the students of galvan high school.

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