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Ștefan Odobescu Ionel Haiduc

(b. October 13, 1902, - (born 9 May 1937,
d. September 4, 1978 ) in Cluj)
oDoblejaof cybernetics.
- was a Romanian scientist considered to be one of the precursors
His major work, Psychologie consonantiste (first published in
1938 and 1939, in Paris) helped generated many of the major themes of
cybernetics regarding cybernetics and systems thinking nine years
before Norbert Wiener.
- He attended the Faculty of Medicine in Bucharest and became a physician.
He practiced medicine as a military doctor in different Romanian cities.
Endowed with an uncommon capacity of work and with an astonishing
inventive spirit, Ștefan left an impressive work to the posterity. His completed
works run to over 50,000 pages.
- Through his activity in the field of cybernetics he attracted the hostility of
the communist regime, and towards the end of his life he was under the
supervision of the security organs. Some of his works were published after his
- As a sign of recognition of his entire work, Stefan Odobleja was elected
post-mortem member of the Romanian Academy, in 1990.
Ionel Haiduc
- is a chemist , professor at the „Babeș-
Bolyai University” of Cluj-
Napoca, elected on 5 April 2006 as
-Romanian chemist- president of the Romanian Academy. He
was elected honorary member of
the Academy of Sciences of Moldova.
- Ionel Haiduc attended primary school at "Ioan Bob" school, and
later at "Emil Racoviță National College", finishing as head of
promotion. He graduated from the Faculty of Chemistry of the
University of Cluj in 1959 . It was distinguished from the first years
of school by the interest for knowledge, by the ability to
accumulate, systematize and use a huge amount of scientific
- In 1964 he obtained the title of doctor of chemistry at the "MV
Lomonosov" Institute in Moscow.

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