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What are the key concepts of Media

and Information Sources?

Learning Objectives
 Identify codes, convention, and
 Understand the effect of codes,
convention and message to the
audience, producers, and other
 Write a reflection about how
“Language may be a source of
- Marshall McLuhan, 1964

Language is a medium where one conveys his or

her message and the kind of language to be used
in communication could greatly affect how the
message is understood.
Does the user’s/audience’s own
background or experience affect
the interpretation of messages?
Yes. The user’s or audience’s own
background or experience may be
considered as stock knowledge where
his or her impression about a
Is it possible that a different
individual derives a different
meaning from the message?

Yes, it is possible. It is probably

because he or she is coming from
 pertains to the technical and symbolic
ingredients or codes and conventions that
media and information professionals may
select and use in an effort to communicate
ideas, information and knowledge.
Media Languages
 codes, conventions, formats, symbols and
narrative structures that indicate the
meaning of media messages to an
Group Activity: Media and Information
• Identify 5 signs and symbols in your
community that are used to convey
information (ex. For directions, locations of
attractions, other).
2 most commonly used
and 3 of most
misunderstood signs
and symbols in your
• How are symbols usually being
• What is the importance of using
symbols to convey a message or
• How these symbols are presented
• Written Language – it represents
spoken or gestural language by
means of a writing system.
• Verbal Language – it is how the
language delivered.
• Non – verbal Language – related to
body languages such as gestures
and body actions.
• Visual Language – a form of
communication that uses visual
elements as opposed to formal
written language to convey a
meaning or idea.
• Aural Language – the second basic
language skill. “Aural” refers to the
language as we hear.
• CODES – systems of signs that
create meaning when put together.
• Semiotics is the study of signs.
• Semiotic Theory – a way to explain
how an audience comprehends.
• Symbolic Codes – shows what is
beneath the surface of what we see
like objects, setting, body language,
clothing, colour, r iconic symbols
that can be effortlessly understood.
• Written Codes – refers to the use of
language style and textual lay out
(headlines, caption, speech bubbles,
language, style and etc.).
• Technical Codes – ways in which
equipment is used to tell a story.
This includes camera techniques,
angle, music, or framing.
• Conventions – generally accepted
ways of doing something.
• For example of conventions are
money, blood, killings, fighting,
guns, murder and bombings
depicted in action movies or time
travel, space travel, aliens, and
• Form Conventions – certain ways of
what we expect for the types of
media’s code to be arranged.
• For instance, the title of the film at
the beginning and credits at the
• Story Conventions – common
narrative structures and
understanding that are common in
• For example of narrative structures,
cause and effect, and character
construction and point of view.
• Genre Conventions – point to the
common use of tropes, characters,
setting, or themes in a particular
type of medium.
• Media products can be classified
into categories or genre.
• Media genres appears with a
medium (Film, television).
Application: Media and
Information Language
“The first step in becoming media and
information literate is to understand
how information, ideas and meaning
are communicated through and by
various media and other information
providers, such as libraries, archives,
museums and the Internet”.
Application: Media and Information Language
• Create a commercial advertising a
certain product.
• Make sure you identify which type
of audience is your target and the
message you want to convey
through your commercial.
Assignment: Reflection
• What information codes, conventions and
messages about our country is communicated
enthuse postcards?
• If you are to create a postcard for a place or
organization of your choice, what technical and
symbolic codes would you use to convey
important information and create the desired
impression? Why?
• How is understanding of the technical and
Output 4: Media and
Information Languages
• Create your own media and
information presentation about the
latest trends in technology:
(postcard, collage, advertisement,
infomercial, story, etc.)
• Submit the output in your e-

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