2.diffusion 2020

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3 Describe by using examples

movement of substances across a plasma
(i) passive transport.
(ii) active transport.
Types of passive transport: (i) simple diffusion.
(ii) osmosis.
(iii) facillitated diffusion.

simple Facilitated
diffusion diffusion
An analogy of passive transport is like riding a bicycle downhill.
The process does not involve the use of energy.
Prepare for learning 02 March 2020
Diffusion, concentration
gradient, semi permeable
membrane, particles Diffusion
Mr Barnard
Starter: what are these? How do says… title,
they work? What do they do? date, keywords
and starter in
your books!
Agree learning outcomes 02 March 2020
Diffusion, concentration
gradient, semi permeable
membrane, particles What are we going to cover
What does this
link to in real
life? Define diffusion

Diffusion is how
cells get Describe how and when
molecules in. We diffusion takes place
need diffusion to
Describe and explain practical
examples of diffusion in biology
Review 02 March 2020
Diffusion, concentration
gradient, semi permeable
membrane, particles

Maybe you can smell

your dinner cooking
when you get home...
This is due to diffusion
Construct meaning 02 March 2020
Diffusion, concentration
gradient, semi permeable
membrane, particles

solid (e.g. ice) liquid (e.g. water) gas (e.g. steam)

Molecules in liquids and gases are constantly moving

and bumping into each other. This means that they
tend to spread out.
Present new information 02 March 2020
Diffusion, concentration
gradient, semi permeable
membrane, particles

Is The net movement of molecules from an area of

high concentration to an area of low concentration
Due to the random movement of particles
A passive process which means that no energy is
Present new information 02 March 2020
Diffusion, concentration
gradient, semi permeable
membrane, particles
Concentration gradient

concentration concentration

A difference in concentration between 2 areas is called a


The moving molecules are said to move down the

concentration gradient until a dynamic equilibrium is
IGCSE LS :State that the energy for
DIFFUSION diffusion comes from the kinetic energy
of random movement of molecules and
Particles move constantly. They bump into each other
and spread out randomly. As a result, the particles tend
to move from an area where they are more
concentrated, to an area where they are less
concentrated. This is called DIFFUSION.

Dye evenly
Drop of dye dispersed in

Pure water
Present new information 02 March 2020
Diffusion, concentration
Draw both sets of diagrams, write how the rate of
gradient, semi permeable diffusion changes when the concentration gradient
membrane, particles changes


Steep concentration gradient


Shallow concentration gradient

Present new information 02 March 2020
Diffusion, concentration
gradient, semi permeable
membrane, particles
IGCSE : Factors affecting
IGCSE : Investigate the factors diffusion
that influence diffusion, limited
to surface area, temperature, Any more?
concentration gradients and

Faster Diffusion When... Size of particles

• Larger surface area medium
• Higher concentration gradient
• Higher Temperature
• Short distance
Present new information 02 March 2020
Diffusion, concentration
gradient, semi permeable
membrane, particles
Progress check
What is diffusion?
What is a concentration
What affects the rate of

Ext: can you link this to

Present new information 02 March 2020
Diffusion, concentration
gradient, semi permeable
membrane, particles
Muscle tissue
Present new information 02 March 2020
Diffusion, concentration
gradient, semi permeable
membrane, particles
Connective tissue
Dye evenly
Drop of dye dispersed in

Pure water

When the concentration of the solute is the same

throughout a system, the system has reached
EQUILIBRIUM. Keep in mind, however, that even in this
state, the molecules are still in motion.

Back to “Key Concepts”


One of the most important functions of the cell membrane is to regulate

the movement of dissolved molecules from the liquid on one side of the
membrane to the liquid on the other side.
Because cells are surrounded by liquid, and have liquid
inside of them, diffusion of molecules dissolved in the
liquid is constantly occurring across the cell membrane.
The direction in which they move depends on the
concentration gradient. Not all molecules can diffuse
across the membrane; some are too large, some are too
strongly charged.
IGCSE: State that substances move into and out of
cells by diffusion through the cell membrane
But molecules such as water, oxygen, and carbon
dioxide (which are small and not strongly charged)
can easily pass across the bilayer. For this reason,
cell membranes are called SELECTIVELY PERMEABLE.

(outside) Lipid-soluble
O2, CO2, H2O


Back to “Key Concepts”

Apply to demonstrate 02 March 2020
Diffusion, concentration
gradient, semi permeable
membrane, particles
Biological diffusion
Dissolved substances
have to pass through the
partially permeable cell
membrane to get into or
out of a cell.
Diffusion is one of the
processes that allows this
to happen..
What substances are we
talking about?revised
Apply to demonstrate 02 March 2020
IGCSE: Describe the
importance of diffusion of
gases and solutes Why is diffusion important?

All living cells rely on diffusion to live.

They use it for:
• Getting raw materials for respiration
(dissolved substances and gases)
• Removing waste products (eg. from
• Plants use of photosynthesis (raw materials
in, waste products out)
KSSM LS:3.3.1 Explain by using examples the
process of passive transport in organisms.

• Emphasis is given to passive transport in organisms such as:

(i) gaseous exchange between an alveolus and a blood
ii) reabsorption of water in kidney. OSMOSIS NOTES
(iii) absorption of water by a plant root hair cell. OSMOSIS
(iv) absorption of fructose in a villus.
Review 02 March 2020
Diffusion, concentration
gradient, semi permeable
membrane, particles
Diffusion & gas exchange
Oxygen in inhaled air diffuses
through the lungs and into the
bloodstream. The oxygen is then
transported throughout the body.
Carbon dioxide is the waste gas
produced by respiration. Carbon
dioxide diffuses from body tissues Where does gas
exchange take place in
into the bloodstream and is the lungs?
exhaled via the lungs.
Review 02 March 2020
Diffusion, concentration
gradient, semi permeable
membrane, particles
Alveoli (one alveolus)

deoxygenated blood air in/out

(from body tissues)


oxygenated blood
(to body tissues)

red blood cell

Review 02 March 2020
Diffusion, concentration
gradient, semi permeable
membrane, particles
4 Alveoli adaptation SPM 2019
They are very thin – only one cell thick.
Increase diffusion of respiratory gases
They are covered by a network of fine
capillaries, increase transportation of
respiratory gases.
They are moist, encouraging gas molecules to
easily dissolve.
They are numerous to increase surface area
of gaseous exchange
Review 02 March 2020
Diffusion, concentration
gradient, semi permeable
membrane, particles
Review 02 March 2020
Diffusion, concentration
gradient, semi permeable
membrane, particles
Diffusion & digestion

Digestion breaks down large Small food molecules are

food molecules into smaller usually absorbed in the
molecules such as glucose, small intestine, diffusing
amino acids and fatty acids across the intestine wall
that can be easily absorbed. and into the
Review 02 March 2020
Diffusion, concentration
gradient, semi permeable
membrane, particles
Small intestine
capillary network

microvilli provide
large surface
areas for higher
small intestine rate of diffusion
blood vessels of nutrients
Photosynthesis &

carbon dioxide + water  oxygen + glucose

Carbon dioxide diffuses in through

the stomata

 Oxygen and water diffuse out

of the stomata

 During photosynthesis, the level of

CO2 is low inside the leaf

 This creates a big concentration

gradient so CO2 diffuses into the cell
Photosynthesis & Diffusion
Review 02 March 2020
Diffusion, concentration
gradient, semi permeable
membrane, particles

Choose a biological example of

diffusion to explain this process
Make sure you have:
- definition
- how the rate is affected
- how specific structures are
adapted to maximise diffusion
Agree learning outcomes 02 March 2020
Diffusion, concentration
gradient, semi permeable
membrane, particles
Did we cover these?
What does this
link to in real
life? Define diffusion

Describe how and when diffusion

Diffusion is how cells takes place
get molecules in. We
need diffusion to
Describe and explain practical
examples of diffusion in biology

Review 02 March 2020
Diffusion, concentration
gradient, semi permeable
membrane, particles
Diffusion & nerve impulses
Neurotransmitter molecules diffuse from vesicles
towards the neurotransmitter receptors, moving from
an area of high concentration to low concentration

synaptic cleft


neurotransmitter nerve impulse

Review 02 March 2020
Diffusion, concentration
gradient, semi permeable
membrane, particles
Diffusion & the placenta
The placenta is an organ that develops in the uterus during
The umbilical cord connects the placenta to the foetus
It enables nutrients and oxygen to pass from the mother to the
foetus by diffusion, and waste substances to diffuse from the foetus
back to the mother.
Review 02 March 2020
Diffusion, concentration
gradient, semi permeable
membrane, particles
Diffusion & the placenta

The placenta can stop certain

molecules and bacteria from
diffusing through

It is unable to stop many

harmful substances such as
alcohol, chemicals and some
types of virus from diffusing
through, reaching the foetus.
Review 02 March 2020
Diffusion, concentration
gradient, semi permeable
membrane, particles
blood to mother
umbilical • low in O2/nutrients,
cord • high in CO2/waste

placental villi
umbilical increase surface
artery area for diffusion

blood from mother

umbilical • high in O2/nutrients
vein • low in CO2/waste

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