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What is share or stock ?

•In finance a share is a unit of account for various financial

instruments including stocks, mutual funds and limited
•A share or stock is a document issued by a company, which
entitles its holder to be one of the owners of the company and
get voting rights in certain company issues.
•A share can be purchased from the stock market.
•A share has its face value .
•Face value is depend on demand and supply.
• By owning a share you can earn a portion and selling
shares you get capital gain.
Stock Exchange:-
• A stock exchange is an marketplace which provides
"trading" facilities for stock brokers and traders, to trade
stock sand other securities.
• Every transaction in the stock exchange is carried out
through licensed members called brokers.
• Stock brokers are listed members of stock exchange.
• A company may list its shares on an exchange by
meeting and maintaining the listing requirements of a
particular stock exchange
Terms Related To Stock Exchange

 Trading
The shares of a company may in general be transferred from
to other parties by sale or other mechanisms
Share Price
At any given moment, an equity's price is strictly a result of supply and
demand. The supply is the number of shares offered for sale at any one
moment. The demand is the number of shares investors wish to buy at
exactly that same time.The price of the stock moves in order to achieve
and maintain equilibrium.
Shareholder rights
Ownership of 50% of shares does result in 50% ownership of a company,
it does not give the shareholder the right to use a company's assets.
• Stock exchange is started from 12th century in france
which is concerned with agriculture investments.
• In the middle of the 13th century, Venetian bankers
began to trade in government securities.
• Dutch later started joint stock companies which let
shareholders invest in business ventures and get a
share of their profits—or losses.
• 1602, the Dutch East India Company issued the first
shares on the Amsterdam Stock Exchange. It was the
first company to issue stocks and bonds.
• In the 19th century future exchanges comes in to
Online Stock exchange :-
• It uses information technology to bring together buyers
and sellers through electronic media to create a virtual
market place.
• Dates of introduction of online trading by leading
exchange in 120 countries is provided in a Journal of
Finance article published in 2005.
• For e-stock exchange we have to implement only
brokerage account.
• This account is started from some minimum amount
depending upon the exchange and broker.
Impact of e-stock exchange:-

• Reduced cost of transactions.

• Greater liquidity.
• Greater competition.
• Increased transparency.
Flow of Information:-
Systems and Technologies:-
• An exchange-provided GUI, which the trader runs on his
or her desktop and connects directly to the
• An API which allows dealers to plug their own in-house
systems directly into the exchange/ECN's.
• most exchanges will provide gateways which sit on a
companies' network.
• Investment banks and other dealers have far more
complex technology requirements, as they have to
interface with multiple exchanges.
• Some banks will develop their own e-trading systems in-
E-stock is a portal designed to facilitate companies and
customers who deals in direct equity market to come online
and do transactions . It offers services like online share
purchase, and sell, Making on line payment.
It has mainly two modules:-  
• Customer
• Company
• Customer authentication/registration.
• Customer credit account details.
• Giving links to get information of shares of
an organization.
• Detection of money on buying and selling
• This module mainly contains Registration of company
once registration is completed company can perform
following tasks –
 Company can know about Customer Details
 Company can see Share Details
 They can update company Profile
 They can change share prices
 Company can take feedback from customer.
Technology Used
• Front End
Java , Html
• Back End(database used)
• Server Used
Bea Weblogic Plateform 8.1
Thank You

Abhinav Singh(0709710002)
Amar Nath Singh Yadav(0709710015)
Ashish Kumar(0709710029)

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