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Normal, Shear and Bearing

• Just do the following:
• identify the given and required
• Draw the FBD
• Write the working equations
• Boxes your final answer
Problem #1
• Two solid cylindrical rods AB and BC are welded together
at B and loaded as shown. Knowing that the average
normal stress must not exceed 150 MPa in either rod,
determine the smallest allowable values of the diameters
d1 and d2.
Problem #2
• Link AC is made of a steel with a 65-ksi
ultimate normal stress and has a 1/4 x
1/2-in. uniform rectangular cross section.
It is connected to a support at A and to
member BCD at C by 3/4-in.-diameter
pins, while member BCD is connected to
its support at B by a 5/16-in.-diameter
pin. All of the pins are made of a steel
with a 25-ksi ultimate shearing stress and
are in single shear. Knowing that a factor
of safety of 3.25 is desired, determine the
largest load P that can be applied at D.
Note that link AC is not reinforced around
the pin holes.
Problem #3
• Link AB, of width b = 2 in. and
thickness t = 1/4 in., is used to
support the end of a horizontal
beam. Knowing that the average
normal stress in the link is - 20 ksi
and that the average shearing
stress in each of the two pins is 12
ksi determine (a) the diameter d of
the pins, (b) the average bearing
stress in the link.
Problem #4
Each of the four vertical links has an 8
x 36-mm uniform rectangular cross
section, and each of the four pins has a
16-mm diameter. Determine a) the
maximum value of the average normal
stress in the links connecting points B
and D, b) the average shearing stress
in the pin at B, c) the average bearing
stress at B in member BD, d) the
average bearing stress at B in member
ABC, knowing that this member has a
10 x 50-mm uniform rectangular cross
Time’s up
Laus Deo Semper

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