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Joe and the Hairdresser

 Joe’s
wife was an ugly woman. She had horrible eyes a
big nose and fat lips. One day she decided that if she had
a nice haircut it would make her more beautiful. So Joe
took her to the hairdresser.
Joe and the Hairdresser
 When the hairdresser had finished he held up a mirror so
that Joe’s wife could look at herself. She looked in the
mirror and saw her ugly face. She saw her big nose and
horrible eyes. She started to cry. Joe started crying as well.
The hairdresser tried to calm them both down. He said he
would give them a refund for the hair cut, but Joe would
not stop crying.
Then Joe’s wife became angry.
Joe and the Hairdresser
 “Will you shut up?” she said. “I’m the one with an
ugly face”
“I know,” said Joe, “but I’m the one who has to
look at it all every day.”
The workman and the beggar
 One day a workman was up on the roof of his house mending a
hole in the tiles. He had nearly finished and he was pleased was
pleased with his work. Suddenly, he heard a voice below call.
When he looked down, the workman saw an old man in dirty
clothes standing below.
“What do you want?” asked the workman.
 “Come down and I’ll tell you,” called the man. The workman
was annoyed, but he was a polite man, so he put down his tools
carefully and climbed all the way down to the ground.
“What do you want?” he asked when he reached the ground.
“Could you spare a little change for an old beggar?” asked the
man. The workman thought for a minute. Then he said, “Come
with me.”
He began climbing the ladder again. The old man followed him
all the way to the top of the house where he had been working.
The beggar was red faced and tired from the climb. When they
were both sitting on the roof, the workmen turned to the
“No,” he said.
“No,” he said.
• A short descriptive story.
• Unexpected, Interesting, and Funny incidents.
• Are most often told through speech; they are
spoken rather than written down.
Anecdotes may:
1. Simply offer a break from a
longer narrative.
2. Add to/comment upon
some part of the longer
Use of action verbs to tell what happened.
Use of Exclamations (guess what?, I couldn’t
believe it!)
Use of Intensifiers (really?, amazing!)
Use of conjunctions (and, then, but, etc.)
Choose a relevant Is your story
event that happened interesting, amusing, Structure your
to you or someone inspiring or thought- ideas.
else (even a famous provoking? Try to aim
figure). for at least one of

Draw a
Tell your story
 Anecdotes are short. At most,  Stories are longer.
they will consist of a  sequence of real or fictional
paragraph, or maybe two events.
 A short account of a real
incident or person.
 Two friends are arguing about driving directions. The driver tells
the passenger to turn off the GPS, insisting that he knows the
way. The passenger replies, “oh, like the time we turned it off
and ended up out in the middle of that cow farm?!” We then
see a flashback of their car surrounded by loudly mooing cows.
 If I could redo one choice in my life, I would choose not to ride
my cousin’s motorcycle. Growing up, I wanted to be just like my
cousin Chip, even when he got a dirt bike. When I was seven
years old, I asked Chip if I could ride his new motorcycle. My
hand revving the throttle, I took off, slid on the pavement, and
became trapped under my aunt’s car.
 a doctor talking to a group of war amputees tells them about a
soldier who came in with no hands and no hope—but left the
hospital holding his newborn baby in his prosthetic hands.
 Johnny’s parents thought he was the perfect boy. They never
guessed he was planning to kill himself. If only they had been
more aware of his depression, they could have prevented this
Importance of Anecdotes
 Anecdotes, like other forms of stories, are common and
highly effective devices found throughout literature, film,
television, theatre, and even real life.

 Anecdotes make conversations or dialogue more

personal and interesting.
 As a group, create an anecdote which expresses the
type of anecdote that is assigned to the group.
 ½ crosswise

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