Ekopang An Introduction

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Farah Paramita, S.

 Nutrition ecology is an interdisciplinary scientific discipline that
incorporates the entire food chain as well as its interactions with
health, the environment, society and economy.

 The food chain includes production, harvesting, preservations,

storage, transport, processing, packaging, trade, distribution,
preparation, composition and consumption of food as well as
disposal of all waste materials along the food path.
Health society

 Health  maintaining and promoting health and well-being as well as
maintaining performance by means of an appropriate food intake

 Environment  in the dimension environment aspects of nutrition are

considered that are associated with natural basis of human life.

 Effect of nutrition on environment (C02 emission or soil erosion caused

by food production)

 Effect of environment on food (drought because of climate change)

 Society  comprises political, legal, cultural, sosio economic, and ethic
aspects of nutrition. Encompasses aspect concerning individuals like acces
to food and consumers freedom to choise as well as aspect concerning the
society like international justice of regionality.

 Economy components related to supply and demand, prices and cost

nutrition related products and service along the complete food supply
 Membuat artikel tentang permasalahan di bidang pangan

dan gizi (tugas individu)

 Minggu depan dipresentasikan

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