b1 Unit 3 Grammar

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UNIT 3: Fun


Grammar: To / -ing verbs
 Some verbs are followed by –ing:
 Enjoy / finish / admit / avoid/ dislike / fancy/ feel like/
imagine / mention/ mind/ miss/ practise / put off /
 Ex. I don’t ming going to the cinema tomorrow if you don’t feel
fine today.
 I avoid going out because I feel horrible the following day.

 Other verbs are followed by to:

 Afford/ agree/ appear/ attempt/ begin/decide/
demand/ fail/hope/intend/ learn/
want/ would like
 Ex. I pretend to be right but I’m shattered.
 I promise to take you to Rome one day.
Grammar: To / -ing verbs
 Otherverbs can be followed by to and –ing
with no changing in meaning:
 Love/continue/begin/hate/like/prefer/start
 Ex. I love to play with my nephew or I love playing with my

 Other are followed by to or –ing but with a

different meaning
 Remember / forget /regret / try / stop
Different meaning:
 Remember:
 Ing: a memory of something in the past
I remember feeling sad when she left. (Recuerdo sentirme
triste cuando se marchó)

 To: an action you have to do

I didn’t remember to bring my passport.

 Forget
 Ing: a memory of something in the past
I’ll never forget asking her to marry me. It was

 To: an action you have to do

I forgot to do my homework and my teacher
punished me.
 Regret (arrepentirse)
 Ing: +tell / say to / informe(siento decirte…)
I regret telling you that you haven’t passed
the exam.
 I regret informing you that you’ve failed
your driving test.

 To: (arrepentirse) I told my mum what my

sister did and then I regreted to have done
 Try
 Ing: (things you have to do to reach a goal)
 If you want to improve your speaking skills, why don’t you
try going abroad or finding a native friend?

 To: (Have the intention to do sth)

 I tried to improve my English but I’m not very good at it.
 I try to listen to my teacher but I can’t hear a thing
because everyone is talking very loud.

 Stop
 Ing: (to give up)
 I stopped dreaming about going to NY and I decided
to go for real.
 To: (to put an end
 I was running very fast and I stopped to breathe.

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