Internal Controls Against Mistakes and Theft

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Internal controls against

mistakes and theft

 Fraud- Луйвар
 Forgery- бичиг баримт хуурамчаар үйлдэх
 Embezzlement- Өмч шамшигдуулалт
 Accounting controls- Бүртгэлийн хяналт
 Threat- Аюул занал
 Must be held accountable- Хариуцлагатай байх ёстой
 /Customers/ shoplift- /Үйлчлүүлэгчид/ хулгай хийх
 /Suppliers/ short-ship- /Hийлүүлэгчид / бараагаа дутуу
 Accept kick-back- хээл, хахуулийг хүлээн авах
 Prevent- урьдчилан сэргийлэх
 Misappropriation- Хувьдаа завших (шамшигдуулах)
 Pilfering- Жижиг хулгай
 Falsification of record- Бүртгэлийг засварлах
 Write-off- Данснаас хасах
 Rotate- Ажилчдыг Сэлгэх
 Short-count- Дутуу бүртгэл
 Bribe- Хахууль
 Recipient- Хүлээн авагч
 Deceit- Луйвар
1. What is the passage mainly about?
a) A famous kick-back case
Methods for avoiding crime
Falsification of personal records
d) Reason why theft prevention fails
2. How can an organization prevent misappropriation?
a) Conduct nightly inventory audits
b) Have three managers approve write-offs
Require two signatures on cash disbursements
March receiving reports with the packing slips
3. Which of the following is NOT an internal threat?
a) Pilfering
b) Kick-backs

1.What are some crimes that take place in the accounting profession?
Crimes that take place in accounting professions are crimes much
on: fraud, forgery and embezzlement.

2.How can organizations guard against these crimes?

Organizations can guard against these crimes using that there are
two signatures on cash disbursements, rotate employees, match all
receiving reports with the general ledger.

3.What are some internal and external threats to a business?

Some internal threats are misappropriation of funds, pilfering,
falsification of records and accept kick-backs. The some external
threats are customers shoplift, suppliers short-ship, etc.

-HI? Jenny -Hi Tom You look so serious. What’s up?

2.doesn’t seems to be about having
4.clerks notify us
5.sounds good policy memo
7.set up a meeting
 Listening-6:
……F.. Some employees were pilfering.

.…T…. The general ledger contained an error.

…F…… The receiving clerks must write new purchase orders

 Шамшигдуулах  (A)
 Бүртгэл завсарлах  (D)
 Өмч шамшигдуулах  (B)
1. __ Embezzle
2. __ Falsification  Хариуцлага хүлээх  (E)
3. __ Misappropriation Хахууль авах  (C)
4. __ Hold accountable
5. __ Kick-back
A. To take company resources for personal use
B. The act of delivering money to the wrong recipient
C. A bribe that is paid I return for favorable treatment
D. The act of putting false information in company records
E. To require that people be responsible for their actions

-fraud / accounting controls

Луйвар / бүртгэлийн хяналт
Companies can fight crime using ________________ .
_______ is the act of gaining money Accounting
by deceit. controls
-Forgery / shoplifting
Хуурамч бичиг баримт / дэлгүүрийн хулгай
It looked like Karen’s signature, but it was a ___________.
The store has security guards to watch for ___________.Forgery
-Deceit / pilferingFalsification, lying, or any otherShoplifting
________ will
get you fired. Луйвар / жижиг хулгай
If the inventory is short, it’s possible someone
Deceit was __Pilfering
Accountant 1:…………………………
Accountant 2:…………………………
Accountant 1: I just found out we have a major problem
with inventory fraud .
Accountant 2: Really ? How do you know ?
Accountant 1: I compared the actual inventory to what
is recorded in our general ledger . We’re missing a lot
of inventory.
Accountant 2: Oh , no. Do you think some of the
employees are 1 ……………………….
Accountant 1: That 2 …………………….
………………the problem.
I think some of the suppliers have been short- shipping .
Accountant 2: Ok . What do you think we should do
about it ?
Accountant 1: 3 …………………………………….
someone match every receiving report with the
purchase orders?
Accountant 2: That’s good idea . And we can also have the
receiving 4…………………………….. of any shipments that
are short of product.
Accountant 1: That 5……………………………………... to me.
I’ll write a 6……………………………….about the purchase
Accountant 2. All right . I’ll 7 ………….……………. with the
receiving clerks.


RE: preventing fraud

Here are some steps that we want everyone to take to
prevent fraud.
Every receiving report must be matched with the
purchase orders . If receiving clerks find that any
shipments are short of product, please notify your
managers immediately

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