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DTGOV Migration Plan

• DTGOV was established in 1980
• Wants to migrate their web services to IaaS cloud computing
architecture in AWS.
• Migration is done to test their cloud strategies.
IaaS Cloud architecture
• Stands for Infrastructure as a Service
• Third- party provider
• Offers virtualized computing resources
• Reduces the ownership cost
How web services work in IaaS?
• Services will work in similar way as on premises of DTGOV.
• All the web services will be available and accessible 24*7.
• A huge amount of data can be stored on the IaaS.
• Users can download the data.
• Provides usage reports.
• Increase in Availability and Scalability of data.
How migration effects the users?
• Automatic update of applications.
• Better and vast storage.
• Extensive Mobility to the employees.
• Disaster Recovery if loss occurs.
• Flexibility of accessing from anywhere.
Types of Cloud Architectures useful for
• IaaS on Public Cloud
• IaaS on Private Cloud
• IaaS on Hybrid Cloud
IaaS on Public Cloud
• Fully virtualized
• Pay-per-usage model
• Helps in cost-reduction of IT resources
• Fewer wasted resources
Computer 3
• Need high speed internet Computer 1
Computer 2
• Low Security
IaaS on Private Cloud
• Privately shared virtualized resources. Cloud
• Designed for single organization.
• Particular type of users.
• Ensures Safety.
• Expensive. Organization
IaaS on Hybrid Cloud
• Combination of both private and public clouding.
• Maximize efficiencies
• Scalability
• Security Public
Office 365
• An integrated experience of applications and services.
• Cloud based emails are used to reach employees and customers.
• Save files to OneDrive of online storage.
• Encouraging mobility of the employees.
Benefits for DTGOV customers for moving to
Office 365
• Anytime and anywhere access
• Mobile device management
• Seamless team collaboration
• Secure data
• Automated updates
• Flexibility
• Threat Intelligence
Anytime and anywhere access
• Documents saved are available on number of devices.
• Can be accessed on the devices where office is not installed.
• Mobility.
• Flexibility of using data.
Mobile device management
• Built-in Service
• Manage user mobile device.
• Wipe a device from any location.
• Presenting device reports in detail.
• Create and manage security policies.
Seamless team collaboration
• Advantage if working in team
• All the members can work on same file.
• Direct access to file.
• No need of multiple copies.
• Offer Versioning.
Secure data
• High level of security
• Data encryption
• Cryptography
Automated updates
• No need to update individually
• Time saving
• Cost saving
• Latest versions are available
• Mix and match
• Easy switching
• Different programs and features to different users
Threat Intelligence
• Analytical learning to detect problem in network
• Scan emails
• Doubtful attachments are not delivered.
• Prevent data breaching
Issues for DTGOV customers for moving to
Office 365
• Need of internet
• No data ownership
• Compatibility issues
Need of internet
• For accessing the services provided by the Office 365 a strong
internet connection is compulsory for the users of DTGOV.
• If the internet is slow the files can take time to get loaded making
process time consuming
• If the internet is not there the access to data is impossible.
No data ownership
• As the data is stored on the cloud and everyone has access to data
thus no one can own the files and cannot use data for their personal
Compatibility issues
• As the latest versions are always available the compatibility with the
business plans can create an issue.
• Before upgradation compatibility with the critical application should
be checked.
How cloud-based approach is different?
• Cloud-based approach is different from on premise data center to
provide office automation suite.
• Records, and stores the entire data over cloud.
• Data on the virtual servers.
• Threat free from disasters.
Different Cloud Services
• Three main cloud service architectures
• IaaS (Infrastructure-as-a-service)
• PaaS (Platform-as-a-Service)
• SaaS (Software-as-a-Service)
IaaS (Infrastructure-as-a-service)
• Lowest level cloud.
• Pre installed hardware or software.
• Low ownership cost.
• Pay as per use strategy.
PaaS (Platform-as-a-Service)
• More Advanced
• Provide interface, run-time libraries.
• Deployment for particular application
• No need to update infrastructure
• No maintenance cost
• Reducing usage cost
SaaS (Software-as-a-Service)
• Fully functional web based application
• No infrastructure concerns
• Accessible from remote locations
• Need of high speed internet
• Applications include emails, project tracking etc.
Difference between services
Microsoft SharePoint 2010
• Web based collaborative platform
• Document management and storage system
• Highly configurable product
• Usage varies sustainability
Recommended model for the customize
SharePoint Migration
• PaaS (Platform as a Service) is considered to be appropriate
• Allows the hosting of the on-premises application as well as
• Sharing of the resources can be done
• Centralized through one comprehensive program
• Fit into user’s need automatically.
• Automate key work processes
Problems that DTGOV will encounter with
• Software compatibility
• Support availability and cost
• Downtime
Software Compatibility
• Limited set of programming languages, frameworks and databases.
• Installation and customization.
• Unable user to install or set up applications.
• Solution
• Vendor chosen to deploy service must support same technologies.
• Native support must be taken in order to minimize complexity
Support availability and cost
• Surrounded with the need for ongoing support.
• Expensive customized support.
• Many infrastructure level issues.
• Solution
• Vendors must be asked to provide free services.
• Zero config approach used for application deployment
• If the internet connection is low the cloud cannot be accessed.
Therefore data as well as application cannot be used.
• A solution to this problem is not realistic but organization must
always use high bandwidth internet.
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