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Discipline Design

1. Focuses on academic disciplines

-Discipline: refers to specific knowledge learned through a method
which the scholars use to study a specific content of their field.
-Teachers should teach how the scholars in the discipline to convey the
particular knowledge.

For examples:
Students in:

History Should learn like historians

Biology Should learn like biologists

Mathematics Should learn like

2. Often use in college, but not in elementary or secondary levels.
- From subject-centred moves higher to a discipline when students are
mature and already moving towards their career path or discipline.



Science Mathematics Psychology History Humanities

3. The discipline design engages the students so they can analyse the
curriculum and draw conclusions. It helps the students to master the
content area and in turn increase independent learning.

- According to Bruner, the discipline design clarifies the relationship

between beginning knowledge and advanced knowledge. This will
allow the students to gain meaning and advance through the content.

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