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Session 1

DBMS Introduction

© 2017-18 KL University – The contents of this presentation are an intellectual and copyrighted property of KL University. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
 History of Database systems
 Basic Terminology
 Approaches to store data
 File based Approach
 Problems with traditional Approach
 Database Approach
 Operations on database
 Database Characteristics
 Differences between File and Database Approaches
 Advantages of DBMS
 Database environment
 Database users

© 2017-18 KL University – The contents of this presentation are an intellectual and copyrighted property of KL University. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
History of Database Systems
• 1950s and early 1960s:
– Data processing using magnetic tapes for storage

• Tapes provide only sequential access

– Punched cards for input

• Late 1960s and 1970s:

– Hard disks allow direct access to data

– Network and hierarchical data models in widespread use

– Ted Codd defined the relational data model

• Won the ACM Turing Award for this work

• IBM Research began System R prototype

• UC Berkeley began Ingres prototype

– High-performance (for the era) transaction processing

© 2017-18 KL University – The contents of this presentation are an intellectual and copyrighted property of KL University. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Basic Terminology
 Database: A collection of related data.
 Data: Known facts that can be recorded and have an implicit
 Mini-world: Some part of the real world about which data is
stored in a database. For example, student grades and
transcripts at a university.
 Database Management System (DBMS): A software package/
system to facilitate the creation and maintenance of a
computerized database.
 Database System: The DBMS software together with the data
itself. Sometimes, the applications are also included.
© 2017-18 KL University – The contents of this presentation are an intellectual and copyrighted property of KL University. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Approaches to store data

•There are two approaches for storing data in computers:

 File-based approach.

 Database-approach.

© 2017-18 KL University – The contents of this presentation are an intellectual and copyrighted property of KL University. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
File Based Approach

 A filesystem is a method for storing and organizing computer files and the

data they contain to make it easy to find and access them.

 File systems may use a storage device such as a hard disk or CD ROM and

involve maintaining the physical location of the files.

 Programmers used programming languages such as COBOL, C++ to

write applications that directly accessed files to perform data management

services and provide information for users.

© 2017-18 KL University – The contents of this presentation are an intellectual and copyrighted property of KL University. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
University Database in File Based System

© 2017-18 KL University – The contents of this presentation are an intellectual and copyrighted property of KL University. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Problems in traditional approach
Data Security

Data Redundancy

Data Isolation

Program / Data Dependence

Lack of Flexibility

Concurrent Access Anomalies

© 2017-18 KL University – The contents of this presentation are an intellectual and copyrighted property of KL University. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Database Approach
 A database is a computer based record keeping system

whose over all purpose is to record and maintain


 The database is a single, large repository of data, which

can be used simultaneously by many departments and


© 2017-18 KL University – The contents of this presentation are an intellectual and copyrighted property of KL University. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
 Database:

The related information when placed is an organized form,

then it is called a database.

 It can also defined as

 Specifying datatypes, structures and constraints of the data to be

© 2017-18 KL University – The contents of this presentation are an intellectual and copyrighted property of KL University. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
University Database in Database based System

© 2017-18 KL University – The contents of this presentation are an intellectual and copyrighted property of KL University. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Operations on Databases

 To add new information

 To view or retrieve the stored information

 To modify or edit the existing

 To remove or delete the unwanted information

 Arranging the information in a desired order etc.

© 2017-18 KL University – The contents of this presentation are an intellectual and copyrighted property of KL University. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Characteristics of the Database

Self-describing nature of a database system:

◦ A DBMS catalog stores the description of a particular database
(e.g. data structures, types, and constraints)
◦ The description is called meta-data.
◦ This allows the DBMS software to work with different database
Insulation between programs and data:
◦ Called program-data independence.
◦ Allows changing data structures and storage organization
without having to change the DBMS access programs

© 2017-18 KL University – The contents of this presentation are an intellectual and copyrighted property of KL University. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Characteristics of the Database

• Data Abstraction:
• A data model is used to hide storage details and present the
users with a conceptual view of the database.
• Programs refer to the data model constructs rather than data
storage details
• Support of multiple views of the data:
• Each user may see a different view of the database, which
describes only the data of interest to that user

© 2017-18 KL University – The contents of this presentation are an intellectual and copyrighted property of KL University. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Characteristics of the Database

Sharing of data and multi-user transaction

◦ Allowing a set of concurrent users to retrieve from and to
update the database.
◦ Concurrency control within the DBMS guarantees that each
transaction is correctly executed or aborted
◦ Recovery subsystem ensures each completed transaction has its
effect permanently recorded in the database
◦ OLTP (Online Transaction Processing) is a major part of
database applications. This allows hundreds of concurrent
transactions to execute per second

© 2017-18 KL University – The contents of this presentation are an intellectual and copyrighted property of KL University. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Ways of storing data in files &
related to customer data
4176 Aniruddha Sarkar SBU1
Predefined length
4181 Manoj Saha SBU1
4183 Moushumi Dharchoudhury SBU1
4203 Suryanarayana D.V.S.S. SBU1
4204 Vivek Rai SBU1

4176 AniruddhaSarkar SBU1

4181 ManojSaha SBU1
4183 MoushumiDharchoudhury SBU1
4203 SuryanarayanaD.V.S. SBU1
4204 Vivek Rai SBU1

© 2017-18 KL University – The contents of this presentation are an intellectual and copyrighted property of KL University. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Difference Between File and DBMS Operations
File system Interface DBMS Interface

End User End User

Application Programs Application Programs

Interface through Query (SQL)

Interface through high level language
SELECT * FROM Customer_Details

Operating System Operating System

(Disk Manager, File Manager) (Disk Manager, File Manager)

Customer_Details file Customer_Details table

Customer_Loan file Customer_Loan table

File System (Disk Storage) Database(Disk Storage)

© 2017-18 KL University – The contents of this presentation are an intellectual and copyrighted property of KL University. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Database Management System (DBMS)
 DBMS, A database management system is the software system that

allows users to define, create and maintain a database and provides

controlled access to the data.

 A database management system (DBMS) is basically a collection of

programs that enables users to store, modify, and extract information

from a database as per the requirements.

© 2017-18 KL University – The contents of this presentation are an intellectual and copyrighted property of KL University. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Advantages of DBMS
 Integrity can be enforced: Integrity of data means that data
in database is always accurate, such that incorrect information
cannot be stored in database
 Controlling Redundancy: Duplication of data is almost avoided
but not completely.
 Inconsistency can be avoided: When the same data is
duplicated and changes are made at one site, which is not
propagated to the other site, it gives rise to inconsistency and
the two entries regarding the same data will not agree

© 2017-18 KL University – The contents of this presentation are an intellectual and copyrighted property of KL University. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Other Advantages
 Data can be shared.

 Data Independence.

 Concurrent access.

 Recovery from crashes.

 Providing Backup and Recovery.

 Restricting unauthorized access.

 Solving enterprise requirement than individual requirement

© 2017-18 KL University – The contents of this presentation are an intellectual and copyrighted property of KL University. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Disadvantages of DBMS
 Complexity Size Performance.

 Higher impact of a failure.

 Cost of DBMS.

 Additional Hardware costs Cost of Conversion.

© 2017-18 KL University – The contents of this presentation are an intellectual and copyrighted property of KL University. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Database System Environment

© 2017-18 KL University – The contents of this presentation are an intellectual and copyrighted property of KL University. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Database System Environment

Database system refers to an organization of components that defines

and regulate the following:

• Collection
• Storage
• M an ag e m e nt

• Use of data within the environment

© 2017-18 KL University – The contents of this presentation are an intellectual and copyrighted property of KL University. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Database System Environment

• Hardware

• Software

• People

• Procedure

• Data.

© 2017-18 KL University – The contents of this presentation are an intellectual and copyrighted property of KL University. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Database Users
• Users may be divided into
• Those who actually use and control the database content, and
those who design, develop and maintain database applications
(called “Actors on the Scene”), and
• Those who design and develop the DBMS software and
related tools, and the computer systems operators (called
“Workers Behind the Scene”)

© 2017-18 KL University – The contents of this presentation are an intellectual and copyrighted property of KL University. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Database Users
Actors on the scene
◦ Database Designers:
 Responsible to define the content, the structure, the constraints, and
functions or transactions against the database.
 They must communicate with the end-users and understand their needs.
◦ Database administrators:
 Responsible for authorizing access to the database, for coordinating and
monitoring its use, acquiring software and hardware resources,
controlling its use and monitoring efficiency of operations.

© 2017-18 KL University – The contents of this presentation are an intellectual and copyrighted property of KL University. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Database Users
• Actors on the scene
• Database administrator's duties include:
• Schema definition
• Storage structure and access method definition
• Schema and physical organization modification
• Granting user authority to access the database
• Specifying integrity constraints
• Acting as liaison with users
• Monitoring performance and responding to changes in

© 2017-18 KL University – The contents of this presentation are an intellectual and copyrighted property of KL University. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Database Users
 Actors on the scene (continued)
◦ End-users: They use the data for queries, reports and
some of them update the database content.
◦ End-users can be categorized into:
 Casual: access database occasionally when needed
 Naïve or Parametric: they make up a large section of the
end-user population.
 They use previously well-defined functions in the form of
“canned transactions” against the database.
 Examples are bank-tellers or reservation clerks who do this
activity for an entire shift of operations
© 2017-18 KL University – The contents of this presentation are an intellectual and copyrighted property of KL University. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Database Users
◦ These include business analysts, scientists, engineers, others
thoroughly familiar with the system capabilities.
◦ Many use tools in the form of software packages that work
closely with the stored database.
◦ Mostly maintain personal databases using ready-to-use
packaged applications.
◦ An example is a tax program user that creates its own internal
◦ Another example is a user that maintains an address book
© 2017-18 KL University – The contents of this presentation are an intellectual and copyrighted property of KL University. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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