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An Educational Blog with Online

Exam Platform

Under the supervision of

MD. Hasnat Riaz
Assistant Professor
Noakhali Science & Technology University
Developed By:
Sourav Biswas

 Abstract
 Background
 Proposed System & Objectives
 Project Features
 Language & Tools
 System Functionalities
 Design & Modeling
 Conclusion & Future Scopes

 An educational Blog with exam platform with some other modules is an

effort to implement an online education platform for Department of

 This platform can set up an online collaboration between department and

department members(students, teachers, office staffs) along with
traditional academic procedures.

 This system aims to conduct different departmental operations in

online, provide information, academic resources & facilities to users and
thus increase collaboration of department and members to provide
services more easily.
Background & Related Study
 Nowadays online education systems are developing all over the world,
in Bangladesh, this popularity is also growing.

 The online web-based system is based on the latest internet solutions. This is
the most promising technology in education, allowing access to the system
for students as well as teachers at any level.

 Since 2000, Weblogs became widely popular and available as a computer-

mediated learning in higher education by providing a real audience for
student writing, to provide extra reading practice for students, to increase the
sense of community in a class, to encourage students to participate.

 The main objective of online examination systems is to efficiently evaluate

the candidate fairly through a fully automated system. This system is not only
saves a lot of time, but also gives swift results beside the trustiness and
credibility that online examination system provides.
Proposed System & Objectives
 This project aims to make departments functionalities online based and specially
a helping blog for students where they can easily share their any queries and get
help from friends, seniors and teachers.

 From course content module students & teachers can easily get semester based
academic resources, important notes, class lectures, books softcopy, etc.

 In online exam platform teacher will be able to conduct online test on particular
course & allowed students can participate in the test.
Objectives of this Project can be outlined as:

 Necessary department functionalities turn into online system

 Establishing an educational, information providing blog.
 Provide an online examination platform.
 Notice & result publish in online.
 Increase collaboration between department and members in both
infrastructure and online platform.
Project Features
The key features of this Project can be outlined as:

 Semester based course content for students.

 Necessary & helpful notes, lectures, lab reports from teacher, seniors will
be stored in content section.
 Online exam platform to conduct online class test.
 A helping blog section with post and comment facilities.
 Notice generation system.
 Result publish system.
Language & Tools

1) Language that are used in this project:

i. Html, CSS & Bootstrap for interface designing.

ii. Java Script or jQuery for client-side validation.
iii. LARAVEL Framework v8.5 for server-side function.

2) Tools that are used in this project:

i. Sublime Text 3 (Editor).

ii. Xampp Local Server
iii. Apache server.
iv. MySQL for Database.
System Functionalities
Included Modules:

This project is developed based on

following modules:

I. Admin
II. User:
• Students
• Teachers
• Office Staffs
III. Blog
IV. Online Exam Platform
V. Notice & Result Publish section
System Functionalities(Cont.)
Admin Functionalities : Teachers: Functionalities:
• Registration
• Maintenance of whole system • View all contents
• Add user • Upload, download files
• Add Contents. • Can post and comment on
• Modify user details blog
• Delete user detail • Modify personal profile
• Delete notices & Posts • Conduct Online Exam
• View notice & results.


Students: Functionalities: Office Staffs: Functionalities:

• Registration • Registration
• View all contents • Generate notice
• Upload, download files • Publish result
• Can post and comment on blog • View notice & results.
• Modify personal profile
• participate in Online Exams
• View notice & results.
System Functionalities(Cont.)

Contains posts, comments submitted by students or teachers. Allowed users can post any
queries or share information and get help from others. Posts include post date, time & author
name. Users can comments on post comment section.

Online Exam Platform:

Provide online exam facilities. Teachers can conduct class test, quiz by making a exam slots
with secret keys and provide questions on his conduction courses. Allowed students will be able
to participate in exam by inputting necessary information provide by teachers.

Notice Board:
Provide all necessary notices for students and teachers from office administration.

Result Publish:
Published results are shown here.
Design & Modeling
Entity relationship diagram:
An entity–relationship model (ER model) describes inter-related things of interest in a specific domain
of knowledge. An ER model is composed of entity types (which classify the things of interest) and
specifies relationships that can exist between instances of those entity types.

• ENTITIES: Which specify distinct real-world items in an application.

• PROPERTIES/ATTRIBUTES: Which specify properties of an entity and relationships.
• RELATIONSHIPS: Which connect entities and represent meaningful dependencies between them.

Use Case diagrams:

The use case diagrams describe system functionality as a set of tasks that the system must carry out
and actors who interact with the system to complete the tasks.

Use Case: Each use case on the diagram represents a single task that the system needs to
carry out.
Actor: An actor is anything outside the system that interacts with the system to complete a task.
It could be a user or another system.
Design & Modeling(E-R Model)

Figure: E-R Diagram of proposed system

Design & Modeling(E-R Model)

Based on the user requirements, we identify 10 entity types-one corresponding to each

other in the specification.

1. Admin(admin_id,name,password,contact).
2. Student(student_roll, name, email, password, contacts department, term, session).
3. Teacher(teacher_id, name, email, password, contact).
4. Notice(notice_id, title, body, time, date).
5. Ques-sheet(exam_id, ques_id, questions, subject, answer).
6. Private exam(exam_id, subject, date, time, secret key, teacher_id).
7. Post(post_id,post_body,comments,tags,posted_by,time,date).
8. Question(ques_id, types, marks, answer).
9. Office(office_id, password).
10.Course-content(course_id, course_code ,title).
Design & Modeling(Use Case Diagrams)

Use case diagram for Admin

Design & Modeling(Use Case Diagrams)

Use case diagram for Student

Design & Modeling(Use Case Diagrams)

Use case diagram for Teacher

Design & Modeling
System Interfaces

1. Admin Panel
Design & Modeling(System Interfaces)
2. Registration (Sign-up in the system):

3. User Login:
Design & Modeling(System Interfaces)
4. Notice Published By Office:

5. Blog Posts:
Design & Modeling(System Interfaces)
6. Quiz/Online Exam Platform:

7. Sample Exam:
Design & Modeling(System Interfaces)
8. Course Contents:

8. Database:
Conclusion & Future Scopes

Online Education is the future of education system of this world. It has a bright future in Bangladesh too.
This project will establish a well online connection between department and members. Students can ask
for help in an easy way and collect necessary materials for academic courses. Teachers will be able to
conduct online exams. Office can generate notices and publish results in easy way.

Future Scopes:

 A chat room can be added for live discussion.

 Video chatting technology can be enabled.
 Add Blood bank functionality.
 Add journal access.
 Make students registration for semester online based.
 Implementation of application in other platform (android, iOS) based on this
 Upgrading Library, so that students can read book online.

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