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FOR FY 2021
Schools Division Superintendent
Division of Bukidnon
January 22, 2019
Dynasty Court Hotel
BUKIDNON BULLS: Transforming Schools, Breaking Limits 1
Outline of the Presentation
I. FY 2020 plans addressing quality
I. Divisional Budget Proposals, For Tier 2 NEW PROPOSAL
II. Proposed Programs and Projects (PPAs) for CAPDev, by LGUPPAs
for Focus Areas
III. PPAs for CAPDev , Division wide
IV. PPAs for Gender and Development (GAD)
VI. PPAs for Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) and Senior Citizens
VII.Summary of FY 2021 Budget Proposal
VIII.Action Desired
BUKIDNON BULLS: Transforming Schools, Breaking Limits 2
PART I FY 2020 plans addressing quality

1. Collaborative Lesson Planning.

2. Revision, reproduction, distribution, administration and M&E of Division Unified
Achievement Test and Unified Quarterly Written Assessment.
3. Advocacy, implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation of BASA Bukidnon Program.
4. Revision, production and distribution of Customized Budget of Work and TOS.
5. TESDA Tech-Voc skills accreditation for Senior High School.
6. Revisit and review of Senior High School course offering.
7. Evaluation and assessment of Kindergarten teachers’ qualification.

BUKIDNON BULLS: Transforming Schools, Breaking Limits 3

PART I FY 2020 plans addressing quality

8. Basic Education Research on:

a. Teaching Reading, Learning to Read and Reading to Learn
b. Contextualization on K to 12 Curriculum focused on reading and numeracy
c. Teaching strategies on reading and numeracy
d. Learners’ readiness and support services on reading
e. School governance and operation focused on Learning Management
9. Strengthening M&E and utilization of data on:
a. Private Schools' compliance to K to 12 Curriculum focused on schools with ESC,
Voucher and JDVP Grantees
b. Implementation of Inclusive Education Program
(IPEd, MADRASAH, SPEd, Multigrade, OHSP and ALS)
10. Division Research Congress
11. Division Reading Festival
BUKIDNON BULLS: Transforming Schools, Breaking Limits 4
PART I FY 2020 plans addressing quality

1. Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation of 1. Tap the Top: Honor Circle of DepEd Bukidnon.
GEBS - Good Education in Beautiful Schools
2. Strengthening the implementation of the Learning
2. Benchmarking
and Development sub-systems and its modalities:
3. Strengthening M&E
a. Learning Action Cell
4. Provision of quality assured IMs
b. Training
(Big Books, SIMs and other LRs)
c. Coaching and Mentoring through
Strengthened Instructional Supervision &
Monitoring and Evaluation
3. Assessment of teachers’ skills in teaching reading
1. Conduct of Stakeholders Convergence
and numeracy.
2. Strengthening the implementation and expansion
4. Partnership with local universities for:
of Adopt-a-School program.
 School building repair and construction
 Reskilling and upskilling of teachers.
 SBFP School supplies and  Utilization of researches for School executives

materials pertaining to school management and
 Scholarships leadership.
 Training of teachers  Use of facilities/equipment
 SHS tools and equipment
BUKIDNON BULLS: Transforming Schools, Breaking Limits 5

BUKIDNON BULLS: Transforming Schools, Breaking Limits 6

I. Divisional Budget Proposals, For Tier 2 (NEW PROPOSAL)

Program Title Subprogram Budget
(PHP ‘000)
Early Language Literacy and Numeracy (formerly 1,788
Policy and Research Program (formerly Support 2,537
Education Policy
for Basic Education Research)
Curriculum programs, learning management 260
models, standards and strategy development
Development and Promotion of Campus 888
TOTAL 5,473

BUKIDNON BULLS: Transforming Schools, Breaking Limits 7

I. Divisional Budget Proposals, For Tier 2 (NEW PROPOSAL)
Proposed Budget
Program Title Subprogram
(PHP ‘000)
New School Personnel Positions 258,129

Improvement and Acquisition of School Sites 1,000

Basic Education Facilities 1,666,297
Basic Education Textbooks and other Instructional Materials 15,088
Inputs Program
Computerization Program 81,083
Learning Tools and Equipment 97,000
Conservation and Restoration of Gabaldon and
other heritage school buildings

TOTAL 2,129,097

BUKIDNON BULLS: Transforming Schools, Breaking Limits 8

I. Divisional Budget Proposals, For Tier 2 (NEW PROPOSAL)
Proposed Budget
Program Title Subprogram
(PHP ‘000)
Madrasah Education Program
Indigenous Peoples Education (IPEd) Program
Inclusive Education
Program Special Education Program 4,048
Multigrade Education
Flexible Learning Options (ADM/ALS/EiE) 625

TOTAL 13,233

BUKIDNON BULLS: Transforming Schools, Breaking Limits 9

I. Divisional Budget Proposals, For Tier 2 (NEW PROPOSAL)
Program Title Subprogram Budget
(PHP ‘000)
Government Assistance and Subsidies - ESC Program for Private 132,816
JHS (per RA 8545)
Government Assistance and Subsidies - Voucher Program for 52,617
Private SHS (per RA 10533)
Support to Schools and 6,978
Learners Program Government Assistance and Subsidies - Voucher Program for
Non-DepEd Public School (per RA 10533)
Joint Delivery Voucher for SHS TVL Specializations

School Feeding Program 105,446

Human Resource Development for school-based Personnel and 4,325
learning centers
Education Human Resource 13,000
Learning and Development
Development Program

TOTAL 447,998

BUKIDNON BULLS: Transforming Schools, Breaking Limits 10

II. Proposed Programs and Projects for CAPDev, by LGU

Program Title Subprogram Focus Area Budget
(PHP ‘000)
Repair and Rehabilitation of A, B,C 40,378
Classroom Buildings
Electrification Projects A,B, C 24,592
Conservation and restoration of B 6,000
Gabaldon and other heritage school
Construction of Classrooms A,B,C 1,084,300
Provision of School Furniture A, B,C 42,588.8
DepEd Computerization A,B, C 81,083
Creation of New Teacher Items A,B,C 317,001
TOTAL 1,595,943

BUKIDNON BULLS: Transforming Schools, Breaking Limits 11

III. Proposed Programs and Projects for CAPDev , Division wide

Program Title Sub Program Area
(PHP ‘000)
Early Language Literacy and
ABCD 1,550
SULAT and BASA Numeracy (formerly ECARP)
Policy and Research Program
Research and Development, (formerly Support for Basic ABCD 2,537
Capacity Building Education Research)
Curriculum programs, learning
Upskilling and Re skilling of management models, standards ABCD 2,166
Personnel and strategy development
Textbooks and other Instructional
ABCD 15,088
ABCD 81,083
Computerization Program

BUKIDNON BULLS: Transforming Schools, Breaking Limits 12

III. Proposed Programs and Projects for CAPDev , Division wide

Program Title Sub Program Area
(PHP ‘000)
TVL Tools and other Learning ABCD 97,000
Materials and Equipment Learning Tools and Equipment
ABC 260
Madrasah Education Program
Indigenous Peoples Education 6,500
(IPEd) Program ABC
Special Education Program ABC
Multigrade Education ABC

TOTAL 109,508

BUKIDNON BULLS: Transforming Schools, Breaking Limits 13

III. Proposed Programs and Projects for CAPDev , Division wide

Program Title Sub Program Area
(PHP ‘000)
Flexible Learning Options ABCD 625
ABCD 48,051
School Feeding Program
Human Resource Development for 4,325
school-based Personnel and
learning centers ABCD
Learning and Development ABC

TOTAL 175,509

BUKIDNON BULLS: Transforming Schools, Breaking Limits 14

IV. PPAs for Gender and Development (GAD)

Project Title
(PHP ‘000)
Conduct series of trainings/symposiums/classroom lectures among SHs, 1,000
SGC/PTA Officials/ SSG/SPG officers, secondary students on population and
family, womens’ practical and strategic needs, teenage pregnancy/
U4U,HIVAIDS,VAWC, bullying, cultural discrimination, trafficking and illegal
drug addiction among students and parents and other stakeholders
Participation to the Provincial/Municipal Women’s Summit and other 300
related activities to the Women’s Month Celebration
TOTAL 1,300

BUKIDNON BULLS: Transforming Schools, Breaking Limits 15

IV. PPAs for Gender and Development (GAD)

Project Title
(Capacity Building)
(PHP ‘000)
Gender Sensitivity, Equality and Equity for the SSG and SPG Officers and 500
Advisers and Division Youth Camp
Seminar on Personnel’s development enhancement
Conduct Team-work Management Activities for CID,SGOD AND SDO
Training on GAD Mainstreaming for the School GFPS
Gender Sensitivity Training for ADAS II and ADAS III
Training to pregnant and lactating teachers and non-teaching personnel
TOTAL 5,400

BUKIDNON BULLS: Transforming Schools, Breaking Limits 16

IV. PPAs for Gender and Development (GAD)

Project Title
(PHP ‘000)
Developing /implementing advocacy materials, signage in school and other 500
advocacy materials
Division GAD Focal Point System
Attendance to the Regional, Provincial and National Conferences on GAD 100
Related conferences, trainings, workshops and symposia

BUKIDNON BULLS: Transforming Schools, Breaking Limits 17

V. PPAs for DRR/CCA and Rehabilitation and Recovery

Proposed Budget
Project Title
(PHP ‘000)

Project Support Fund for school visits, quarter meetings and 200
awarding for Best DRRM Implementer
IEC Materials and Reproduction of DRR/CCA Monitoring Form
PFA Training
Capacity Building on Standardized DRRM Module For School 540
TOTAL 1,414

BUKIDNON BULLS: Transforming Schools, Breaking Limits 18

V. PPAs for Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) and Senior Citizens

Proposed Budget
Project Title
(PHP ‘000)
Orientation of School Heads on SPED Program
Enhancement Training of SPED Teachers handling learners with
difficulty in hearing, seeing, and understanding and adaptive behavior 1,500

Enhancement Training of SPED Receiving Teachers 600

Procurement of LMs and Equipment 2,000 

Psychosocial Support and Debriefing of PWD Teachers (those with
previous accidents) 500
Succession and Exit/Retirement Program 500

TOTAL 3,448

BUKIDNON BULLS: Transforming Schools, Breaking Limits 19

V. Summary of FY 2021 Budget Proposal
Number of Proposed FY 2021
Budget Proposal
PPAs Budget (in '000)
Tier 2 Budget Proposal
Total Budget Focus Area A 18 4,156,552
Total Budget Focus Area B 18 82,598
Total Budget Focus Area C 18 109,761
Total Budget Focus Area D 4 6,081,360
Total Budget GAD 11 7,500
Total Budget DRR/CCA 4 1,414
Total Budget Senior Citizen and PWD
6 3,448
TOTAL 43 10,442,633
BUKIDNON BULLS: Transforming Schools, Breaking Limits 20

For comments and endorsement of

the Regional Budget Committee

BUKIDNON BULLS: Transforming Schools, Breaking Limits 21

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