MC Q-Card ICESC-2019fix

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• Greetings Ladies and gentlemen!

• To get a taste of our rich and unique culture, please enjoy TIBA MEKA
Traditional Dance from West Flores

• Tiba means “to welcome”, and meka means “guest”. Tiba Meka is the
traditional dance commonly used to welcome special guests!

• Ladies and gentlemen, that was . . please give a round of applause!

Opening Quote (Rio)
• "Securing a sustainable future will take all of us working together"
(Sharan Burrow)

• The sustainable future we all dream of is inseperable from the world

of science and technology. We are here to gather to contribute to the
body of knowledge and through practical problem solvings by
presenting our latest research and work related to sustainable
development for the betterment of our beloved Province, Nusa
Tenggara Timur.
Indonesian National Anthem (Rio)
• Ladies and gentlemen, we would like to request you to all rise for we
would like to commence this conference by singing the national
anthem of Indonesia.

• Thank you, and kindly be seated

• DOA: We would like to invite Bapak Butje Louk Fanggi to lead us in

the opening prayer.
Welcoming Greet
Good morning, our very warm welcome to his excellency:
• The Head of Region of Manggarai Barat: Bapak Agustinus Dula as the
representative of the governor of Nusa Tenggara Timur
• The director of Politeknik Negeri Kupang, Ibu Nonce Farida Tuati, SE, Msi
• The chair of the International conference on engineering , science and
commerce: Bapak Julius Tanesab, Ph.D
• The senate of Politeknik Negeri Kupang.
• Our honorary keynote speakers from abroad and all participants present in this
• It is a great honor, my name is Rio, I am your host for today!
Welcome Greet (Cont’d) (Rio)
• Altogether, we are over 100 academicians, practicioners, and bureaucrats
gathering here in Labuan Bajo for this conference; connecting, reconnecting, and
opening opportunities for a sustainable future.
• Brief event plan: Our activity will take place for 2 days. We are going to have a full
day conference for today, and will be continued tomorrow with a full day trip to
experience the exotic Labuan Bajo and its surroundings.
• As for our schedule today, we are going to have 4 keynote speakers, continued
with parallel sessions of paper presentations in the afternoon and after lunch.
With that said,
• Welcome to the 1st International conference on Engineering, Science, and
Commerce 2019 hosted by Politeknik Negeri Kupang! [Bersama]
• Let’s have a big round of applause for all of us here!
Opening Speech 1: Chair

• Ladies and gentlemen, we would like to kindly invite the chair of the
organizing committee to provide his opening remarks for
commencing our conference. We welcome to the stage: Bapak Julius
Tanesab, Ph.D.

• Let’s have a round of applause for Bapak Julius Tanesab, Ph.D.

Opening Speech 2: Ibu Nonce Tuati (Rio)
• Ladies and gentlemen, continuing to our next speech, we would like
to kindly invite the Director of Politeknik Negeri Kupang, Ibu Nonce
Farida Tuati, SE, MM, to provide her opening remarks. We welcome
to the stage: Ibu Nonce Farida Tuati, SE, MM

• Let’s have a round of applause for Ibu Nonce Farida Tuati, SE, MM
Opening Speech 3: Bupati
Ladies and gentlemen, for the next speech, we would like to request the honor
from Head of region of Manggarai Barat to kindly proceed to the stage to deliver his
opening speech as well as to commence our conference. …….
We kindly request your excellency to come forward to accept our token of
We would like to invite Ibu Nonce Farida Tuati to the stage to present our token of
To officiate our conference, we invite Bapak Agustinus Dula and Ibu Nonce Farida
Please remain on stage. We would to invite all keynote speakers to the stage to take
a group picture. You may return to your seats
Keynote Speaker (Invite Moderator) (Rio)
Ladies and gentlemen, we have officially started our conference. To
moderate the Keynote speakers session, we would like to invite Dr.
Adrianus Amheka to the stage.

We kindly request the keynote speakers to come forward, and we invite

Pak Julius Tanesab to give our token of gratitude and take a group

You my return to your seats

Keynote Speaker (Continued)
We return the session to the moderator

We kindly request the keynote speakers to come forward, and we invite

Pak Julius Tanesab to give our token of gratitude.

We invite all participants to come forward to take a group picture.

You may return to your seats.

Lunch Time
• Ladies and gentlemen, time has come for our lunch break. We
allocate 1 hour for our lunchbreak which means that we would expect
you to return to level 8 by 2 O’clock for the parallel sessions.
• Ladies and gentlemen, we kindly request you to hand your flash
drives containing your presentation powerpoints at 2O’clock to the
moderator of your parallel session. The parallel sessions schedules
can be observed on the doors of the parallel rooms
• With that said, we kindly invite you to Yoseph restaurant on the
ground level??? Ladies and gentlemen, enjoy your lunch!
Summary and Closing
Ladies and Gentlemen. We do believe that you’ve gained new insights which
will help you develop in our respective fields and professional work
We hope that this is a good start for us to build relationships and networks.
Keep up the spirit and let us walk hand in hand to build better Indonesia
human resources in East Nusa Tenggara Province, and Indonesia in general.

• (Rio) QUOTE: Sustainable development is the pathway to the future we

want for all. It offers a framework to generate economic growth, achieve
social justice, exercise environmental stewardship and strengthen
governance (Ban Ki-moon).

Thank you to all participants...... We will see you again tomorrow for our LBJ
tour! Please give a round of applause for us all!!! Enjoy your stay, Goodnight!

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