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Clinical Anatomy II

Review Test 1
Spring 2020
Differences between
vertebral bodies

• Cervical
• Thoracic
• Lumbar
• Sacrum
• Coccyx
Have you completed this?
Where would this be?
Describe the facet joint orientations –
movements-Act it out

Cervical Thoracic Lumbar


to C2

Vertebral bodies
Cervical region?
How does
blood flow to
spinal cord?
Thoracic region?
How does blood flow
to spinal cord?
Blood supply to vertebral bodies
Blood flow cervical/ thoracic/ lumbar
Venous flow
Review attachments of muscles

Face Face? NO

Yes Cervical: yes

Yes TMJ ms : yes

• What muscles are working?
1981 Nachemsom study on disc pressures
• Least pressure on disc:
• 1.
• 2.
• 3.
• Most pressure on disc:
• 1.
• 2.
• 3.
Show where this is on the vertebral body
What is it called?
SPONDYLYSIS: Fracture of pars interarticularis
Between _____ and ______
What symptoms might someone have?
Muscle Proximal attachment Distal attachment


Temporalis Temporal fossa

Lateral Pterygoid

Medial Pterygoid

Pg. 522-3 great pic of

attachments on mandible
TMJ dysfunction
• Contributors: • Treatment in clinic
Foramen Ovale
Exit of mandibular
branch of trigeminal
n. (CN V3) from skull
Foramen ovale
What foramen does the
trigeminal n. exit? Styloid
Facial n.? Find them on process
the skull

Exit of facial n. (CN VII)
from skull Gilroy Fig 37.6, p. 510
Common Carotid A.
-External Carotid A.
-Facial a.
-Occipital a.
Temporal a.
Can feel pulse anterior
to masseter on inferior
border of mandible.
The a. heads around
nose and to medial
corner of eye

Gilroy Fig 34.4B, p. 517

Venous Drainage
Of Face

No 1-way valves in
face. Blood can
move any direction.
Extra care with facial
infections, esp

Gilroy Fig 40.9A, p. 552

Which sensory innervation level to?:
• Anterior to vertex _____
• Chin _____
• Skin above mouth _____
• Side of jaw _____
• Top of ear _____
• Posterior ear _____
• Forehead _____
• Tip of nose _____
• Under eye _____
• Cheek bone _____
• Posterior Occiput _____
Cranial Dura Mater Partitions
What does the falx cerebri

What does the falx

cerebelli separate? What does
_______________ the tentorim

Gray’s Fig 8.31, p. 831

Know them bones!
Draw where cranial nerves are located in each section
Cranial nerves in cranial fossas
• Anterior • Posterior
• I Olfactory • VII Facial
• VIII Vestibulocochlear
• Middle • IX Glossopharyngeal
• II Optic* • X Vagus
• III Oculomotor • XI Accessory
• V Trigeminal • XII Hypoglossal
• IV Trochlear
• VI Abducens
How does the brain get blood supply?

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