Human Resource Theories

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Human Resource Theories

Frances Ann A. Samson

University of the Philippines
Basic Definition of Human Resource

Human resource management (HRM) is the process of

employing people, training them, compensating them,
developing policies relating to them, and developing
strategies to retain them.
Historical Development of Organizational Theories up
to HRM
Period Concept/Theory School
Prior to 1920 Classical School / Scientific Taylor, Fayol, Gilbreth, Brech, Gantt

1920’s Bureaucracy Weber, Sheldon, Fisler

1930’2 Neo-Classical/ Human Mayo. Maslow, Follet, Banard, Mc

Relations / Behavior School Gregor, Herzberg
1960’s Systems / Contingency Burns and Stalkar, Woodward, Katz
and Khan, Lawrence
1980’s HRM / HRM Theories Beer, Arthur, Huselid,
MacDuffie, Guest, Schular and
Jackson, Gomez-Mejia and Balkin
Strong Trade Government Regulated
Unions Employment

approach to
employment Lacks

Informal and Grey

Job Markets
Comparative HRM

“Originally contained within the emerging study of international

human resource management, it has in recent years developed
into an independent area in its own right.”

“Comparative HRM … insists that human resource management

practices are best understood as a societal phenomena, shaped by
the institutional, cultural and political contexts of their

~ Peltonen and Vaara, 2017

“Comparative HRM seeks to understand individual national contexts
and the way in which HRM is organized in each particular country. It is
not interested in the discovery of general laws and casual
mechanisms in HRM, but in gaining sensitivity for the locally
contingent circumstances surrounding the particular forms and
approaches to labour management.”
~ Brewster, 2007

“Comparative HRM seeks to develop new theories and understandings

in HRM outcomes without any strong comment to priori models and
theories of HRM. It is inductive rather than deductive in its

~ Peltonen and Vaara, 2017

Globalization Effect on Human

“The spread of the individualized, market-based employment

systems is one of the key interests in comparative HRM. The rise of
contingent work, flexible working patters and new organizational
forms are manifestations of what is called ‘culture of new

~ Sennett (1998, 2006)

“The assumption that an employee is committed to one
corporation for the whole of his life is no longer
valid; workers are
left largely to rely on their own devices as free agents seeking jobs
in the constantly changing economic situations.Employees are
treated as entrepreneurs, who are responsible for their own
~ Peltonen and Vaara, 2017
Causes of Employment Shift
1. Major economic crisis all over the world
2. Technology and Internet of things
3. Global capitalism
4. International agreements / treaties
Critical Management Studies

“The advances in modern people management techniques have

not delivered autonomy and self-fulfillment for the employees of
the modern corporation, but, instead have sedimented and
intensified the clash between the capitalist interest and the
working conditions of organizational labour.”

~ Braveman, 1974
Postmodernist /
Labor Process
Critical Theory Poststructuralist

Materialist Focuses on
Focuses on the one
approach to the uncovering
dimensionality of
structuring of techniques and
our cultural beliefs
organizational relations of power
and in the ways
hierarchies under implicit in the
which ideological
the forces of late constitution of
constructions serve
capitalism organizational
the interest of the
objects and

~ Peltonen and Vaara, 2017

Global Labor Process Theory

The application of the main tenets of labour process theory to the

globalizing economy and working life x x x focus on nation-states
and their organization and management of work in an explicitly
global or transnational look.


The GLPT research is particularly interested in analyzing whether
there is an emerging convergence of employment management
practices and organizational forms.
The focus is on the adoption of neo-
Fordist and neo-Taylorist HRM practices that manifest the
intensification of managerial controls.

~ Peltonen and Vaara, 2017

ns Research show signs of
movement towards
Anglo-American model
• Lifetime employment of individualized
• Strong Corporate employment terms and
flatter hierarchies.
Restructurings have led
• Seniority Based to redundancies and
Hierarchy early retirement

~ Morris, Hassard, McCann, 2006

UK Middle

• Increased workload and pace of change

• Cut down in workforce [including middle management] 
demanding for longer working hours, intensifying
monitoring, tightening of competition over the shrinking
vacancies at the top management level.
• Constant re-skilling of the individual of competencies of
• Serious cases of stress and even deep burnout

~ McCann and Hassard, 2008

HRM Theories of Compensation

Reinforcement and Expectancy Theory

Agency Theory

Equity Theory
95K/mo. 537K/mo.
Reinforcement and Expectancy

his theory is based on the The employee is motivated to do a
assumption that, he reward- particular thing for which he is sure
earning behavior is likely to be or is expected that performance
repeated. will be followed by a definite
reward or an outcome.

Agency Theory

This theory states that both the employer and the employee are
the stakeholders of the company, and the remuneration paid to the
employee is the agency cost. The employee will try to get an
increased agency cost whereas the employer will try to minimize it.
Hence, the remuneration should be decided in such a way that the
interest of both the parties can be aligned.

Equity Theory

There should be equity or the uniformity in the pay structure of an

employee’s remuneration. If the employee feels he is not being
paid fairly for the amount of work he does in a day will result in
lower productivity, increased turnover and high absenteeism. 


he must feel that pay for he must feel that his pay is he must feel that individual
different kinds of jobs relatively within industry pay is differentiated by a
within the company is fair. standards. rational matrix.

 The will to do something. Active agreement to do
something for someone.
 Brunei, Burma (Myanmar),
Cambodia, Timor-Leste, Indonesia,
Laos, Malaysia, the Philippines,
Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam.

China, Hong Kong, Macau,

Japan, North Korea, South
Korea, Mongolia and Taiwan.
Clayton Adlerfer ERG Theory

Grow needs

Regression / frustration Progression / growth / development

Relatedness needs

Regression / frustration Progression / growth / development

Existence needs
Edwin Locke Goal Setting Theory
The willingness to work towards attainment of goal is main source of job motivation

Specific and clear goals lead to

Clarity greater output and better
If a goal is especially performance. 
complex, make sure
you give yourself
enough time to This gives an individual a
overcome the Challenge feeling of pride and
learning curve triumph when he attains
involved in Goal them, and sets him up for
completing the task. Setting attainment of next goal.

Feedback is a means of
The individual establish a
gaining reputation,
sense of commitment in
making clarifications and Feedback Commitment
attaining the goal and
regulating goal
wont abandon it

1. McCann, L., Morris, J., & Hassard, J. Middle Managers, The New Organizational
Ideology and Corporate Restructuring: Comparing Japanese and Anglo-American
Management, 2004
2. McCann, L., Morris, J., & Hassard, J. Normalized Intensity: The New Labour Process
of Middle Management, 2008
3. Vaara, E., & Peltonen, T. Critical Approaches to Comparative HRM, 2017
4. Welbourne, T. & Cyr, L. Agency Theory Implications for Strategic Human Resource
Management: Effects of CEO Ownership, Administrative HRM, and Incentive
Alignment on Firm Performance, 1996

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