Strategic HRM

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 What is a strategy
 The company’s long-term plan for how it will balance its
internal strengths and weaknesses with its external
opportunity and threats to maintain a competitive

  At the core, its is the debate between best fit and best
  Used for gaining a competitive advantage
  Innovation: Offer something new; different from
  Quality Enhancement: Products and services
  Cost Reduction: to be the lowest cost provider
  Optimal strategy depends on the wants of customers and
nature of competitors
 Strategic Management is a process for
analyzing a company's competitive
situation, developing the company's strategic
goals, and devising a plan of action and
allocation of resources that will help a
company achieve its goals.

 Strategic human resource management is

the pattern of planned human resource
deployments and activities intended to
enable an organization to achieve its goals.
 Strategic HRM, therefore, is concerned with the following:

1. Analyse the opportunities and threats existing in the

external environment.

2. Formulate strategies that will match the organisation’s

(internal) strengths and weaknesses with
environmental (external) threats and opportunities. In
other words, make a SWOT analysis of organisation.

3. Implement the strategies so formulated.

4. Evaluate and control activities to ensure that

organisation’s objectives are duly achieved.
 Nature of SHRM:

1) Long-term Focus: As business strategies have a long-term orientation, therefore, focus

of SHRM is also long-term probably more than one year.

2) Associated with Goal-Setting: SHRM is highly related with setting of objectives,

formulation of policy and allocation of resources and it is carried out at all levels of top

3) Interrelated with Business Strategies: There is an interrelation between business

strategies and SHRM. E.g. it gives significant inputs when business strategy is
formulated, and human resource strategies (like recruitment, staffing, training and
performance appraisal).

4) Fosters Corporate Excellence Skills: SHRM considers employees as the strategic

potential of the organization and on that basis makes effort to differentiate the
organization from its competitors present in the markets. It also promotes learning of
modern skills.
 Aims of SHRM:

1)To develop Strategic Competencies: to make sure that the company has needed
standards and competent and highly motivated employees for achieving sustainable
competitive advantage.

2)To give Sense of Direction: It guides the organization in the right direction so that
the business requirements of the organization and the individual as well as the co-
operative requirements of its employees are met by creation and attainment of
consistent and reasonable HR policies and programmes.

3)To achieve Integration: Target of SHRM is to give a united framework, so that the
organized HR system works synergistically in accordance with the organizational
strategic objectives.

4)To formulate Business Strategy: by focusing on the measures through which the
organization can use the power of its human resources for the increasing benefits.

Help gain a competitive edge

Help solve HRM problems
Make the efficient use of employees and reduce
 Help anticipate and plan for changes

 Benefit long term


Difficulty in predicating the people

 behavior
 Problems with predicating external events
affecting HR planning
Needing constantly monitoring
 Leading to industrial relation problems
 Philosophy: Statements of how organization values &
treats employees; essentially culture of the organization
 Policies: Expressions of shared values & guidelines for
action on
employee-related business issues
 Programs: Coordinated & strategized approaches to initiate,
disseminate, & sustain strategic organizational change efforts
necessitated by strategic business needs
 Practices: HR practices motivate behaviors that allow individuals
to assume roles consistent with organization’s strategic
objectives.Three categories of roles:
 Leadership
 Managerial
 Operational
 Processes: Continuum of participation by all employees in
specific activities to facilitate formulation & implementation of
other activities

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