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Idea/Approach Details

Ministry/ Organization name : Ministry of Tribal Affairs

Problem Statement : E- Marketplace(Like Amazon, flipkart) wherein tribals

can promote, market and sell tribal produce such as
handicrafts, arts, paintings, minor forest products
etc. On line with provision of delivery and
e-payment and promotional discounts..

Team Name :

Team Leader Name : M.Mangai

College Code : 8203

This Application helps to sell tribal produce products such as
handicrafts, arts, paintings, minor forest products etc. On line with provision of
delivery and e-payment and promotional discounts

We need some distributor ,Sellers, charities to execute this idea.

People who are interested to buy a products can buy that product through
E-payment .

After purchasing the First product through this application provides

20% Cashback offer for every customers. After every purchasing through this
application cashback will be added that customers accounts.
How it Works?
 The client searching or purchasing the any product from the
online sites.
 when after the client completing the searching or purchasing.
The related products advertisement are visible to the user or
the client.
 The many different products of different cost and variety are
show to the client using Advertisement.
 The operations are done at when the user or client accessing
on the other websites.
 The working principle is a COOKIES stored the user or client
accessing websites ,products type,and the searching history.
 The most common algorithms used in recommendation
systems are:
1.Collaborative filtering
Technology Stack

1: Front End: HTML, CSS, JavaScript,Ajax, Jquery

2: Server Side Scripting: PHP, ASP

3: CMS: WordPress + Woo commerce, Magento,

OpenCart, PrestaShop

4: Database: MySQL, MSSQL


Check status
Client app Server app
Alert Message

Notification Update

Location updates

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