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Chapter 8


Jennifer A. Divino
Jeren Rose Tratse
Delejen Nanoy
Arnold Bacroya

 Understanding Curriculum Change and Innovation

 Classification of Change
 Forms of Change
 Strategies of Curriculum Change and Innovation
 Planning and Implementing Change and Innovation
Definition of Change

 Embracing the concepts of innovation, development, renewal and

improvement in curriculum.
 A process not an event, requires time, energy and resources.
 Achieved incrementally and entails development in feelings and
skills in using new programmes.
 Lead to improvement.
 Making the different in some way, to give it a new position or
direction. Often means alteration to its philosophy by way of its
aims and objectives, reviewing the content included, revising its
method and re-thinking its evaluator procedures.
Definition of Innovation

 An intentional and deliberate process to bring out desired effects

and change. (Harris et al., 1995)
 Any improvement that is deliberate, measurable, durable and
unlikely to occur frequently.
Curriculum Innovation and
 Curriculum innovation is defined as deliberate actions to improve
a learning environment by adapting a method of presenting
material to students that involves human interaction, hands-on
activities and student feedback, according to the Annual Review
of Applied Linguistics.

 Changes in curriculum may involve innovation but in general,

change in terms of curriculum involves adapting a new
educational method not necessarily a method with human
Curriculum Innovation and
Curriculum Change Curriculum Innovation
Dictated by the changes in the Ideas or practices that are new and
economic, social and technological different from those that exist in the
aspects of a society. formal prescribed curriculum.
Has magnitude and direction and takes Occurs when human and material
place within a definite time frame. resources are created, selected,
organized and used in ways where the
outcomes are higher achievement of
curriculum goals and objectives.

May occur in response to external Always planned. Become meaningful

events. and effective if they are planned and
Sources of Change and Innovation

 National imposition
 Societal needs
 Technology
 Stake-holder views
Contexts of Curriculum Change

 Occur when the central authority decides to adopt a new idea.

 Usually made known through a circular.
 The desire of authorities at various levels to deliberately change
established practices.
 To tackle existing problems
 Identify new problems
 Seek ways in dealing with those problems
 Due to development of technology
 Adaption on the use of computers in education.
 Using online technology in lessons.
Types of Curriculum Change

 Hardware change
 New classrooms
 Equipment
 Books
 Playgrounds
 Software change
 Affect the content of the curriculum
 Related to the methods of delivery of curriculum
Forms of Changes

 Substitution
 Alteration
 Addition
 Restructuring
 Substitution.
 New textbooks, new equipment, replacement of teachers and
 Alteration.
 Change in existing structures rather than a complete replacement of
the whole curriculum, syllabus or course of study.
 Addition.
 Introduction of a new component without changing old elements or
 Ex: audio-visuals, workshops and equipment
 Restructuring.
 Rearrangement of the curriculum to implement desired changes.
 Sharing of resources among a group of schools or institutions.
Strategies for Curriculum Change
and Innovation
 A strategy of innovation refers to the planned procedures and
techniques used in the desire for change.
 Participate Problem-Solving
 Planned Linkage
 Coercive Strategies
Participative Problem Solving
 This strategy focuses on the users, their needs and how they
satisfy these needs.
 The system identifies and diagnoses its own needs, finds its own
solution, tries out and evaluates the solution and implements
solution if it is satisfactory.
 The emphasis is on local initiative.
Planned Linkage Strategy

 The intermediate agencies, such as schools, bring together the

users of the innovation in this model.
 Hoyle (1993), linkage process is based on the link between the
school and the various specialized/ centralized agencies linkage
centres may be in form of Professional Centres, Resource
Centres, ICT Centres, etc.
 These agencies are the linkage point between the national
agencies of curriculum development, change and innovating
schools, to provide consultancy services and to offer in service
training for teachers and users.
Coercive Strategies

 Work on the bases of power and coercion by those in authority,

using laws directions, using directories, circulars and others.
 Change in accomplished through application of power with those
holding greater power enforcing compliance by those with less
 An already prepared curriculum, developed by government
educational sectors such as National Curriculum Development in
the form of a syllabus document was given to teachers to
 MOE generally used these used these strategies.
Models of Curriculum Change and
 Tanner and Tanner (1980), suggest 3 principal models which
demonstrated how change takes place.
 The research, Development and Diffusion Process Approach or Model
 Problem-Solving Model
 The Social Interaction Approach
The Research, Development and
Diffusion Model
 Innovation is thought out at the head or centre and then into the
 The processes of change as a logical sequence of phases in
which an innovation is;
 Invented or discovered
 Developed
 Diffused
 Disseminated to the user
Problem-Solving Model

 Also called problem reduction model

 Built with the user of the innovation in mind.
 The user of the innovation will follow the steps below:
 Determine the problem
 Search for an innovation
 Evaluate the trials
 Implement the innovation
Social Interaction Model

 Involves the transmission of knowledge by social group of school.

 Change proceeds or diffuses of new ideas, practices or products
through formal or informal contacts between interacting social
 Stresses the importance of interpersonal networks of information,
opinion, leadership and personal contact.
 The spread of new ideas or practices through contacts between
and among teachers within a school, among schools, between
teachers and supervisors, among all others (education bodies)
 Based on:
 Awareness of innovation
 Interest in the innovation
 Trial
 Adoption for permanent use
Planning and Implementing
Change and Innovation
According to Bishop 1986 there are 4 factors:
1. The change agent- teachers, school heads, local authorities or the
ministry of education.
2. The innovation- executing the change itself; put it into
3. The system users- relates to the person or group of people at
which the innovation is directed.
4. Time- innovation is a social process which takes place over a
period of time.
The Innovation Process

1. Identify a problem dissatisfaction/ 5. Evaluate the proposed solution

need that requires attention
2. Generate possible solution 6. Review the evaluation
3. Select a particular and 7. If the innovation has solve the
appropriate solution or innovation identified problem, implement it on a
wide scale.
4. Conduct a trial 8. Adopt the innovation or search for
another solution.
Innovation Planning
Elements to be considered

1. Personnel to be employed 6. Cost and time involve

2. Specification of the actual task 7. Social context
3. Strategy or procedure to be used 8. Sequencing of activity
4. Equipment needed 9. Rational for undertaking the
5. Conducive environment 10. Evaluation of the consequences
of the innovation
Teachers as Agent of Change

 Use various pieces of technology by learning to be constructivist

that can incorporates technology into their curriculum.
 Develop own professional learning, encompass strategies and
interpersonal skills.
 Update and improves the culture of the school
 Becomes more collaborative, reflective, flexible and more
responsive to the development of their own professional learning.

 When curriculum innovation or change is made in the classroom;

 It can enhance the social skills of students and focus on unique
methods for teaching historical, technological, organizational or
political lessons.
 May encourage students to use online tools, multimedia software
applications or hands-on lab experiments and outdoor archaeology
 Encourages educators to defy the norm and think outside of the box
to reach all types of learners with individualized styles instead of
focusing on lessons that are effective for just a few average students
in a classroom.

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