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The Philippines has an estimated $840 billion worth of untapped mineral
resources, according to the Mines and Geosciences Bureau of the Philippines
which is responsible for giving permits to mining companies to do exploration of
mining areas and to commence operation.
Large-scale mining is destructive as it uses the method of open-pit mining
which entails clearing thousands of hectares of rainforests and agricultural
lands, deep excavations to extract minerals, the use of toxic heavy metals and
chemicals to process mineral ores, and the consumption of millions of liters of
water – all of which negatively impact the lives of the Filipino citizens with the
grave disregard for their right to health, life, food security, livelihood, and a
clean environment. This is the social justice issue of large-scale mining. Large-
scale mining is against the sustainability of the environment and of the people’s
cultural identity and quality of life.

• Working in a coal mine, common causes of air pollution

which someone could be constantly exposed to, include
particulate matter (dust particles), toxicants such as
carbon monoxide (CO), as well as highly flammable
gases like methane (CH4). Some of the most serious
effects of working in an underground coal mine, which is
likely to be enclosed and not well ventilated, include black
lung disease and tuberculosis. Dust particles are often
released through common activities such as drilling or
blasting rocks and long-term exposure could even lead to
lung cancer.
• This study is anchored on Plumlee et al (2000) entitled “
An Overview of Mining Related Environmental and
Human Health Issues”. In his study, he focuses about the
acute and chronic diseases one can get from exposure of
• Gas detectors, to measure the level of different gases are
an important feature that should be fitted by an employer.
It is their responsibility to understand that working in a
coal mine, methane and coal dust are the two most
common causes of the explosion. In this case, methane is
more readily ignitable. If any toxic gases or dust particles
are released, a reliable ventilation system is one of the
most important safety features to use in underground
mining. This can also reduce high temperatures that are
likely to rise in a confined space where actions such as
rock blasting and physical labor take place.
• While gas detectors and ventilation systems are always
important for an employer to fit, anyone working in a coal
mine should be provided with sufficient training to
recognize and know how to deal with any possible
hazards, always being provided with sufficient personal
protective equipment (PPE). It may even be possible to
remove them from an area where a toxic substance is
being produced. For example, radio-controlled
underground rock breakers which can be operated from
ground level.
• Overexposure to respirable silica dust for an extended
period of time can lead to silicosis and other
complications including pulmonary tuberculosis,
autoimmune disorders, chronic renal disease, and other
adverse health effects (NIOSH, 2002)
• Dust Assessment Technology to Leverage Mine Site
Manager-Worker Communication and Health
• Mining environments generate large quantities of
respirable dust. Exposure to dust containing crystalline
silica is a serious health concern, making silica exposure
a critical area of research (Laney, Petsonk, & Attfield,
Independent Variables Dependent Variables

Exposure of Mining Health

 the study focuses on the impact of human health that the
mine can affect the health of the mining workers.
 dust from the mine site are dangerous for their respiratory
 if the radioactive materials are being mined (or if the
wastes are radioactive), then there is high risk of getting

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