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Microsoft Excel

▪ is a spreadsheet application developed by Microsoft Windows and Mac OS. If features, calculation, graphing tools, pivot table, and a Macro programming
language called Visual basic for Applications. It has been a very widely applied Spredsheet for these platforms, especially since version 5 in 1993, and it has
replaced lotus 1-2-3 as the industry standard of spreadsheet. Excel forms part of Microsoft Office.

Advance Spreadsheet Skills

By: Sunshine Alota

Cerna Carillo
Desiree Cabrera
Estimating the Product Cost
using Microsoft Excel

Let us assume that we are going to cell milktea

with the following information.
Product Information

Product Name/Brand: Starbuko Organic Milk Tea

Company/Group Name: Starbuko Foods Corporation
Product Decription:
Starbuko Milk Tea is a special milk tea using organic
ingredients especially made for Filipinos.

Ingredients/Materials: tea,water,condensed milk,ice,special


Estimated Sale Price: 25 PHP per cup

We will use Microsoft Excel to find out if our estimated sale price is
reasonable considering the actual price of the ingredients.

Starbuko Organic Milk Tea

Cost Of Ingridients

No. Ingridients Price/Glass

1Organic Tea (1 sachet) PHP 12.00

2Pure Drinking water PHP 0.20

3Sweetened Condensed Milk PHP 13.00

4Cup PHP 2.00

Use the SUM formula to get the summation of the values from C4 to
C7.The SUM formula is =SUM(C4:C7).Type this on cell C8 as shown

Starbuko Organic Milk Tea

Cost Of Ingridients

No. Ingridients Price/Glass

1Organic Tea (1 sachet) PHP 12.00

2Pure Drinking water PHP 0.20

3Sweetened Condensed Milk PHP 13.00

4Cup PHP 2.00

5 Total =SUM(C4:C7)
Check if our estimated price will earn us profit.Type the additional
information shown below then apply the arithmetic formula for

Starbuko Organic Milk Tea

Cost Of Ingridients
No. Ingridients Price/Glass
1Organic Tea (1 sachet) PHP 12.00
2Pure Drinking water PHP 0.20
3Sweetened Condensed Milk PHP 13.00
4Cup PHP 2.00
5Total PHP 27.20
Estimated Price PHP 25.00
Profit =SUM(C4:C7)
The result is PHP2.20. Our estimated price is not profitable Let us make an
adjustment. Include the information below and deduct the total from the New Sale

Starbuko Organic Milk Tea

Cost Of Ingridients
No. Ingridients Price/Glass
1Organic Tea (1 sachet) PHP 12.00
2Pure Drinking water PHP 0.20
3Sweetened Condensed Milk PHP 13.00
4Cup PHP 2.00
5Total PHP 27.20
Estimated Price PHP 25.00
Profit PHP (2.20)

Adjustment Sale Price 35

5. The results is PHP7.80. This is definitely profitable at this
price.However,this doesn’t not guarantee our product’s
6. Save your file as ( 4 Cost of ingredients.xlsx.

Now it is your groups turn to do this for your own

product.Remember to research on the ingredients price and
if applicable,divide the quality of a certain ingredient so that
its cost will only cover one serving.For instance,a 300 ml
condensed milk will cover about three serving of milk tea,so
you have to divide it’s price by three.
Analysing Data using Microsoft Excel
it is now time for us to collect data from our
target market.In reality,researchers would also come up
with survey questions before they release the product
has any chance of succeeding in a target market.
For your group’s product ,come up with several !
that will help you determine how your sample from your
target market would perceive your product.Your target
market for this activity is the people in your
Sample Survey (for food products)
Name:_____________________________________ Age:_______________________________
income/day: ______________________________ (optional)
Instrutions: Circle the letter of your answer.
1. On a scale of 1-5, how would you rate the products quality?
A. 1 B.2 C.3 D.4 E.5
2. On a scale of 1-5 how would you rate the product’s taste?
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 E.5
3. On a scale of 1-5, how would you rate the product’s presentation?
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 E.5
4.Are you satisfied with the product?
A. Yes B.No
5.Would you recommend the product to a friend?
A. Yes B.No
6.How much are you willing to pay for this product?
A. PHP 15 and below
B. PHP 16 -25
C. PHP 36-45
D.PHP 46-55
Suggestions or Comments:________________________________________________________
Add more questions fitting for your product is not a
food replace the “taste” rate with durability or function
rate.Have this survey from approved by your teacher then
produce around 15 copies of these.
Before we do actual product testing your group
has to produce your sample product.Produce samples for
15-20 people.
Start your product testing in your school by letting
students,teachers,and/ or personnel taste/test your
product.Afterward,gather the data and place them in
Microsoft Excel.A sample of this spreadsheet is on the
next page using the milktea example.
Surver Results

In scale of 1-
5 YES/NO Priice

PHP 15 Below

PHP 16-25

PHP 26-35

PHP 36-45

PHP 46-55

No. Name First Name Age Student/Teacher
1 Cruz Ninna 16 Student 5 4 3 4 YES YES ✔

2 it Hyannis 16 Student 4 3 2 5 YES YES ✔
3 Zeta Dia 14 Student 3 4 3 4 YES YES ✔
4 Paras Odeine 14 Student 3 5 3 4 YES YES ✔
5 Rosario Vea 17 Student 4 3 3 4 YES YES ✔
6 Antonio Nate 18 Student 2 4 3 4 YES YES ✔

7o Jules 26 Teacher 5 5 3 4 YES YES ✔
8 Low Jesy Claire 43 Teacher 4 4 4 4 YES YES ✔
9 Angeles Emiko 43 Teacher 5 3 2 4 NO YES ✔

10 Binondo Patricia 42 Teacher 3 4 3 5 YES YES ✔

11 Etpison Christine 44 Teacher 5 5 3 5 YES YES ✔
12 Maria Julia 14 Student 4 4 3 5 YES YES ✔
13 Espela Bea 15 Student 3 5 3 5 YES YES ✔
14 Hilario Suzie 15 Student 5 4 3 5 YES YES ✔
15 Lapiz Adrian 57 Teacher 4 4 3 5 YES YES ✔
This data is raw.Assuming that we have a huge
sample ,we have to apply several formulas to be to easily
analyse the result of this survey.
Let us start by a simple average formula to
determine the average rating of quality
taste,Presentation, and product.

The syntax would be =AVERAGE(cells involved).

Using figure 1,determine the average for Quality:
Determine the average for all your criteria and place them at the bottom of
your survey results similar to the screenshot below:
Criteria Average
Quality 3.9333333
Taste 4.0666667
Presentation 2.9333333
Product 4.4666667

Next,Determine how many people said YES or NO if they were satisfied with
the product or if they would recommend it to their friend.For this. We will use
the COUNTIF function.
COUNTIF Function Syntax:
Range- the cell where the counting will take place
Criteria- the label or value that determines if it is to be counted
Using figure 1 , formula for getting the number of YES for the criteria is
Determine the numbers of YES answer in both criteria and place them at
the bottom of your survey results similar to the screenshot below.

Criteria YES/NO

Satisfied 14

Recomend 15
If we were to determine if we should sell your product or service to
teachers or students, we can use the AVERAGEIF function.
Using the AVERAGE function,we an average a range
if the cell beside it equals to "teacher"and/or”student”
AVERAGEIF uses the following syntax:
=AVERAGEIF(range,criteria range)
Range- the range of cells where you want to look for the
Criteria- a value or label that determines if a cell is part of
the range to be averaged
Average Range(optional)- the actual range of cells that
will be averaged,if omitted, the range will be used instead

Quality ( E5:E19,"Teacher",F
Teacher 5:F19

Teacher 4.3333333

Student 3.6666667 Student [average_range])
With this, we can definitely say that the
teachers rated the product higher.
In other instances, you may also want to use
the SUMIF function which works similarly to the
AVERAGEIF function,except it gets he summation
rather than the average.
Skill Exploration
Exploration 4.1 Bazaar
Using the formulas you have to learned,accomplish the
following by analyzing your data.Use the data you have
1.Determine the number of the people who are willing to pay
a certain amount.
2.How many of the certain group (e.g.,teacher/student)are
willing to pay more?
3.How many of the certain group (e.g.,teacher/student)like the
presentation of the product/service?
Your turn to Shine
1. Determineother instances where you can use the
2.How does Excel help analyse statistical data?
3.List down other functions you were able to realize that are not
part of this lessonthe briefly described each of the.
Take the Challenge!
Try to sell your product or service in school.Then, check
your profits .Encode the data of your profits in Microsoft Excel
then use the formulas you have learned to determine if your
product or service was profitable or not .Log the customer’s age
range as well.
Key Terms
• Accounting Number Format – a number format that is used for accounting

•Orientation – the angle at which a text is displayed

•Count – a function used to count the cells with content in a range
•Sum- a function used to compute for the summation of the number of
•Average – a function used to computer for the average of the number of
the range
•COUNTIF – a function used to count the cells with a specified content
within a range
•SUMIF- a function used to compute to the summation of a range if a
certain condition is met.
•AVERAGEIF- a function used to compute for the average of a
range if a certain condition is met
•Range- the range of cells where you want to look for the criteria
•Criteria- a value of label that determines if a cell is part of the range
to be averaged
•Average Range- the actual range of cells that will be averaged, if
omitted, the range will be used instead

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