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MAY 2019
Negative Experiences Encountered With
Individual/Group/Society From Different

 Experiencing racism during my schooling years abroad

 The most distinctive and upsetting encounter with racism
happened I was in 6th grade and after I got off the school
bus, "Go back to your nation," he said in disgusting tone.
 I was called a "chink" from nowhere and was asked
questions that I had never heard before
Negative Experiences Encountered With
Individual/Group/Society From Different

 People were expecting me to dress up as Mulan or talk Chinese

for Halloween.
 The physical distinctions between Chinese and white students I
had become more conscious of at that point of time. While my
hair was black and straight, they often had blonde and curly hair.
 Minorities seem to be expected to assimilate and forget their
cultures. Sometimes I thought it would be interpreted as I hated
America if I expressed my love for my society.
Effective Ways To Improve Intercultural
Communication Skills Among People Of Multi-
cultural Backgrounds
 After every scenario of intercultural communication, reflect closely
on its results
 Always attempt to comprehend the motivations behind each
conduct of the other side
 Regularly questioning your views and assumptions
 Searching for unpleasant circumstances
 Practice mindfulness
 Suspend Judgment

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