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Prepared by:
Stoj Shakya
• Chibahas are Buddhist shrine , Miniature chaityas
• the relics are not related with Buddha
• built in those places where Buddha made footprints
• mostly found in Bahas. Also in Nanis, residential courtyards,
dhungedhara, etc.
• main ornamental structure in Bahas.
• Material: stone and carving in it. Sometimes brick is also used
Chibahas in Nani Chibahas in Baha
• complex symbolism of Buddha and his
• modified by Newari artists with the
passage of time
• exclusively Buddhist shrine but Hindu
people also worship it.
• for the gain of religious merits with
some wish in mind
• Chibahas in Buddhism are like temples
in Hinduism
• consist of pedestal base with lotus
design carved. (Lotus represents purity
while rooted to mud. Lotus also
represents Dharmachakra which is a
vital element of Buddhism).
• Lower part of chibahas shows the
Buddha in different poses
Essential elements:
• Plinth (Medhi). may be square or octagonal.
• dome - Garbha (womb) or Anda (egg).
• multi-stage spire or finial or chattra of multiple layer (13 layers)
represents different stages of Nirvana. This is also called
Thrayodasi Bhuvan.



Lotus base

Those elements of chibahas also represents different
elements of universe such as earth, water and fire.

Finial/Spire Cone- Fire

Garbha/ Anda Dome- Water

Cube- Earth
Plinth/ Medhi
The four image in four cardinal directions
represents four dhyani Buddha.
• 1. Akshobhya (east) - represents cosmic
element of consciousness.
• 2. Ratnasambhava (south)- represents
cosmic element of sensation.
• 3. Amitabha (west)- represents element
of life and light.
• 4. Amoghasiddhi (north)- represents
cosmic element of confirmation.
• Center- Mahadhyani Buddha called
Vairocana represented by the eyes on the
• Eyes on the harmika and its carving is the
special characteristics of chibahas of
• The eyes represents wisdom and
• According to the time they are built, chibahas are
categorizes into two types.

1. Lichchhavi chibahas:
• square base and are of two tires.
• four gateways in each levels and have a hemispherical
dome above it.
• Old- flattened/simple dome new- bell like form.

2. Malla Chibahas:
• imitated the shape of Swayambhunath stupa.
• around 350 chaityas in Kathmandu valley, 124 chibahas
are located in Lalitpur.
• The hermika and eyes in chibaha was only introduced in
Malla period. Chibahas of Lichchhavi period didn’t have
hermika and eyes.

It is clear that Chibahas are very essential element of Buddhist

architecture as well as Newari architecture.
Since they are smaller in size and carry a very strong meaning,
people started building chibahas in their homes in areas such
as gardens, private courtyards, terraces, etc.
In spite of being Buddhist architectural element, Newar
people (Buddhist and Hindu) have modified it with time and
made it even better.
Thank you

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