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CBA and why
do we do
• Assessment carried out by teachers based
on the learning that has taken place within
the context of a classroom.
• It offers feedback to teachers and students
on the quality of the learning performance
supporting its ongoing improvement.
• Helps students obtain life skills in which
will stand to you in all aspects of life.
• Allows students the chance to have
freedom and creativity within the Junior
Cert Curriculum.
• Is worth 10% of your overall Junior Cert
Geography grade.
-International Bureau of Education (2020)

s Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA-NC

For this Class:
• By the end of this class, ALL of you will be able to explain what
a CBA is, why it is beneficial to you.
• You will be able to navigate the website to find the resources
you need to complete your CBA. 
• You will have an understanding about internet safety and know
how to stay safe online. 
• You will have a several ideas of what they you may carry
out your CBA on. 
Overall for your whole Geography CBA:
• Analyse a geographical event in the news
• Demonstrate Knowledge and an understanding of
your chosen event.
• Show awareness and skills through various types
of research relevant to your chosen event
• Present information in a structured format and
present it to your fellow peers.
• Gain confidence and key life skills through your
completion of the Geography CBA.
in the
• ANY recent geographical event,
ANYWHERE in the world of
significance on a local, national
or global scale, as reported in the
media in one form or another.
This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA-NC
Total= 3 weeks
Week 1 “Getting Ready”
• Introductory class on how the
CBA will be completed and what
its about.
• Relevant resources will be
explained so you can
research geography in the news.
• Pick a topic that interests you
and is approved by the teacher.
• You must have a topic picked
the end of week 1. 
“ Completing “Deciding Level of
the CBA” Achievement”
•You will research your chosen • You will work individually and in
topic using various media groups to self and peer-assess your
resources provided in week 1. finished projects, this will allow you to
• If several students have picked fix any mistakes you may have missed
the same topic they may work and get/give advice to your peers
in groups to share information
and resources.
•Once the information has been • You will present your CBA on
collected you must decide how geography in the news providing
they will present it individually. the information you gather and your
response and opinions on it.  
• This can be done in a wide
range of formats.
• Student much have •Teacher will decide level of achievement
presentation made by the end that has been provided by the NCCA. 
of week 2.
Internet Safety :
When Researching online remember
the following:
1. Recommended search engine :
2. Don’t click on any pop up adds
3. Never reveal personal information,
such as address, phone number, or
school name or location.
4. Don’t sign up for or spend money
on any online resources which may
appear to be helpful or offer you
extra notes/information.
This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-
This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC

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