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The Journey has

October is back! Beyond the
Loopingthrutime, Inc. Loop went to print back on
would like to wish January 29, 2010, allowing for
an official release date of March
everyone Happy St. 29, 2010. I’ve already received
copies for a book signing most
Let us begin Patrick’s
in 2010! BeyondDay
the Loopandis set to make likely in May 2010 in lieu of
it’s official debut March 29, 2010! You can pre-order some recent “additions” to my
your copy of thewonderful
2 installment of The Loopingthrutime own family.
Trilogy from Publish America TODAY! Let the luck of the On February 27, 2010 my daughter Abigail Kelly Thrift
Irish lead you down the right path, unlike October, to was born. She weighed 7 lbs 10 oz and measured 20
good fortune and steadfast joy! inches long, having been born at exactly 10:00 PM that
Now she’s a bouncing, lively baby girl that just can’t get
enough food it seems. Mommy and Daddy have had
many long nights getting acclimated to our new bundle
of joy. As a consequence, any book signings for Beyond
the Loop had to be adjusted to allow us time with our
baby girl. But take heed, not even a new baby can’t
With this edition of the Loopingthrutime, Inc. newsletter, I
stop October’s rampage!
will focus on the character of Willis October, showing some
of the mystery and intrigue that has led this man to a As you might recognize, Abby’s name closely resembles
crossroads. From the ashes of disaster this man’s new that of one of the characters from The Civilization Loop,
myth was born. What happened after his demise turned one Kelly Abigail St. Claire Thrift. Honestly, Kelly, minus
him into a legend! the British accent, is how I picture Abby may look one
The end…was only the day when she is older. A beautiful baby that will one
day mature into an even more beautiful woman. Let’s

beginning. just hope it doesn’t happen too fast!

October, however, will never lay a hand on this precious
baby girl. He’s a fictitious character, or is he? That’s
the thing about myths and legends, they all are
grounded in some sort of historical fact. So who knows,
October may be out there now waiting on all of us to let
The Journey of Willis October…. The Man, The Myth, The Legend
How does the world look…
through his eyes?

The Eyes of October

If we all have a destiny, then how are our lives ever truly our
own? October ,to some degree, didn’t believe in fate, but yet
had a fateful end that even he began to wonder about.
We all share the same fate which is death. When, where, why,
and how are always answered later at a time that is not of our
Willis October was his name and manipulating history was his
choosing. However, October knew when the end was coming,
game. In The Civilization Loop you read about some of this
just not for himself.
maniacal rogue time traveler's back story, the places he went,
the possibilities he encountered. In Beyond the Loop you will One hundred ninety-nine times this man allowed fate to fulfill it’s
live this man’s back story. purpose for us all, culminating in the destruction of literally
everything on May 5, 2012. That WAS the end date for us all, a
Just how did he come to acquire his cylindrical time traveling
true catastrophe that could have been prevented. But October’s
device in the first place?
fate was not sealed there.
What were his reasons for not trying to save humanity, rather
October’s demise would only come in one of the most unlikely
than allowing them to die time and time again?
set of circumstances ever imaged. On a mythical island by a
What did October experience after his life came to an end? being thought no longer to exist, even in that time.
Now you will learn the answer to these questions and many We felt his bloodcurdling scream and agony as the life he once
more as October runs a gauntlet throughout history and takes had was taken away from him. We felt his unrelenting defiance
us all on a journey we won’t soon forget. to all known things throughout his encounters with Dr. Bobby
Peterson and so many others. But we never truly understood the
Willis October, the end was only the beginning as his journey
3 man or even why he chose to do what he did. 4
Destino de Octubre…. The TIME has finally come…
Now, in Beyond the Loop, you will finally learn the reasons for The Clock is ticking!
why October chose to be the way he was. You’ll attempt to
understand his purpose, albeit one of pure evil and hate.
You’ll see why even bad people must exist in this world
because without them none of us would ever reach our
ultimate destiny.
Willis October only kneeled once, perhaps twice (as illustrated
below), but he would not bend or break his own perverse will
to do as he pleased and leave humanity wondering for all time
just what was the destiny of this man?
To find out just what his destiny is…
You’ll have to read the book!
Go to to learn more about this man.

On the new cover for Beyond the Loop, you might be

wondering what the top part of the image is suppose to
Obviously, the circular formation is a top angled view of
Stonehenge, in the design utilized for the cover of The
Civilization Loop. The “warped” structure in the center is the
time traveling cylindrical device, known as the Collider, used
by Willis October. Of course the pin wheel motion is that of
time itself beginning to pull the Collider into it’s vortex of
But there’s more.
With the Collider warped, it represents the two hands of a
clock. Obviously the top view of Stonehenge would be the
face of the clock. The two hands are pointing to the exact
time the world comes in an end on May 5, 2012, at
5 approximately 5:46 PM Eastern Standard Time. A simple way 6
to provide a little bit of trivia from The Civilization Loop right
The Future is Bright!

Williamston, SC 29697
150 Paulan Road
Attn: Jason R. Thrift
Loopingthrutime, Inc.
With Beyond the Loop set to release on March 29,
2010, I will begin the editing process for The Eternal
Loop, the final installment of The Loopingthrutime
Trilogy. After that I may begin the prequel/sequel
trilogy Is Real about the story of the Lost Civilization
of Atlantis, inspired by The Civilization Loop. Only
the outline has been drafted at this point, but the
stories are there and ready to be written. This will
introduce a new assortment of characters all having
to deal with the formerly mythical island coming to
Things of interest…
Did you know?

City, State Zip Code

Some scientists now believe that volcanism, along with
extreme climate change may have contributed to the
extinction of the dinosaurs and that the K/T Event
(meteor impact 65 million years ago) was only icing on
the cake to finish them off.
Adolf Hitler believed that the Aryan Race was once a
supreme humanoid culture that may have originated
from the Island of Atlantis. He heavily studied the
occult throughout his adult life, particularly during his
Nazi regime in the 1930’s and 1940’s. However, he
also pursued some ancient Judeo-Christian relics such
as the Ark of the Covenant, Spear of Longinus and the
Holy Grail, all in an effort to extend his power to control
the masses and conquer the world.
Web Sites:
pingthrutime, Inc.
n R. Thrift
Paulan Road
amston, SC 29697
) 940-8536

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