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Who is Friedrich Nietzsche?
• Influential German philosopher Friedrich
Nietzsche (1844-1900) is known for his writings
on good and evil, the end of religion in modern
society and the concept of a "super-man.“
• Philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche was born on
October 15, 1844, in Röcken bei Lützen,
Germany. In his brilliant but relatively brief career,
he published numerous major works of
philosophy, including Twilight of the
Idols and Thus Spoke Zarathustra. In the last
decade of his life he suffered from insanity; he
died on August 25, 1900. His writings on
individuality and morality in contemporary
civilization influenced many major thinkers and
writers of the 20th century.
How does Nietzsche define and
characterize “freedom”
• Freedom is the will to be
responsible for ourselves. It is
to preserve the distance
which separates us from other
men. To grow more indifferent
to hardship, to severity, to
privation, and even to life
• A society or a human society is a group
of people involved with each is a group
through persistent relations or large
social grouping sharing the same geo-
graphical or social territory subject to
the same political authority and dominant
culture expectations
God in the philosophy of Friedrich
• The death of God didn’t strike
Nietzsche as an entirely good
thing. Without a God, the
basic belief system of
Western Europe was in
Philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche
• Superman, German Übermensch, in philosophy, the
superior man, who justifies the existence of the human
race. “Superman” is a term significantly used by
Friedrich Nietzsche, particularly in Also sprach
Zarathustra (1883–85), although it had been employed
by J.W. von Goethe and others. This superior man
would not be a product of long evolution; rather, he
would emerge when any man with superior potential
completely masters himself and strikes off
conventional Christian “herd morality” to create his
own values, which are completely rooted in life on this
earth. Nietzsche was not forecasting the brutal
superman of the German Nazis, for his goal was a
“Caesar with Christ’s soul.” George Bernard Shaw
popularized the term “superman” in his play Man and
Superman (1903).
Friedrich Nietzsche and the Superman
> Rather he unheld the idea that god is dead.
> However it became ironic also that nietzsche
originated one of the most masculine philosophies
the philosophy of the superman.
> The fact that he called for the fullest expression of
human vitality in the name of the will of power.
> He was able to excel in classics, religion,literature
And philosophy and he greatly by works of plato.
There he had the good fortune to meet professor
friedrich ritschi
The Philosophy of Arthur Schopenhauer
>Schopenhauer’s philosophy is know as pessimism
>Life is an irrational, purposeless striving for a
pointless existence.
>He held that the little salvation that we have comes
only from resisting the blind will to live at costs
>He held tat art and philosophy help us in order to
turn pain into knowledge it was for this reason that
arthur admired his mother’s friend Johann
Wolfgang Von Goethe had tured so many of the
pains of love into knowledge .
The Writings of Nietzsche
• Because of his style of writing nietzsche was
given the title the father of postmodernism.
• These were the apollonian culture and the
dionysian culture. The apollonian culture after the
good apollo was the formal element of a culture
which gives measure,restraint,form,and
individuality to life, supplying the opportunity to
share in the ideal world.
The Will to Power
• the will to power, regardless of one’s race or culture.
His opinion, therefore, is that when one adheres to
humility and patience, he will therefore become a
feeble loser who is motivated mainly by resentment
(Moore & Bruder, 419).
• Nietzsche rejected the concept of equality according to
him the idea of a superman the highest level of
development and expression of physical
Master Morality versus Slave Morality
• This is taken as a response to darwin’s idea
• Nietzsche believed that has to be divided into the
two kinds the herren moral or the mastery
morality and the herden moral or the slave
Nietzsche unheld the idea that the greatest virtue
would be ruthlessness, exploitation and mastery
over other especially the weak
Because christianity values meekness humility self-
denial sympathy kindness and charity nistzsche
called christianity a perverted morality.
The Death of God
• The death of God leads, therefore, to the advent
of a Superman whose strength of the will, the
hardness, and the ability to make far-reaching
decisions refer not only to putting down the
intolerable present but also the fearless charting
of the unseen future. Superman is the apex of
the master morality, the force that will recreate
the values.
• Therefore, Christianity should be considered a
religion of pity because it has a dressing effect.
• God’s first mistake, according to Nietzsche, was
the creation of science, the placing of the tree of
knowledge in the middle of paradise.
• In this case, Nietzsche believed that there
should, therefore, be only one moral precept .
Thou shall not know.
Thank You
Good Afternoon

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