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Insect Pest Management

of Pests Attacking
Fruitfly: “Putakti”
 Crops Affected:
– Ampalaya

 Damage
 Necrosis around the puncture
mark is visible on the fruit.
 Control and Management
 Biological ( Trichoderma, gramma,
 Cultural Control (using certified seeds,
fertilizer application, timing of planting)
 Mechanical control (baloton)

 Chemical control ( Spraying)

Aphids: Dugos-dugos
 Crops Affected:
– Squash
 Damage
 Wilting

 Stunted Growth

 Leaves curled downward, wrinkled

 Control and Management
 Pruning of the heavily affected leaves and
proper disposal
 Use of Yellow Sticky Traps to lessen aphids
 Use of botanical extracts like kakawate, etc.
 Use of plastic mulch, it can repel insect pest
 Proper monitoring and early/timely
application the prepared concoctions.
Leaffolder: Maniniklop dahon
 Crops Affected:
– Ampalaya
 Damage
 Development of lace-like patches
composed of network intact,
small leaf veins.
 Folded leaves that covered with
web are visible with pupa inside
& larva.
 Skeletonize the leaves due to
continuous feeding.
 Control and Management
 Hand picking of larva to reduce the
 Removal of damage plant part and proper
 Proper monitoring and early/timely
application of prepared concoctions.
 Crops Affected:
– Ampalaya -Okra
-Eggplant -Beans

 Damage
 Deterioration of the whole leaf
 leaves have tunneling pattern,
which appears whitish to pale
 Control and Management
 Use of yellow sticky traps to reduce adult leaf
 Removal of damage plant part and proper
 Proper monitoring and early/timely
application of prepared concoctions.
 Spray insecticide in case of severe damage.
Squash Beetle
 Crops Affected:
– Squash

 Damage
 Large holes on the leaf are
 Defoliation may occur if
infestation is severe
 Control and Management
 Cultivation (plowing & harrowing) may
destroy pupation in the soil.
 Collection of the beetles early in the morning
 Proper monitoring and early/timely
application of concoction preparation.
 Application of insecticides if severe.
Fruit worm:Tigre
 Crops Affected:
– Eggplant

 Damage
 Large holes on the leaf are
 Defoliation may occur if
infestation is severe
 Control and Management
 Avoid vegetable farming near tobacco and
cotton fields.
 Proper disposal of damaged plant parts.

 Use of parasitoids and natural enemys.

 Hand picking of larvae.
 Application of insecticides if severe.
Fruit and Shoot Borer
 Crops Affected:
– Eggplant

 Damage
 Small – darkened holes
surrounded w/ brownish areas
on fruit surface
 Wilted shoots are visible
 Control and Management
 Avoid overhead irrigation
 Irrigate as early as to allow the plant to dry
before night.
 Avoid working in the field when wet.
 Use parasitoid and natural enemy's.
 Proper disposal of damaged plant parts.
 Application of insecticides if severe.
Leaf hopper
 Crops Affected:
– Tomato
 Damage
 Yellowing of the leaves followed by
crinkling and upward curling
 Leaf tips and margins develops
necrotic areas
 Bronzing of entire leaves can be
 Control and Management
 Use of resistant/tolerant varieties.

 Pruning of old and damage leaves.

 Proper monitoring and timely application of
contact insecticides/or prepared concoctions
 Proper disposal of damaged plant parts.

 Application of insecticides if severe.

Broad mite: kuto
 Crops Affected:
– Tomato -Pepper
-Eggplant -Cucumber
 Damage
 Younger leaves are cupped
downward, brittle, & narrower
than normal.
 Areas between veins are
brownish, dried out & brittle in
severe cases.
 Control and Management
 Pruning of old and damage/infected leaves.

 Proper monitoring and timely application of

contact insecticides/or prepared concoctions
 Proper disposal of damaged plant parts.
 Spraying of botanical insecticides such as hot
pepper and kakawate extracts.
 Crops Affected:
– All Crops
 Damage
 Skeletonize the leaves due to
continuous feeding.
 Presence of large holes on the leaf
blade and on the fruits.
 The upper parts of the leaves are
withered or dry.
 Control and Management
 Hand picking of the larvae to reduce the population.
 Use of predators/natural enemys.
 Use of mulching to prevent pupation in the soil.
 Cultivation (plowing, & harrowing) could reduce
pupation in the soil.
 Eliminate weeds.
 Proper monitoring and early/timely application of
contact and systemic insecticides or prepared
Disease Management
of Vegetables
Phomopsis Blight
 Crops Affected:
– Eggplant
 Symptoms
 Prevalent during rainy
 Leaves become brown,
lesions w/ small specks
 Form long sunken lesions
on stems, as well as on
 Control and Management
 Early removal of infected plants or
plants parts.
 Practiced crop rotation.
 Application of copper-based
Downy Mildew
 Crops Affected:
– Ampalaya -Upo

-Patola -water melon

Cucumber -Cabbage

 Symptoms
 Symptoms on leaves are pale yellow
angular spots on cucumber, & patola,
on papaya, spots are not so angular.
At advance stage, lesion turn brown or
purplish gray.
 Low temp. and high humidity favors
disease development.
 Control and Management
 Good field sanitation.
 Wide spacing between plants
 Use of resistant or tolerant varieties
 Avoid over head irrigation (water plants early
in the morning
 Practiced crop rotation.
 Application of fungicides and prepared
Gummy stem blight
 Crops Affected:
– Ampalaya
 Symptoms and Characteristics
 Prevalent during rainy season
 Lesions are dark-gray to
brown and normally starts in
leaf edges
 Older leaves can become
yellowish and die when the
first fruit begin to mature
 Control and Management
 Good field sanitation.
 Practiced crop rotation.
 Preventive application of fungicides and
prepared concoctions.
Phytophthora blight
 Crops Affected:
– Pepper
 Symptoms and Characteristics
 Occurs under high temperatures
conditions with excessive soil
 Can attack leaves, stem, and fruits
 Lesions on stem are dark green to
dark brown, water-soaked & irregular
 Infected young seedlings could wilt &
 Control and Management
 Good field sanitation.
 Avoid poorly drained fields.
 Practiced crop rotation.
 Preventive application of fungicides and
prepared concoctions.
Early blight
 Crops Affected:
– Tomato
 Symptoms and Characteristics
 Occurs under high temperatures
and low humidity conditions
 The disease affects all above-
ground parts of the plant
 Dark gray and water soaked
lesions develops on the leaves
 Control and Management
 Good field sanitation.
 Practiced crop rotation.
 Preventive application of fungicides and
prepared concoctions.
Squash Leaf Curl
 Crops Affected:
– Squash
 Symptoms and Characteristics
 Severe stunting and leaf
 Mottling of interveinal tissues.
 Enations may also occur on
lower part of infected leaves.
 Transmitted by whiteflies.
 Control and Management
 Good field sanitation.
 Early removal of infected plants
 Practiced crop rotation.
 Control of whitefly populations using
yellow traps and use of insecticides.
 Use prepared concoctions.
Bacterial wilt
 Crops Affected:
– Eggplant
 Symptoms and
 Wilting of the whole plant.
 Browning of the vascular
strands at the basal part of
the stem.
 Control and Management
 Good field sanitation.
 Early removal of infected plants.
 Application/spraying with copper-based
fungicides/proper and timely application of
prepared concoctions.
Bacterial Spot
 Crops Affected:
– Tomato
 Symptoms and Characteristics
Can attack leaves, stems, petioles & fruits
 Lesions on leaves are dark, water soaked
and circular spots under high humidity
conditions, may become larger & cover
the entire leaf area giving the plant a
blighted appearance
 On fruits, small black specks are formed
which may enlarge to become brown,
slightly sunken, scabby spots, and are
sometimes surrounded by halo.
 Control and Management
 Good field sanitation.
 Use resistant varieties
 Early removal of infected plants
 Preventive application of copper-based
fungicides. Use prepared concoctions.

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